.bk J06 .fl U730pc .fd strata assignment .rd U730 .ri pC .ed U730 .ei pC list2 f I10 I11 188 toposil, exposed many years 189 topsoil 190 part of brickfall 191 part of brickfall 192 pit fill contemporary to pit f142 193 is the glacis under the brickfall 194 mixed feature from cleaning the section, therefoore no stratigraphical relevance 195 mixed feature from cleaning the section, therefoore no stratigraphical relevance 196 mixed feature from cleaning the section, therefoore no stratigraphical relevance 197 the bin comes before the brickfall, while the brickfall partly overlays it and the bin is lower in elevation than the brickfall 198 accumulation under stones of bin a7 199 pit cut: it is filled with phase 4 pottery and cuts glacis f164 200 dump under pit. It rests on glacis f300 and glacis f164. Pottery dates the feature 201 wall under bin a7, but reused as basement for mud brick walls. It comes slightly before the bin a7, but later than ^glacis1 202 toposil, exposed many years 203 accumulation under bin and above ^glacis1. This accumulation is a period of time between glacis and the bin 204 ^glacis1, which is located under bin and some accumulations: the accumulation gives an indication of some time between the glacis and the bin 205 mixed feature from cleaning the section, therefore no stratigraphical relevance 206 ^glacis1, which is located under bin and some accumulations: the accumulation gives an indication of some time between the glacis and the bin 207 part of stones of bin a7 208 mixed feature from cleaning the section, therefoore no stratigraphical relevance 209 topsoil, exposed several years 210 fill of a water channel, located under natural accumulations after the abandonment of the area 211 stones fallen from north of wall f218. They rest on top of natural accumulations and they were covered by natural accumulations: the area was abandoned 212 stones fallen from north of wall f218. They rest on top of natural accumulations and they were covered by natural accumulations: the area was abandoned 213 natural accumulation under floating stone 214 accumulation under stones of bin a7 215 stones fallen from north of wall f218. They rest on top of natural accumulations and they were covered by natural accumulations: the area was abandoned 216 natural accumulation under floating stone 217 mixed feature from cleaning the section, therefoore no stratigraphical relevance 218 wall which should be early: it is not compleatly exposed until the bottom, but stratigraphically many third millennium features abut it: it should be also earlier than wall f129, while f129 is not bonding and f219 goes deeper than f129 219 wall which should be early: it is not compleatly exposed until the bottom, but stratigraphically many third millennium features abut it: it should be also earlier than wall f129, while f129 is not bonding and f219 goes deeper than f129 220 sits in pit fill f192 221 stones of the bin, which come before the brickfall and after ^glacis1 222 toposil, exposed many years 223 natural accumulation under floating stone 224 stones fallen from north of wall f218. They rest on top of natural accumulations and they were covered by natural accumulations: the area was abandoned 225 stones fallen from north of wall f218. They rest on top of natural accumulations and they were covered by natural accumulations: the area was abandoned 226 pit fill of f199, dated by pottery 227 glacis f164 abuts it, therefore is earlier. It is later than wall f129 228 natural accumulation under floating stone 229 it is cut by pit f199 230 natural accumulation 231 pit fill of f199 232 under f164 233 part of bin a7 235 under f164 236 sits in f235, which is under f164 (dated with pottery) 237 under f235, which is under f164 (dated with pottery) 238 located above glacis f242, wich is ^glacis1 239 pavement associated with bin a7 240 floor above glacis f242, wich is ^glacis1 241 upper part of natural accumulations with collapsed stones 242 glacis same as ^glacis1 243 accumulation of pebbles filling water channel f269, which comes before the collapse of stones and after the bin and glacis 244 stones fallen from north of wall f218. They rest on top of natural accumulations and they were covered by natural accumulations: the area was abandoned 245 stones fallen from north of wall f218. They rest on top of natural accumulations and they were covered by natural accumulations: the area was abandoned 246 upper part of natural accumulations with collapsed stones 247 it is a repair phase of the upper portion of ^wall6: the stones are different in dimentions than the rest of ^wall6 and they are set differently and not so accurate. The coures of this wall are shifted about 10 cm to the west than the stones of ^wall6. Some stones go under the staircase f255 248 topsoil 249 topsoil 250 upper part of natural accumulations with collapsed stones 251 under topsoil 252 floating stones sitting in f251 probably coming from a structure collapsed from the north 253 254 stones fallen from north of wall f218. They rest on top of natural accumulations and they were