Unit Book A16

The Courtyard of the Tupkish Palace (Version 2, Beta release)


Processed on 2025-03-19



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2015-05-20 cJC accumulations first reshaping after abandonment of palace [Input: ZA520CJC.j]


Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Features included within stratum 2000-12-18 !! a27 (^ accumulation) [Input: A-CUMUL.j]
2006-08-24 !! i83 (jar)
i84 (^ human body)
i122 (jar)
i125 (earring)
i126 (^ seal impression)
i128 (^ pin)
i135 (^ seal impression)
i136 (^ seal impression)
i137 (unknown)
i138 (jar)
i139 (jar)
i140 (unknown)
i141 (^ seal impression)
i142 (uncertain)
i143 (^ sealing)
i144 (^ sealing)
i145 (^ clay lump)
i146 (^ sample)
i147 (^ sample)
i149 (^ seal impression)
i150 (^ figurine)
i151 (^ sealing)
i153 (^ clay lump)
i154 (^ sealing)
i155 (^ bead)
i165 (^ sealing)
i166 (^ sealing)
i176 (^ bead)
i177 (^ bead)
i178 (^ bead)
i179 (bead)
q586.1 (tool)
q594.1 (^ clay lump)
q599.1 (bone artifact)
q603.1 (pin)
q608.1 (^ jewelry item)
q608.2 (pestle)
q644.2 (^ figurine)
q646.1 (^ figurine)
q699.1 (clay lump)
q699.2 (uncertain)
q796.1 (debitage)
q796.2 (uncertain)
q796.3 (debitage)
q796.4 (^ clay lump)
q796.5 (blade)
q796.98 (lithic specimen)
q796.99 (^ figurine)
q797.1 (unknown)
q797.2 (^ figurine)
q804.1 (debitage)
q809.1 (^ figurine)
q818.1 (uncertain)
q821.1 (uncertain)
q821.2 (wheel)
q821.3 (^ clay lump)
q821.4 (^ clay lump)
q821.5 (debitage)
q821.99 (^ clay lump)
q823.1 (debitage)
q823.2 (debitage)
q824.1 (^ clay lump)
q828.1 (debitage)
q828.2 (^sh)
q828.3 (^ seal impression)
q828.4 (^ clay lump)
q828.5 (unknown)
q829.1 (debitage)
q829.2 (^ lithic artifact)
q829.2.1 (debitage)
q829.2.2 (^ blade)
q829.3 (debitage)
q829.4 (debitage)
q830.1 (blade)
q830.2 (unknown)
q830.3 (^ clay lump)
q830.4 (debitage)
q831.1 (figurine)
q831.2 (slag)
q831.3 (^ clay lump)
q832.1 (bead (clay))
q832.2 (debitage)
q832.8 (debitage)
q832.99 (bead (clay))
q837.1 (^ bead (clay))
q837.2 (unknown)
q837.3 (pin)
q837.4 (sealing)
q837.5 (^ unknown)
q837.6 (bead (clay))
q837.7 (^ sealing)
q837.8 (uncertain)
q837.9 (^ clay lump)
q837.10 (^ clay lump)
q837.98 (clay lump)
q837.99 (^ clay lump)
q839.1 (^ lithic artifact)
q839.1.1 (scraper)
q839.1.2 (debitage)
q839.1.3 (debitage)
q839.2 (^sh)
q841.1 (^ clay lump)
q841.2 (slag)
q841.3 (^li)
q841.3.1 (blade)
q841.3.2 (^ blade)
q841.3.3 (debitage)
q841.3.4 (^ blade)
q841.3.5 (debitage)
q841.4 (clay lump)
q841.4.1 (^ clay lump)
q841.4.2 (^ clay lump)
q841.4.3 (^ clay lump)
q841.4.4 (^ seal impression)
q841.4.5 (^ seal impression)
q841.98 (^ unknown)
q841.99 (uncertain)
q842.1 (bead (clay))
q842.2 (^ seal impression)
q842.3 (^ seal impression)
q842.4 (^ clay lump)
q842.5 (lithic specimen)
q842.99 (unknown)
q848.1 (uncertain)
q848.2 (^ clay lump)
q850.1 (^ clay lump)
q850.2 (debitage)
q850.3 (^ clay lump)
q850.4 (^ lithic artifact)
q850.4.1 (debitage)
q850.4.2 (debitage)
q850.5 (^ sample)
q852.1 (uncertain)
q852.2 (wheel)
q852.3 (^ metal artifact)
q852.4 (^sh)
