Urkesh (Version 2)

Beta release


Peter Pfälzner 2008

Marco De Pietri – July 2019

“Das Tempeloval von Urkeš. Betrachtungen zur Typologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der mesopotamischen Ziqqurrat im 3. Jt. v. Chr.,”
Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie 1, pp. 396-433.

The author presents in this publication the results about the reconstruction and comparison of the ‘Tempeloval’ of Urkesh, after the excavation seasons of the DOG in 1998-2001.

Paragraph 1 retraces the path to the discovery of the temple, defining the plan of the entire city as reconstructed on the base of several geomagnetic prospections, focusing of the ‘zentrale Oberstadt’: excavation area C2 (‘Siedlungsviertel’), excavation area B6 (‘Tempeloval’) and Temple BA, already excavated by the Americans in 1984-1986.

Paragraph 2 analyses the architectonic structure of the ‘Tempeloval’, composed of Temple BA, a mudbrick-terrace (‘Lehmziegelterrasse’), a ramp, two stone staircases (‘Steintreppe’), an oval surrounding wall (‘Ovalmauer’) and a second stairway.

Paragraph 3 advances a possible reconstruction for all the structures described in the previous paragraph, providing with plans, sections and a graphical reconstruction (by J. Schmid).

Paragraph 4 reconstructs the subsequent phases of construction and development of the ‘Tempeloval’, from Phase I (Early Jazirah II period, 2800-2600 BC) to Phase VIII (Middle Jazirah I period, 1550-1300).

Paragraph 5 compares of the ‘Tempeloval’ with other temple structures of North-Mesopotamia (Tell Khuera and Mari).

Paragraph 6 establishes further comparisons with oval temples in South-Mesopotamia (Tell el-Ubaid, Khafajah, Al-Hiba/Lagaš).

Paragraph 7 widens the comparison to early ziqqurats in South-Mesopotamia (Warka/Uruk, Tell el-Muqayyer/Ur, Nuffar/Nippur).

Paragraph 8 further explores the structures of early ziqqurats outside Mesopotamia (Tepe Sialk, Altın Tepe and Tureng Tepe).

Paragraph 9 tries to explain the functional structure of the ‘Tempeloval’ and of the ‘Hochterrasse’ of Urkesh.

Paragraph 10 investigates the historical-cultural context of the ‘Tempeloval’ of Urkesh.

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