covered by natural accumulations: the area was abandoned 255 staircase belonging to the main construction phase of temple terrace, together with revetment wall 256 it is a repair phase of the upper portion of ^wall6: the stones are different in dimentions than the rest of ^wall6 and they are set differently and not so accurate. The coures of this wall are shifted about 10 cm to the west than the stones of ^wall6. Some stones go under the staircase f255 257 above f243 258 259 above pit and glacis 260 is tentatively dated to Late Third Millennium on the base of the elevation, location and characteristics of the soil, very similar to ^glacis3 261 pit fill same as f192, dated by pottery 262 rests on f260, which is tentatively dated to Late Third Millennium on the base of the elevation, location and characteristics of the soil, very similar to ^glacis3 263 between the stones and wall f218 was a thick layer of accumulation, therefore i assume the stones were collapsed and not part of the wall. The elevation of the stones is high and therefore i tentatively assign the collapse of the stones to a main event of collapse of wall f218 and f219 in late mittani 264 265 is tentatively dated to Late Third Millennium on the base of the elevation, location and characteristics of the soil, very similar to ^glacis3 266 above f280, which is under f164, dated from pottery 267 fill of pit f199 268 under f164, dated from pottery 269 water channel located under collapse of stones in Late Mittani; cuts f275 270 sits in f243, which is high in elevation 271 same as f184 272 accumulation under stones collapsed in later times 273 floor surface under f271 274 275 is tentatively dated to Late Third Millennium on the base of the elevation, location and characteristics of the soil, very similar to ^glacis3 276 is tentatively dated to Late Third Millennium on the base of the elevation, location and characteristics of the soil, very similar to ^glacis3 277 floor surface under f271 278 the ash comes before the glacis f276 and intrudes partly f275. It could be contemporary to the pit a8 279 280 under f164 281 toposoil 282 cuts f199 and f192,therefore comes later than pit f199 283 cuts f199 and f192,therefore comes later than pit f199 284 under ^wall6. dated by pottery 285 under ^wall6. dated by pottery 286 same elevation and characteristics of floors in J2 dated to EDIII (J2f362) 287 as for f284 and f285, this feature is located under wall f129 288 same as f192 289 as for f284 and f285 290 as for f284 and f285 291 same elevation and characteristics of floors in J2 dated to EDIII (J2f362) 292 same elevation and characteristics of floors in J2 dated to EDIII (J2f362) 293 dump under pit. It rests on glacis f300 and glacis f164 294 mixed pottery. Elevation is low, therefore could be same as f311, f316, f317, f318 295 as f276 296 as f232, under f164, dated to the Late Akkadian from pottery 297 as f237 298 299 sits in f297, under dated feature f164 300 is later than f129 and f227, while abuts them: but still not clear if f300 abuts wall f227 or wall f227 cuts it. I opt more for the first possibility, therefore f300comes later or is contemporary to f227 301 as for f200, dated from pottery to the EDIII 302 mixed 303 same elevation and characteristics of floors in J2 dated to EDIII (J2f362) 304 not clear the stratigraphical situation 305 under f297 306 same as f200 307 under f305 308 while this layer is at the elevation of the base of wall f129, it could be the first accumulation after the construction of wall f129 309 same as f275, is tentatively dated to Late Third Millennium on the base of the elevation, location and characteristics of the soil, very similar to ^glacis3 310 same as f275, is tentatively dated to Late Third Millennium on the base of the elevation, location and characteristics of the soil, very similar to ^glacis3 311 same as f284 312 is the salmon colorated floor same as in J2f359 (few meters to the west), which is dated for the pottery assemblage to EDIII 313 under ^wall6. 314 same as f275, is tentatively dated to Late Third Millennium on the base of the elevation, location and characteristics of the soil, very similar to ^glacis3 315 under f309 316 under wall f129 317 under wall f129 318 under wall f129 319 toposil, exposed many years 320 under wall f129 321 high elevation, abuts wall f218 and is higher than f260. It is a brickfall of a structure to the north or east 322 mixed, but most likely is all same as f275, f265 323 mixed, but most likely same as f192 324 located under walls f219 and f129. It could be a substructure for the staircase or the mud brick glacis under the staircase, or as we first discovered it a foundation box. In the first two possibilities the wall is built before the main phase of the temple terrace, which seems more likely. In the secon hypothesis it is contemporary to walls f129 and f219 325 under f320, which is lower than the base of wall f129 326 unclear 327 under f129, therefore is dated before the staircase and wall f129 328 or contemporary or sligthly later than f129, while f328 abuts it 329 unclear 330 unclear