q852.5 (uncertain)
q852.6 (unknown)
q852.7 (^ seal impression)
q855.1 (unknown)
q855.2 (^ sample)
q855.3 (sling ball)
q855.4 (unknown)
q855.4.1 (blade)
q855.4.2 (debitage)
q855.5 (^ clay lump)
q856.1 (blade)
q856.2 (uncertain)
q859.1 (bead (clay))
q859.2 (sling ball)
q859.3 (debitage)
q859.4 (unknown)
q859.5 (uncertain)
q861.1 (debitage)
q861.2 (slag)
q861.3 (^sh)
q862.1 (^ clay lump)
q868.1 (^ lithic artifact)
q868.1.1 (debitage)
q868.1.2 (^ blade)
q868.2 (^ clay lump)
q868.3 (uncertain)
q868.4 (^ clay lump)
q870.1 (debitage)
q870.2 (^ clay lump)
q870.3 (^ clay lump)
q870.4 (^ sealing)
q872.1 (^ sealing)
q874.1 (debitage)
q874.2 (^ sealing)
q876.1 (debitage)
q876.2 (^ clay lump)
q876.3 (^ blade)
q876.4 (^ clay lump)
q878.1 (^ wheel)
q879.1 (^ wheel)
q884.1 (^ sealing)
q884.2 (^ sealing)
q884.3 (^ clay lump)
q893.1 (^ bead (clay))
q893.2 (^ sealing)
q907.1 (^ figurine)
q413-p1 (bowl)
q413-p2 (jar)
q413-p3 (bowl)
q413-p4 (xfx)
q413-p5 (jar)
q413-p6 (other shape sherd)
q413-p7 (jar)
q413-p8 (xfx)
q413-p9 (sq)
q413-p10 (xdc)
q413-p11 (sq)
q413-p12 (pot)
q413-p13 (i)
q413-p70 (body sherd)
q413-p71 (body sherd)
q413-p72 (body sherd)
q413-p73 (body sherd)
q413-p74 (body sherd)
q413-p75 (body sherd)
q413-p76 (body sherd)
q413-p77 (body sherd)
q413-p78 (body sherd)
q413-p79 (body sherd)
q413-p80 (body sherd)
q586-p1 (jar)
q586-p2 (xfx)
q586-p3 (strainer)
q586-p4 (bowl)
q586-p5 (cup)
q586-p6 (cup)
q586-p7 (r)
q586-p8 (tablet)
q586-p9 (bowl)
q586-p10 (xdc)
q586-p11 (xrg)
q586-p12 (bowl)
q586-p13 (bowl)
q586-p14 (xfx)
q586-p15 (dp)
q586-p16 (pot)
q586-p17 (xf)
q586-p18 (tablet)
q586-p19 (xdc)
q586-p70 (body sherd)
q586-p71 (body sherd)
q586-p72 (body sherd)
q586-p73 (body sherd)
q586-p74 (body sherd)
q586-p75 (body sherd)
q586-p76 (body sherd)
q591-p1 (bowl)
q591-p2 (xfx)
q591-p3 (i)
q591-p4 (jar)
q591-p5 (r)
q591-p6 (sq)
q591-p7 (jar)
q591-p8 (bowl)
q591-p9 (xf)
q591-p10 (jar)
q591-p11 (xdc)
q591-p12 (bowl)
q591-p13 (worked disk)
q591-p70 (body sherd)
q591-p71 (body sherd)
q591-p72 (body sherd)
q591-p73 (body sherd)
q591-p74 (body sherd)
q591-p75 (body sherd)
q591-p76 (body sherd)
q593-p1 (bowl)
q593-p2 (jar)
q593-p3 (jar)
q593-p4 (sq)
q593-p5 (bowl)
q593-p6 (bowl)
q593-p7 (bowl)
q593-p8 (jar)
q593-p9 (xfx)
q593-p10 (xfx)
q593-p70 (body sherd)
q593-p71 (body sherd)
q593-p72 (body sherd)
q593-p73 (body sherd)
q593-p74 (body sherd)
q593-p75 (body sherd)
q593-p76 (body sherd)
q593-p77 (body sherd)
q593-p78 (body sherd)
q594-p1 (jar)
q594-p2 (ri)
q594-p3 (bowl)
q594-p4 (bowl)
q594-p5 (jar)
q594-p6 (bowl)
q594-p7 (xfx)
q594-p8 (strainer)
q594-p9 (jar)
q594-p10 (other shape sherd)
q594-p11 (xf)
q594-p12 (xfx)
q594-p70 (body sherd)
q594-p71 (body sherd)
q594-p72 (body sherd)
q594-p73 (body sherd)
q594-p74 (body sherd)
q594-p75 (body sherd)
q594-p76 (body sherd)
q595-p1 (bowl)
q595-p2 (bowl)
q595-p3 (jar)
q595-p4 (xrd)
q595-p5 (xfx)
q595-p6 (dp)
q595-p7 (bowl)
q595-p8 (sq)
q595-p9 (other shape sherd)
q595-p10 (other shape sherd)
q595-p70 (body sherd)
q595-p71 (body sherd)
