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Photographs and drawings from all seasons

Giorgio Buccellati – December 2009

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In the files that follow one will find the complete list of all photographs and drawings taken, sorted in different ways, with and without thumbnails and hyperlinks to both the UGR entry and the full size image.

Photos and drawings from the early years appear to the extent that they have been digitized.

These lists include many more images than those selected to appear in the UGR, and also images for units that have not yet been processed to appear in the UGR. In the latter case, reference to the UGR entry yields a blank page.

Errors are often due to mistakes in the photo label. For instance, most sherds were labeled as q-items (e.g., A1q10.1) and not as element of q-lots (A1q10-p1) – thus they are now to be found under “ceramic vessel” rather than under “sherds.” For other sherds, only the q-lot number was given, without the component (-p) number: thus they cannot be found in the UGR even when the pertinent book is available.

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Without thumbnails

  • Tabular format: a complete list of all photos and drawings in spreadsheet format (.TXT file).
  • Individual books: views or items in browser format sorted by book.
  • Incidentals (.TXT file only, not .HTML).
  • Errors (.TXT file only, not .HTML).

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With thumbnails

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