Back to top: Phase 6hAAH within unit A16
During this phase the first structures were built in the area, probably after a general levelling of the area in a stepped shape, following the difference in level of the mound. All the structures were set out on top of thin accumulations lying directly above the great early Khabur dump area. The structures belonging to the later ones are distinguished mainly on the base of brickfall a4 stratigraphic relationships.
Back to top: Phase 6hAAH within unit A16
a11 and a2 are interpreted as rooms and they belong to an earlier construction phase. Unfortunately they are preserved for very few brick rows, and it is very difficult to give an interpretation. a2 forms a rectangular room, while a11 is very badly preserved and the northern and western walls are completely missing. It shows some sort of installation with a small niche and three door socket in line, so it seems more likely an house than a burial.

Back to top: Phase 6hAAH within unit A16
Few objects were found associated with this phase. So the chronological assignment is based mainly on stratigraphic relationships and pottery typology. The more important objects are a clay artifact (mold?) i39, bead q23.1, figurine q559.1.
Back to top: Phase 6hAAH within unit A16