q595-p72 (body sherd)
q595-p73 (body sherd)
q595-p74 (body sherd)
q595-p75 (body sherd)
q595-p76 (body sherd)
q598-p70 (body sherd)
q598-p71 (body sherd)
q598-p72 (body sherd)
q598-p73 (body sherd)
q598-p74 (body sherd)
q598-p75 (body sherd)
q598-p76 (body sherd)
q599-p1 (bowl)
q599-p2 (jar)
q599-p3 (xdc)
q599-p4 (jar)
q599-p5 (xdf)
q599-p6 (sq)
q599-p7 (bowl)
q599-p8 (jar)
q599-p9 (cup)
q599-p70 (body sherd)
q599-p71 (body sherd)
q599-p72 (body sherd)
q599-p73 (body sherd)
q599-p74 (body sherd)
q599-p75 (body sherd)
q600-p1 (bowl)
q600-p2 (xf)
q600-p3 (bowl)
q600-p4 (xf)
q600-p5 (xfx)
q600-p6 (xfx)
q600-p7 (xlf)
q600-p8 (bowl)
q600-p9 (xf)
q600-p10 (bowl)
q600-p11 (xf)
q600-p12 (xfx)
q600-p13 (bowl)
q600-p14 (jar)
q600-p15 (bowl)
q600-p16 (jar)
q600-p17 (jar)
q600-p18 (jar)
q600-p19 (bowl)
q600-p20 (bowl)
q600-p21 (jar)
q600-p22 (xfc)
q600-p23 (jar)
q600-p24 (xf)
q600-p25 (bowl)
q600-p26 (sq)
q600-p27 (jar)
q600-p28 (worked disk)
q600-p29 (cg)
q600-p30 (xfx)
q600-p31 (xfc)
q600-p32 (r)
q600-p33 (xrg)
q600-p34 (bowl)
q600-p35 (xlf)
q600-p36 (cg)
q600-p37 (jar)
q600-p38 (cup)
q600-p39 (dp)
q600-p40 (i)
q600-p41 (f)
q600-p42 (xfc)
q600-p43 (r)
q600-p44 (xfx)
q600-p45 (worked disk)
q600-p46 (sq)
q600-p47 (xfx)
q600-p48 (bowl)
q600-p70 (body sherd)
q600-p71 (body sherd)
q600-p72 (body sherd)
q600-p73 (body sherd)
q600-p74 (body sherd)
q600-p75 (body sherd)
q600-p76 (body sherd)
q600-p77 (body sherd)
q600-p78 (body sherd)
q600-p79 (body sherd)
q600-p80 (body sherd)
q600-p81 (body sherd)
q602-p1 (jar)
q602-p2 (jar)
q602-p3 (sq)
q602-p4 (xdx)
q602-p5 (xfc)
q602-p6 (xf)
q602-p7 (xel)
q602-p8 (sq)
q602-p70 (body sherd)
q602-p71 (body sherd)
q602-p72 (body sherd)
q602-p73 (body sherd)
q602-p74 (body sherd)
q602-p75 (body sherd)
q602-p76 (body sherd)
q603-p1 (sq)
q603-p2 (root)
q603-p3 (xdf)
q603-p4 (xlf)
q603-p5 (xfx)
q603-p6 (xfc)
q603-p7 (xf)
q603-p8 (other shape sherd)
q603-p9 (other shape sherd)
q603-p10 (plate)
q603-p11 (other shape sherd)
q603-p12 (xf)
q603-p70 (body sherd)
q603-p71 (body sherd)
q603-p72 (body sherd)
q603-p73 (body sherd)
q604-p1 (jar)
q604-p70 (body sherd)
q604-p71 (body sherd)
q604-p72 (body sherd)
q605-p1 (bowl)
q605-p2 (other shape sherd)
q605-p3 (bowl)
q605-p70 (body sherd)
q605-p71 (body sherd)
q605-p72 (body sherd)
q605-p73 (body sherd)
q605-p74 (body sherd)
q605-p75 (body sherd)
q605-p76 (body sherd)
q605-p77 (body sherd)
q608-p1 (bowl)
q608-p2 (r)
q608-p3 (jar)
q608-p4 (r)
q608-p5 (jar)
q608-p6 (xdc)
q608-p7 (xfc)
q608-p70 (body sherd)
q608-p71 (body sherd)
q608-p72 (body sherd)
q608-p73 (body sherd)
q608-p74 (body sherd)
q613-p1 (jar)
q613-p2 (other shape sherd)
q613-p3 (jar)
q613-p4 (jar)
q613-p5 (other shape sherd)
q613-p6 (ri)
q613-p7 (cup)
q613-p8 (tablet)
q613-p9 (other shape sherd)
q613-p10 (bowl)
q613-p11 (bowl)
q613-p12 (cup)
q613-p70 (body sherd)
q613-p71 (body sherd)
q613-p72 (body sherd)
q613-p73 (body sherd)
q613-p74 (body sherd)
q613-p75 (body sherd)
q613-p76 (body sherd)
q613-p77 (body sherd)
q613-p78 (body sherd)
q613-p79 (body sherd)
