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Carmen Valdés Pereiro

Marco De Pietri – August 2023

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Carmen Valdés Pereiro (cVP)

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Staff profile

Processed on May 22, 2009

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Curriculum vitae

June 10, 1963Manila, Philippines
1988B.A. (Licensed in History) in Dept. of Prehistory, Ancient History & Archaeology, University of Barcelona, Spain
1991Master in Oriental Studies (Assyriology) in Institute of the Ancient Near East, University of Barcelona, Spain.
1992-94Doctorate Courses, University of Barcelona, Spain
1994Dissertation for first degree, University of Barcelona, Spain
1996Ph.D.: "The Ceramic Materials of Tell Qara Qûzâq: periodization of a III millennium site from Northern Syria" (Castilian). University of Barcelona, Spain

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Professional and academic archaeology

1990, 1997/98Archaeology Technician in different companies in Barcelona (i.e. Arqueoradar, s.c.p.)
1991-1996Collaboration in the project "Study of the textual and archaeological material of Near Eastern origin from the Museum of Montserrat". Director of research: Dr. Joaquin Sanmartín Ascaso. Personal research about the terracota and ceramic objects.
1991-1994Research Fellow (Post Graduate Level) in Institute of Ancient Near East, University of Barcelona. Director of Research: Dr. Gregorio del Olmo Lete. Project "Archaeological Mission of the University of Barcelona in Syria (Tell Qara Qûzâq)"
2004-Archaeologist, Institute of the Ancient Near East, University of Barcelona, Spain.
2005Director of the archaeological survey carried out by the IPOA, UB in North Syria.
2006-2008Teaching of a postgraduate course in "Archaeology of the Ancient Near East", University of Barcelona.
2006-2008Co-director and main researcher in the project: "Archaeological Mission of the University of Barcelona in Tell cAmarna, Syria", carried out at the IPOA, UB. Financial entity: Generalitat de Catalunya.

