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Laerke Recht

Marco De Pietri – August 2023

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Laerke Recht (rL)

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Staff profile

Processed on 23 January 2013

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Curriculum vitae

1983Born, Denmark
2002Graduated, Esbjerg Gymnasium, Denmark
2006BA First Class in Arts (Classics and Philosophy), University College Dublin, Ireland. BA thesis: Aegean and Near Eastern trading connections in the Late Bronze Age: the Uluburun Shipwreck
2011Research PhD in Classics, Trinity College Dublin. Thesis title: Sacrifice in the Aegean and Near East in the Bronze Age: a poststructuralist approach. Supervisor: Dr. Christine Morris
2011-2013Urkesh Research Assistant
2013-2017, 2019-IIMAS Research Fellow
2017-2019Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow, University of Cambridge
2019-2020Temporary Lecturer/Affiliated Scholar, University of Cambridge

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Archaeological field work

2007-2009Excavations at Priniatikos Pyrgos, Crete
2009Excavations at Tel Kabri, Israel
2009Excavations at Sissi, Crete
2011Excavations at Souskiou-Laona, Cyprus
2014-2019Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyprus

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Academic Publications

2010Human sacrifice in the ancient Near East, 168-180 in Journal of Postgraduate Research vol. 9
In pressTransformers Energise! Aegean Bronze Age rhyta in moments of transformation, in Clare Rowan and Annabel Bokern (eds). Embodying Value. BAR.
In pressIdentifying sacrifice in Bronze Age Near Eastern iconography, in Nicola Laneri (ed). Defining the Sacred. Oxbow.

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Academic Presentations

2008University College Dublin Postgraduate Colloquium. Paper entitled Sacrifice in the BA Aegean and Near East - a poststructuralist approach
20082008 Sixth World Archaeological Congress. Poster presentation, Sacrifice in the BA Aegean and Near East
2008Theoretical Archaeological Group 2008, Southampton. Paper entitled Dissolving differences: Sacrificial animals as markers of liminality in the Late Bronze Age Aegean
2012Moments of Transformation Workshop, Frankfurt, March 2012. Paper entitled Ritual objects of transformation: the case of the rhyton in the Bronze Age Aegean
20128ICAANE conference, Warsaw, April-May 2012. Paper entitled Identifying sacrifice in Bronze Age Near Eastern iconography
2012From Ur to Anemospilia: human sacrifice in the Bronze Age Aegean and Near East. Seminar lecture, Lyon, October 2012, at Archeorient

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Academic Teaching

2009-2010Undergraduate seminars in the course Greek and Roman Mythology and Religion at Trinity College Dublin
2018-2020Aegean Prehistory, Mesopotamian Archaeology, University of Cambridge

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Academic Awards

2006Trinity College Dublin Postgraduate Scholarship
2007UCD Postgraduate Scholarship
2008Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences Postgraduate Scholarship
2009Biblical Archaeology Society Dig Scholarship
2010Danish Institute in Athens Postgraduate Scholarship

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Mozan Tasks

2011-2013UGR publication of CERAMICS book
Urkesh website video clips
ED III glyptics
Colormode and Munsell Projects

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