q613-p80 (body sherd)
q613-p81 (body sherd)
q613-p82 (body sherd)
q613-p83 (body sherd)
q644-p1 (cup)
q644-p2 (r)
q644-p3 (bowl)
q644-p4 (i)
q644-p5 (sq)
q644-p6 (bowl)
q644-p7 (sq)
q644-p8 (bowl)
q644-p9 (bowl)
q644-p10 (xf)
q644-p70 (body sherd)
q644-p71 (body sherd)
q644-p72 (body sherd)
q644-p73 (body sherd)
q644-p74 (body sherd)
q644-p75 (body sherd)
q644-p76 (body sherd)
q644-p77 (body sherd)
q646-p1 (jar)
q646-p2 (jar)
q646-p3 (jar)
q646-p4 (jar)
q646-p5 (xf)
q646-p6 (x)
q646-p70 (body sherd)
q646-p71 (body sherd)
q646-p72 (body sherd)
q646-p73 (body sherd)
q646-p74 (body sherd)
q646-p75 (body sherd)
q649-p70 (body sherd)
q649-p71 (body sherd)
q649-p72 (body sherd)
q653-p1 (cup)
q653-p2 (cup)
q653-p3 (r)
q653-p4 (i)
q653-p5 (i)
q653-p6 (bowl)
q653-p7 (r)
q653-p8 (xf)
q653-p9 (xfc)
q653-p10 (xlf)
q653-p11 (xrd)
q653-p12 (other shape sherd)
q790-p1 (bowl)
q790-p2 (bowl)
q790-p3 (jar)
q790-p70 (body sherd)
q790-p71 (body sherd)
q790-p72 (body sherd)
q790-p73 (body sherd)
q796-p1 (cup)
q796-p2 (jar)
q796-p3 (jar)
q796-p4 (cup)
q796-p5 (jar)
q796-p6 (cup)
q796-p7 (cup)
q796-p8 (bowl)
q796-p9 (bowl)
q796-p10 (bowl)
q796-p11 (bowl)
q796-p12 (bowl)
q796-p13 (pot)
q796-p14 (jar)
q796-p15 (cup)
q796-p16 (r)
q796-p17 (xfc)
q796-p18 (xsc)
q796-p19 (cup)
q796-p20 (xf)
q796-p21 (xf)
q796-p22 (xfc)
q796-p70 (body sherd)
q796-p71 (body sherd)
q796-p72 (body sherd)
q796-p73 (body sherd)
q796-p74 (body sherd)
q796-p75 (body sherd)
q796-p76 (body sherd)
q796-p77 (body sherd)
q796-p78 (body sherd)
q796-p79 (body sherd)
q797-p1 (pot)
q797-p2 (jar)
q797-p3 (bowl)
q797-p4 (f)
q797-p5 (sq)
q797-p6 (bowl)
q797-p7 (r)
q797-p8 (bowl)
q797-p9 (bowl)
q797-p10 (jar)
q797-p11 (jar)
q797-p12 (r)
q797-p13 (bowl)
q797-p14 (jar)
q797-p15 (xrd)
q797-p16 (xf)
q797-p17 (xf)
q797-p18 (xrd)
q797-p19 (xf)
q797-p20 (xf)
q797-p21 (bowl)
q797-p22 (xfc)
q797-p23 (jar)
q797-p24 (jar)
q797-p25 (bowl)
q797-p26 (xfc)
q797-p27 (worked disk)
q797-p61 (other shape sherd)
q797-p62 (jar)
q797-p70 (body sherd)
q797-p71 (body sherd)
q797-p72 (body sherd)
q797-p73 (body sherd)
q797-p74 (body sherd)
q797-p75 (body sherd)
q797-p76 (body sherd)
q797-p77 (body sherd)
q797-p78 (body sherd)
q797-p79 (body sherd)
q797-p80 (body sherd)
q797-p81 (body sherd)
q797-p82 (body sherd)
q800-p1 (xf)
q800-p70 (body sherd)
q800-p71 (body sherd)
q800-p72 (body sherd)
q800-p73 (body sherd)
q800-p74 (body sherd)
q800-p75 (body sherd)
q800-p76 (body sherd)
q801-p1 (cup)
q801-p2 (bowl)
q801-p3 (sq)
q801-p4 (i)
q801-p5 (jar)
q801-p6 (xfc)
q801-p7 (xf)
q801-p8 (xfx)
q801-p9 (xdc)
q801-p70 (body sherd)
q801-p71 (body sherd)
q801-p72 (body sherd)
q801-p73 (body sherd)
q801-p74 (body sherd)
q801-p75 (body sherd)
q801-p76 (body sherd)
q804-p1 (cup)
q804-p2 (bowl)
q804-p3 (cup)
q804-p4 (cup)
q804-p5 (cup)
q804-p6 (r)
q804-p7 (bowl)
q804-p8 (f)
q804-p9 (r)
q804-p10 (cup)
q804-p11 (bowl)
q804-p12 (cup)
q804-p13 (bowl)
q804-p14 (bowl)
q804-p15 (cup)
q804-p16 (bowl)
q804-p17 (r)
q804-p70 (body sherd)
q804-p71 (body sherd)
