Laura Ramos
Ancient Disease and Trauma: A Case from Tell Mozan, Syria Dating to 1600 BCE
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Patrizia Camatta and Juliane Goischke
Tell Mozan/Urkesh, Syrien: Bauarchäologische Untersuchung der Tempelterrasse
Masterstudium Denkmalpflege an der TU Berlin, Heft 6, Dorothée Sack et al. (eds.)
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Arwa Kharobi, Giorgio Buccellati, Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati, Patrice Courtaud and Henri Duday
The Place of infants in the ancient society of Tell Mozan (Northeastern Syria) during the Middle Bronze Age (2000-1600 BC): An Archeothanatological Approach
8th ICAANE International Conference of Archaeology in the Near East, Warsaw, 30 April - 4 May 2012.
Arwa Kharobi and Giorgio Buccellati
Pathology or Taphonomy? A skeleton from Mozan (Northeastern Syria) dates to the Middle Bronze Age (2000-160 BCE)
19th European Meeting of the Pathology Association, Lille, France, 27-29 August 2012.
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Arwa Kharobi, Martine Vercauteren, Caroline Polet
Dental Anthropology as Evidence for Biological Affinities and Cultural Practices in Urkesh (Syria) During the Middle Bronze Age
Kharobi et al. 2017 ISDM
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Patrizia Camatta
Die Tempelterrasse von Tell Mozan/Urkesh (Syrien). Architektur, Typologie und Vergleichsanalyse
Jahrbuch Masterstudiengang Denkmalpflege 2012-14, Dorothée Sack (ed.), 2014
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