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1994 "Elementos ornamentales y figurativos en Tell Qara Qûzâq I", in G. Del Olmo Lete (ed.), Qara Qûzâq -I. Campañas I-III (1989-1991), (Aula Orientalis-Supplementa 4), Barcelona 1994, pp. 199-207.
1994"La cerámica de la Edad del Bronce en Tell Qara Qûzâq, Siria. Campaña de 1991", in G. Del Olmo Lete (ed.), Qara Qûzâq - I. pp. 35-143.
1995"Pequeños objetos del ajuar de las dos tumbas del Locus 12 de Tell Qara Qûzâq, Siria, Campaña de 1992", Au Or 13/1 (1995) 59-66.
1995"La Cerámica de las Tumbas del Locus 12 (Tell Qara Qûzâq, Siria, Campaña de 1992)", Au Or 13/1 (1995) 31-58.
1996With E.Olávarri, "Excavaciones en Tell Qara Qûzâq. Informe provisional: campañas quinta y sexta (1993-1994). Misión Arqueológica de la Universidad de Barcelona en Siria", Au Or 14 (1996) 45-54.
1997"Catálogo de terracotas mesopotámicas del Museo de Montserrat", Tabulae Montserratinae. Estudios de catalogación del Museo de Montserrat (Barcelona) dedicados al Padre Guiu Camps con ocasión de su 80 aniversario (ed. M.Molina - I.Marquez; Au Or 15, Barcelona: Ausa) 1997, pp. 223-296.
1999"Excavaciones arqueológicas en el Alto Éufrates sirio: Tell Qara Qûzâq", in J. González Echegaray - M. Menéndez Fernandez (eds.), De Oriente a Occidente. Homenaje al Dr. Emilio Olávarri. Salamanca: Publicaciones de la Universidad Pontificia, 1999, pp. 321-339.
1999Tell Qara Qûzâq (Tishrin Dam Area): a summary of the first results", in G. Del Olmo - J.-L. Montero (eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Archaeology of the Upper Syrian Euphrates (Tishrin Dam Area), University of Barcelona, January 28th-30th. (Aula Orientalis-Supplementa 16) Barcelona 1999, pp. 117-127.
2000"Excavations at Tell Qara Qûzâq, Northern Syria (Tishreen Dam Area)", in P. Matthiae et al., eds., Proceedings of the Ist International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East ("La Sapienza", Roma, May 1998). Roma 2000, pp.1691-1702.
2001G. Del Olmo - J.-L. Montero - C. Valdés (eds.), Qara Quzaq - II. Campañas IV-VI (1992-1994), (Aula Orientalis-Supplementa 17) Barcelona 2001.
2001With E. Olávarri, "Excavaciones en Tell Qara Qûzâq: campañas IV - VI (1992-1994)", in G. Del Olmo - J.-L. Montero - C. Valdés (eds.), Tell Qara Qûzâq - II, pp. 13-76.
2001"Excavaciones en el asentamiento bizantino de Qara Qûzâq (Siria). Campaña de 1994", in G. Del Olmo - J.-L. Montero - C. Valdés (eds.), Tell Qara Qûzâq - II. pp. 77-117.
2001"La cerámica de Tell Qara Qûzâq. Campañas 1992-1994", in G. Del Olmo - J.-L. Montero - C. Valdés (eds.), Tell Qara Qûzâq - II. pp. 119-254.
2001"El padre Ubach y los orígenes del Museo Bíblico del Monasterio de Montserrat", in J. Córdoba - R. Jimenez - C. Sevilla, eds., Actas del I Seminario Monográfico de Primavera sobre Oriente Próximo y Egipto en la Antigüedad "El Renacimiento de Oriente Próximo y Egipto. Viajes, descubrimientos, investigaciones" Madrid: UAM 2001, pp. 161-177.
2005"El Reverendo Padre Bonaventura Ubach, peregrino en Tierra Santa: el monje y su obra", in J.Mª. Córdoba, ed., Españoles en Oriente Próximo (1166-1926). Aventureros y peregrinos, militares, científicos y diplomáticos olvidados en el redescubrimiento de un mundo, (Arbor nº 711-712, Tomo CLXXX) Madrid: CSIC 2005, pp. 893-911.
2006"Qara Qûzâq, Tall", in Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie, Berlin - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
2006"The 'Gazelle Jar' from Tell Qara Qûzâq (Syria): an essay of interpretation", in G. del Olmo Lete - Ll. Feliu - A. Millet Albà, eds., Šapal tibnim mû illak´Studies Presented to Joaquín Sanmartín on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, (Aula Orientalis-Supplementa 22) Barcelona: Ausa.
2007"Settlement Change at the End of the Early Bronze - Beginning of Middle Bronze Period at Tell Qara Quzaq", in C. Kuzucuoglu, C. Marro, eds., Sociétés humaines et changement climatique à la fin du troisième millénaire: une crise a-t-elle eu lieu en Haute Mésopotamie? (Actes du Colloque de Lyon, 5-8 décembre 2005) (Varia Anatolica XIX) Paris: Institut Français d'Etudes Anatoliennes d'Istanbul / De Boccard 2007, pp. 311-325.
2007"The Early Bronze Painted Pottery from Tell Qara Qûzâq, in the North Syrian Euphrates Valley", in P. Matthiae et al., eds., Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (École Pratique des Hautes Études, CNRS, Université de Paris, Institut d'Art & d' Archéologie, Paris, April 2002).
forthcoming"The Early Bronze Painted Pottery from Tell Qara Qûzâq, in the North Syrian Euphrates Valley", in P. Matthiae et al., eds., Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (École Pratique des Hautes Études, CNRS, Université de Paris, Institut d'Art & d' Archéologie, Paris, April 2002).
forthcoming"Settlement change at the end of the EB - beginning of MB levels from Tell Qara Quzaq", in Actes du Colloque international "Haute Mésopotamie: la crise de 2100 av. J.-C. a-t-elle eu lieu?", Lyon, Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, 5 au 8 décembre 2005
forthcomingQara Quzaq and Tell Hamis (Syrian Euphrates valley): Updating and comparing Bronze Age ceramics and archaeological data", in J. Mª Córdoba et al., eds., Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, April 2006), Madrid.
forthcoming"Tell Amarna on the Euphrates: new archaeological research", in P. Matthiae et al., eds., Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East ("La Sapienza", Roma, May 2008)
forthcoming"Informe preliminar de las dos primeras campañas de excavación (2007-08) de la Universidad de Barcelona en Tell Amarna, Siria", in Aula Orientalis
in progressG. Matilla - C. Valdés (eds.), Qara Quzaq - III. Campañas VII-XI (1995-2000), (Aula Orientalis-Supplementa ) Barcelona .
Reviews9 reviews published, 2 in press.

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Academic Foreign Stays

1992Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (1993 and 1994, 5 months, supervisor: M. Civil); Aleppo Archaeological Museum (1992, 3 months); Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Near Eastern Department (1991, two months, supervisor: Stefania Mazzoni).

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Participation to congresses, workshops, etc.