q804-p72 (body sherd)
q804-p73 (body sherd)
q804-p74 (body sherd)
q809-p1 (cup)
q809-p2 (bowl)
q809-p3 (f)
q809-p4 (bowl)
q809-p5 (bowl)
q809-p6 (jar)
q809-p7 (bowl)
q809-p8 (cup)
q809-p9 (f)
q809-p10 (jar)
q809-p11 (jar)
q809-p12 (jar)
q809-p13 (i)
q809-p14 (xrg)
q809-p15 (other shape sherd)
q809-p16 (xfc)
q809-p17 (xfx)
q809-p70 (body sherd)
q809-p71 (body sherd)
q809-p72 (body sherd)
q809-p73 (body sherd)
q809-p74 (body sherd)
q809-p75 (body sherd)
q809-p76 (body sherd)
q809-p77 (body sherd)
q809-p78 (body sherd)
q809-p79 (body sherd)
q809-p80 (body sherd)
q810-p1 (cup)
q810-p2 (jar)
q810-p3 (jar)
q810-p4 (jar)
q810-p5 (jar)
q810-p6 (pot)
q810-p7 (bowl)
q810-p8 (jar)
q810-p9 (plate)
q810-p10 (bowl)
q810-p11 (tablet)
q810-p12 (cup)
q810-p13 (bowl)
q810-p14 (cup)
q810-p15 (cup)
q810-p16 (i)
q810-p17 (bowl)
q810-p18 (jar)
q810-p19 (bowl)
q810-p20 (cup)
q810-p21 (jar)
q810-p22 (bowl)
q810-p23 (xf)
q810-p24 (xf)
q810-p25 (xfc)
q810-p26 (xdf)
q810-p27 (xsc)
q810-p70 (body sherd)
q810-p71 (body sherd)
q810-p72 (body sherd)
q810-p73 (body sherd)
q810-p74 (body sherd)
q810-p75 (body sherd)
q810-p76 (body sherd)
q810-p77 (body sherd)
q813-p70 (body sherd)
q813-p71 (body sherd)
q813-p72 (body sherd)
q813-p73 (body sherd)
q815-p1 (bowl)
q815-p2 (jar)
q815-p3 (jar)
q815-p4 (bowl)
q815-p5 (jar)
q815-p6 (bowl)
q815-p7 (i)
q815-p8 (xdf)
q815-p9 (jar)
q815-p10 (bowl)
q815-p11 (bowl)
q815-p12 (xrd)
q815-p13 (xf)
q815-p14 (xf)
q815-p15 (bowl)
q815-p16 (xf)
q815-p17 (xfx)
q815-p18 (xf)
q815-p19 (sq)
q815-p20 (xsc)
q815-p70 (body sherd)
q815-p71 (body sherd)
q815-p72 (body sherd)
q815-p73 (body sherd)
q815-p74 (body sherd)
q815-p75 (body sherd)
q818-p1 (bowl)
q818-p5 (bowl)
q818-p6 (jar)
q818-p7 (jar)
q818-p31 (xrl)
q818-p36 (xf)
q818-p70 (body sherd)
q818-p71 (body sherd)
q818-p72 (body sherd)
q818-p73 (body sherd)
q818-p74 (body sherd)
q818-p75 (body sherd)
q818-p76 (body sherd)
q818-p77 (body sherd)
q818-p78 (body sherd)
q818-p79 (body sherd)
q818-p80 (body sherd)
q818-p81 (body sherd)
q818-p82 (body sherd)
q818-p83 (body sherd)
q820-p1 (jar)
q820-p2 (jar)
q820-p3 (bowl)
q820-p4 (jar)
q820-p5 (bowl)
q820-p6 (r)
q820-p7 (jar)
q820-p8 (jar)
q820-p9 (bowl)
q820-p10 (i)
q820-p11 (strainer)
q820-p12 (cup)
q820-p13 (cup)
q820-p14 (bowl)
q820-p15 (jar)
q820-p16 (tsp)
q820-p17 (xsc)
q820-p18 (xrd)
q820-p19 (r)
q820-p70 (body sherd)
q820-p71 (body sherd)
q820-p72 (body sherd)
q820-p73 (body sherd)
q820-p74 (body sherd)
q820-p75 (body sherd)
q820-p76 (body sherd)
q820-p77 (body sherd)
q820-p78 (body sherd)
q820-p79 (body sherd)
q820-p80 (body sherd)
q820-p81 (body sherd)
q821-p1 (bowl)
q821-p2 (bowl)
q821-p3 (jar)
q821-p4 (bowl)
q821-p5 (r)
q821-p6 (jar)
q821-p7 (r)
q821-p70 (body sherd)
q821-p71 (body sherd)
q821-p72 (body sherd)
q821-p73 (body sherd)
q821-p74 (body sherd)
q821-p75 (body sherd)
q821-p76 (body sherd)
q821-p77 (body sherd)
q821-p78 (body sherd)
q821-p79 (body sherd)
q822-p1 (bowl)
q822-p2 (jar)
q822-p3 (bowl)
q822-p4 (bowl)
q822-p5 (xrd)
q822-p6 (xfx)
q822-p70 (body sherd)
