Reference To Qlot | q11 |
Category | 2007-8-27 | !! | other items [Input file: R827CVP.J / R827CVP.-J] |
2007-8-27 | !! | unknown [Input file: R827GB.J / R827GB.-J] | |
Definition | 2007-8-27 | cVP | ~vs [Input file: R827CVP.J / R827CVP.-J] |
2007-8-27 | gB | ~small bowl [Input file: R827GB.J / R827GB.-J] |
Description | 2007-8-27 | cVP | small open bowl, probably miniature, wheelmade and oxidized [Input file: R827CVP.J / R827CVP.-J] |
Height | 2007-8-27 | cVP | 2.9 [Input file: R827CVP.J / R827CVP.-J] |
Top width | 2007-8-27 | cVP | 6.6 [Input file: R827CVP.J / R827CVP.-J] |
low width | 2007-8-27 | cVP | 2.8 [Input file: R827CVP.J / R827CVP.-J] |
Ware/Material | 2007-8-27 | cVP | ~CV [Input file: R827CVP.J / R827CVP.-J] |
Color definition | 2007-8-27 | cVP | very pale brown [Input file: R827CVP.J / R827CVP.-J] |
Color number | 2007-8-27 | cVP | 10YR 7/6 [Input file: R827CVP.J / R827CVP.-J] |
Condition | 2007-8-27 | cVP | complete [Input file: R827CVP.J / R827CVP.-J] |
Photo of constituent | L_V22d7801 T908 dM |
L_V22d7802 T908 dM |
L_V22d7803 T908 dM |
L_V22d7804 T908 dM |
Storage | 2007-8-27 | cVP | ZSB 6 20 [Input file: R827CVP.J / R827CVP.-J] |