1998International Symposium on the Archaeology of the Upper Syrian Euphrates (Tishrin Dam Area). Barcelona. Participation: member of the organizing commitee (secretary) and paper read. (Excavations at Tell Qara Qûzâq).
1998Ist International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Rome. Title of the paper: Excavations at Tell Qara Qûzâq, Northern Syria (Tishreen Dam Area).
1999I Summer Monographic Seminary on Near East and Egypt in the Antiquity "The Renaissance of Near East and Egypt. Travels, discoveries, research". Madrid. Title of the paper: Father Ubach and the origins of the Biblical Museum of the Monastery of Montserrat (in Castilian).
20023rd International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Paris. Title of the paper: The Early Bronze Painted Pottery from Tell Qara Qûzâq, in the North Syrian Euphrates Valley.
2002Workshop "From Early to Middle Bronze Age: The Region at the Middle Euphrates. Part I". Blaubeuren (Univ. of Tübingen), Germany. Participation: paper (Evidence of the sites around Lake Assad and Lake Tishrin: Qara Quzaq.) and debate.
2003Workshop "From Early to Middle Bronze Age: The Region at the Middle Euphrates. Part II". Blaubeuren (Univ. of Tübingen), Germany. Participation: paper (EB-MB ceramic material from Qara Quzaq) and debate.
2004Workshop "From Early Bronze III to IV: The Region at the Middle Euphrates". Rothenberge (Univ. of Münster), Germany. Participation: paper (EBIII-IV ceramic material from Qara Quzaq) and debate.
2005Workshop "From Early to Middle Bronze Age: The Region at the Middle Euphrates. Part III". Blaubeuren (Univ. of Tübingen), Germany. Participation: debate and organize further research and publication.
20065th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Madrid. Title of the paper: Qara Quzaq and Tell Hamis (Syrian Euphrates valley): Updating and comparing Bronze Age ceramics and archaeological data.
2006 Permanent seminar on sources, methods and techniques for the historical research. Albacete (Seminario de Estudios Cuneiformes, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).Title of the lecture: Study of the cultural development in the Ancient Near East based on the pottery periodization (in castilian).
2006-7 Seminar "Syria and Lebanon". Barcelona (Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània). Títle: The Archaeology of Syria.
2007First Regional Workshop, Middle Euphrates Region, of the ARCANE Project (Associated Regional Chronologies for the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean). Blaubeuren (Univ. of Tübingen). Títle: Excavations of Tell Amarna and Tell Qara Quzaq.
2008Second Regional Workshop, Middle Euphrates Region, of the ARCANE Project. Agrigento (Univ. of Palermo). Title: Tell Amarna on the Euphrates. New Archaeological Research by the University of Barcelona.
20086th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Rome. Title: Tell Amarna on the Euphrates. New Archaeological Research by the University of Barcelona.
2008Spanish archaeological excavations in the Near East. Albacete (Seminario de Estudios Cuneiformes - Escuela de Traductores de Toledo (UCLM). Title: Archaeological excavations of the University of Barcelona in Syria (T. Amarna - Djerablus).

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Archaeological Field Work

Arcaheology in SyriaTell Mozan / Urkesh (Syria), Bronze-Iron Age Site, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008; Tell Qara Qûzâq (Syria), Bronze Age Site, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997; Tell Hamis (Syria), Bronze-Iron Age Site, 1992, 1993, 1997; Tell Beydar (Syria), Bronze, Neo-Assyrian, and Seleuco-parthian Site, 1996; Tell Afis (Syria), Bronze-Iron Age Site, 1992.
Direction or co-directionGeoradar soundings in Les Màsies de Sant Miquel de Banyeres (Tarragona), 1998; El Tossal de Cal Montblanc (Albesa, Lleida), Roman Turris, 1998 ("salvage excavation"); El Romeral (Albesa, Lleida), Roman Villa, 1997. Works of maintenance, restoration and public presentation; El Tossal del Moro (Corbins, Lleida), Roman Villa, 1991, 1992 and 1993.
Archaeology assistant or studentArva (Lora del Río, Sevilla), Roman Town, 1991; El Puig de la Misericordia (Vinaroz, Castellón), Iberian Settlement, 1989; Els Vilars (Arbeca, Lleida), Iberian Settlement, 1988; El Puig de la Nao (Benicarló, Castellón), Iberian Settlement, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988; Cova Matutano (Villafamés, Castellón), Upper PalaeolithicSite, 1987; La Hoya (Laguardia, Alava), Celtiberian Settlement, 1986; El Tossal de les Tenalles (Sidamun, Lleida), Iberian Settlement, 1984, 1985; El Tossal del Moro (Corbins, Lleida), Roman Villa, 1984, 1987, 1988, 1989; Olérdola (Barcelona), Palaeo-Christian and Romanesque Complex, 1984; La Penya del Moro (San Just Desvern, Barcelona), Iberian Settlement, 1983, 1984.

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Tasks at Mozan

2004Assistant archaeologist. A19
2005Unit Supervisor, J1. With Mary Stancavage.
2006Unit Supervisor, J1. With Mary Stancavage.
2007Assistant archaeologist
2008Assistant archaeologist, J6

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Data authored for the Urkesh Global Record

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