q822-p71 (body sherd)
q822-p72 (body sherd)
q822-p73 (body sherd)
q822-p74 (body sherd)
q822-p75 (body sherd)
q822-p76 (body sherd)
q823-p1 (cup)
q823-p2 (jar)
q823-p3 (cup)
q823-p4 (jar)
q823-p5 (bowl)
q823-p6 (bowl)
q823-p7 (xf)
q823-p8 (r)
q823-p9 (jar)
q823-p10 (bowl)
q823-p11 (xrd)
q823-p12 (other shape sherd)
q823-p13 (other shape sherd)
q823-p14 (other shape sherd)
q823-p15 (other shape sherd)
q823-p16 (other shape sherd)
q823-p17 (other shape sherd)
q823-p18 (other shape sherd)
q823-p19 (other shape sherd)
q823-p20 (other shape sherd)
q823-p70 (body sherd)
q823-p71 (body sherd)
q823-p72 (body sherd)
q823-p73 (body sherd)
q823-p74 (body sherd)
q823-p75 (body sherd)
q823-p76 (body sherd)
q824-p1 (cup)
q824-p2 (cup)
q824-p3 (cup)
q824-p4 (cup)
q824-p5 (f)
q824-p6 (bowl)
q824-p7 (cup)
q824-p8 (bowl)
q824-p9 (bowl)
q824-p10 (bowl)
q824-p11 (cup)
q824-p12 (bowl)
q824-p13 (bowl)
q824-p14 (r)
q824-p15 (tablet)
q824-p16 (tablet)
q824-p17 (cup)
q824-p18 (cup)
q824-p19 (bowl)
q824-p20 (strainer)
q824-p21 (jar)
q824-p22 (jar)
q824-p23 (jar)
q824-p24 (cup)
q824-p25 (r)
q824-p26 (bowl)
q824-p27 (r)
q824-p28 (jar)
q824-p29 (bowl)
q824-p30 (xrd)
q824-p70 (body sherd)
q824-p71 (body sherd)
q824-p72 (body sherd)
q824-p73 (body sherd)
q824-p74 (body sherd)
q824-p75 (body sherd)
q824-p76 (body sherd)
q824-p77 (body sherd)
q824-p78 (body sherd)
q828-p1 (cup)
q828-p2 (cup)
q828-p3 (cup)
q828-p4 (cup)
q828-p5 (cup)
q828-p6 (cup)
q828-p7 (cup)
q828-p8 (cup)
q828-p9 (cup)
q828-p10 (cup)
q828-p11 (cup)
q828-p12 (cup)
q828-p13 (bowl)
q828-p14 (plate)
q828-p15 (plate)
q828-p16 (bowl)
q828-p17 (bowl)
q828-p18 (xlf)
q828-p19 (xf)
q828-p20 (xsc)
q828-p21 (xrg)
q828-p22 (jar)
q828-p23 (jar)
q828-p70 (body sherd)
q828-p71 (body sherd)
q828-p72 (body sherd)
q828-p73 (body sherd)
q828-p74 (body sherd)
q828-p75 (body sherd)
q828-p76 (body sherd)
q828-p77 (body sherd)
q829-p1 (jar)
q829-p2 (sq)
q829-p3 (cup)
q829-p4 (bowl)
q829-p5 (jar)
q829-p6 (bowl)
q829-p7 (jar)
q829-p8 (f)
q829-p9 (bowl)
q829-p10 (cup)
q829-p11 (xfx)
q829-p12 (xfx)
q829-p13 (bowl)
q829-p14 (xsc)
q829-p15 (xrd)
q829-p16 (xf)
q829-p17 (xsc)
q829-p18 (xf)
q829-p19 (xf)
q829-p20 (xfc)
q829-p21 (xsc)
q829-p22 (xel)
q829-p70 (body sherd)
q829-p71 (body sherd)
q829-p72 (body sherd)
q829-p73 (body sherd)
q829-p74 (body sherd)
q829-p75 (body sherd)
q829-p76 (body sherd)
q829-p77 (body sherd)
q830-p1 (bowl)
q830-p2 (cup)
q830-p3 (bowl)
q830-p4 (jar)
q830-p5 (bowl)
q830-p6 (jar)
q830-p7 (cup)
q830-p8 (i)
q830-p9 (xfx)
q830-p10 (xfx)
q830-p70 (body sherd)
q830-p71 (body sherd)
q830-p72 (body sherd)
q830-p73 (body sherd)
q830-p74 (body sherd)
q830-p75 (body sherd)
q831-p1 (bowl)
q831-p2 (jar)
q831-p3 (cup)
q831-p4 (bowl)
q831-p5 (bowl)
q831-p6 (bowl)
q831-p7 (jar)
q831-p8 (jar)
q831-p9 (bowl)
q831-p10 (r)
q831-p11 (bowl)
q831-p12 (root)
q831-p13 (f)
q831-p14 (dp)
q831-p15 (jar)
q831-p16 (r)
q831-p17 (jar)
q831-p18 (r)
q831-p19 (cup)
q831-p20 (cup)
q831-p21 (bowl)
q831-p22 (cup)
q831-p23 (bowl)
q831-p24 (cup)
q831-p25 (cup)
