Urkesh (Version 2)

Beta release


Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati 2001

Marco De Pietri – November 2019

Überlegungen zur funktionellen und historischen Bestimmung des Königspalastes AP in Urkeš. Bericht über die 13. Kampagne in Tall Mozan/Urkeš: Ausgrabungen im Gebiet AA, Juni-August 2000,”
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin 133, pp. 59-96.
English version

This paper (for which both a German and an English version are provided) summarizes the major results of the 13th campaign at Urkesh in 2000 by the UCLA (concentrating on area AA) and of the 3rd mission of the German team of the DOG (focusing on area C2).

The contribution aims at defining the function and history of the Royal Palace AP at Urkesh.

After a short introduction (paragraph 1), stratigraphical data about the Palace and the surrounding settlements are presented in paragraph 2 (mostly for what concerns the formal wing AF, room H2 and the underground structure W).

Paragraph 3 provides an analysis of the architecture of sector H (where a cache with many sealings were found) and of the undergroun structure W (previously defined as ‘apsidal structure’ and later as ‘underground stone structure’), strengthening some architectural peculiarities.

Paragraph 4 presents the major finds: the two sealings of Unap (A1.144, from AK, and A13.70, from AF [see Seal legends]), a new endan sealing from the abovementioned cache, a sealing belonging to Tuli ‘mistress of the royal kitchen’ and the artefacts from the underground structure W (the anthropomorphic vessel A12.108 and the ceramics from the same emplacement).

Paragraph 5 offers some depositional and functional inferences about the Palace, a stairwell connecting AK and AF and the underground structure W (interpreted as a previous burial place later on converted into a place for the cult of the ancestors).

Paragraph 6 presents some historical notes about the dating of Tupkish’s reign, the endans (seven in total: see the German version, fig. 19 on p. 91) attested at Urkesh, the antiquity of the city and its role in the rise of the Hurrian kingdoms.

Paragraph 7 displays some remarks about the conservation strategies applied on the main structures of the site.

[Table in fig. 2 on p. 62 offers an overview on all phases of the site].

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