q831-p26 (xsc)
q831-p27 (xf)
q831-p28 (xdc)
q831-p29 (bowl)
q831-p30 (xf)
q831-p31 (xsc)
q831-p32 (xrd)
q831-p33 (jar)
q831-p34 (xrd)
q831-p70 (body sherd)
q831-p71 (body sherd)
q831-p72 (body sherd)
q831-p73 (body sherd)
q831-p74 (body sherd)
q831-p75 (body sherd)
q831-p76 (body sherd)
q831-p77 (body sherd)
q831-p78 (body sherd)
q831-p79 (body sherd)
q832-p1 (cg)
q832-p2 (bowl)
q832-p3 (bowl)
q832-p4 (bowl)
q832-p5 (bowl)
q832-p6 (cup)
q832-p7 (jar)
q832-p8 (jar)
q832-p9 (r)
q832-p10 (dr)
q832-p11 (i)
q832-p12 (i)
q832-p13 (xfc)
q832-p14 (xf)
q832-p15 (xrd)
q832-p16 (xfx)
q832-p17 (other shape sherd)
q832-p18 (other shape sherd)
q832-p19 (other shape sherd)
q832-p20 (other shape sherd)
q832-p21 (other shape sherd)
q832-p22 (other shape sherd)
q832-p23 (other shape sherd)
q832-p24 (other shape sherd)
q832-p25 (other shape sherd)
q832-p26 (other shape sherd)
q832-p27 (other shape sherd)
q832-p28 (other shape sherd)
q832-p29 (other shape sherd)
q832-p30 (other shape sherd)
q832-p31 (other shape sherd)
q832-p32 (other shape sherd)
q832-p33 (other shape sherd)
q832-p34 (other shape sherd)
q832-p35 (other shape sherd)
q832-p36 (other shape sherd)
q832-p37 (other shape sherd)
q832-p38 (other shape sherd)
q832-p39 (other shape sherd)
q832-p40 (other shape sherd)
q832-p41 (other shape sherd)
q832-p42 (other shape sherd)
q832-p43 (other shape sherd)
q832-p44 (other shape sherd)
q832-p45 (other shape sherd)
q832-p46 (other shape sherd)
q832-p47 (other shape sherd)
q832-p48 (other shape sherd)
q832-p49 (other shape sherd)
q832-p50 (other shape sherd)
q832-p51 (other shape sherd)
q832-p52 (other shape sherd)
q832-p53 (other shape sherd)
q832-p54 (other shape sherd)
q832-p55 (other shape sherd)
q832-p56 (other shape sherd)
q832-p57 (other shape sherd)
q832-p58 (other shape sherd)
q832-p59 (other shape sherd)
q832-p60 (other shape sherd)
q832-p61 (other shape sherd)
q832-p62 (other shape sherd)
q832-p63 (other shape sherd)
q832-p64 (other shape sherd)
q832-p65 (other shape sherd)
q832-p66 (other shape sherd)
q832-p67 (other shape sherd)
q832-p68 (other shape sherd)
q832-p69 (other shape sherd)
q832-p70 (body sherd)
q832-p71 (body sherd)
q832-p72 (body sherd)
q832-p73 (body sherd)
q832-p74 (body sherd)
q832-p75 (body sherd)
q832-p76 (body sherd)
q832-p77 (body sherd)
q833-p1 (jar)
q833-p2 (jar)
q833-p3 (jar)
q833-p4 (cup)
q833-p5 (f)
q833-p6 (bowl)
q833-p7 (cup)
q833-p8 (cup)
q833-p9 (xfx)
q833-p10 (f)
q833-p11 (cup)
q833-p12 (jar)
q833-p13 (bowl)
q833-p14 (xrd)
q833-p15 (cup)
q833-p16 (xfc)
q833-p17 (f)
q833-p18 (xsc)
q833-p19 (bowl)
q833-p20 (xf)
q833-p21 (jar)
q833-p22 (xsc)
q833-p23 (sq)
q833-p70 (body sherd)
q833-p71 (body sherd)
q833-p72 (body sherd)
q833-p73 (body sherd)
q833-p74 (body sherd)
q833-p75 (body sherd)
q833-p76 (body sherd)
q835-p1 (cup)
q835-p2 (jar)
q835-p3 (xsc)
q835-p70 (body sherd)
q835-p71 (body sherd)
q835-p72 (body sherd)
q835-p73 (body sherd)
q835-p74 (body sherd)
q835-p75 (body sherd)
q836-p1 (bowl)
q836-p2 (bowl)
q836-p3 (cup)
q836-p4 (cup)
q836-p5 (cup)
q836-p6 (cup)
q836-p7 (bowl)
q836-p8 (bowl)
q836-p9 (cup)
q836-p10 (cup)
q836-p11 (cup)
q836-p12 (cup)
q836-p13 (bowl)
q836-p14 (bowl)
q836-p15 (bowl)
q836-p16 (bowl)
q836-p17 (cup)
q836-p18 (cup)
q836-p19 (jar)
q836-p20 (bowl)
q836-p21 (jar)
q836-p22 (jar)
q836-p23 (dr)
q836-p24 (jar)
q836-p25 (bowl)
q836-p26 (pot)
q836-p27 (r)
q836-p28 (f)
q836-p29 (jar)
q836-p30 (xfc)
q836-p31 (xrd)
q836-p32 (xfc)
q836-p33 (xf)
q836-p34 (xfc)
q836-p35 (xrd)
q836-p36 (xf)
q836-p37 (xsc)
q836-p70 (body sherd)
q836-p71 (body sherd)
q836-p72 (body sherd)
q836-p73 (body sherd)
q836-p74 (body sherd)
q836-p75 (body sherd)
q836-p76 (body sherd)
q836-p77 (body sherd)
q837-p1 (cup)
q837-p2 (cup)
q837-p3 (cup)
q837-p4 (cup)
q837-p5 (cup)
q837-p6 (cup)
q837-p7 (cup)
q837-p8 (cup)
q837-p9 (cup)
q837-p10 (cup)
q837-p11 (bowl)
q837-p12 (bowl)
q837-p13 (bowl)
q837-p14 (bowl)
q837-p15 (bowl)
q837-p16 (plate)
q837-p17 (bowl)
q837-p18 (bowl)
q837-p19 (plate)
q837-p20 (bowl)
q837-p21 (pot)
q837-p22 (jar)
q837-p23 (jar)
q837-p24 (jar)
q837-p25 (tablet)
q837-p26 (r)
q837-p27 (xsc)
q837-p28 (xrd)
q837-p29 (xfc)
q837-p30 (other shape sherd)
q837-p31 (xfx)
q837-p32 (xfx)
q837-p33 (xsc)
q837-p34 (xrd)
q837-p70 (body sherd)
q837-p71 (body sherd)
q837-p72 (body sherd)
q837-p73 (body sherd)
q837-p74 (body sherd)
q837-p75 (body sherd)
q837-p76 (body sherd)
q837-p77 (body sherd)
q837-p78 (body sherd)
q837-p79 (body sherd)
q839-p1 (cup)
q839-p2 (cup)
q839-p3 (cup)
q839-p4 (bowl)
q839-p5 (bowl)
q839-p6 (bowl)
q839-p7 (bowl)
q839-p8 (cup)
q839-p9 (bowl)
q839-p10 (jar)
q839-p11 (cup)
q839-p12 (f)
q839-p13 (jar)
q839-p14 (cup)
q839-p15 (i)
q839-p16 (xfc)
q839-p17 (cup)
q839-p18 (cup)
q839-p19 (xfc)
q839-p20 (bowl)
q839-p21 (jar)
q839-p22 (xsc)
q839-p23 (cup)
q839-p24 (bowl)
q839-p70 (body sherd)
q839-p71 (body sherd)
q839-p72 (body sherd)
q839-p73 (body sherd)
q839-p74 (body sherd)
q839-p75 (body sherd)
q839-p76 (body sherd)
q839-p77 (body sherd)
q841-p1 (cup)
q841-p2 (cup)
q841-p3 (cup)
q841-p4 (f)
q841-p5 (bowl)
q841-p6 (cup)
q841-p7 (cup)
q841-p8 (r)
q841-p9 (r)
q841-p10 (cup)
q841-p11 (cup)
q841-p12 (sq)
q841-p13 (r)
q841-p14 (r)
q841-p15 (r)
q841-p16 (plate)
q841-p17 (jar)
q841-p18 (bowl)
q841-p19 (jar)
q841-p20 (bowl)
q841-p51 (xrg)
q841-p52 (cup)
q841-p53 (bowl)
q841-p54 (cup)
q841-p55 (cup)
q841-p56 (cup)
q841-p57 (cup)
q841-p58 (cup)
q841-p59 (cup)
q841-p60 (bowl)
q841-p61 (bowl)
q841-p62 (r)
q841-p63 (xfx)
q841-p64 (xfc)
q841-p65 (xfc)
q841-p66 (xlf)
q841-p67 (xfc)
q841-p68 (r)
q841-p69 (jar)
q841-p70 (jar)
q841-p71 (bowl)
q841-p72 (r)
q841-p73 (r)
q841-p74 (bowl)
q842-p1 (cup)
q842-p2 (cup)
q842-p3 (xfc)
q842-p4 (cup)
q842-p5 (jar)
q842-p6 (jar)
q842-p7 (cup)
q842-p8 (bowl)
q842-p9 (bowl)
q842-p10 (jar)
q842-p11 (cup)
q842-p12 (xf)
q842-p13 (other shape sherd)
q842-p70 (body sherd)
q842-p71 (body sherd)
q842-p72 (body sherd)
q842-p73 (body sherd)
q842-p74 (body sherd)
q842-p75 (body sherd)
q842-p76 (body sherd)
q846-p1 (cup)
q846-p2 (cup)
q846-p3 (cup)
q846-p4 (cup)
q846-p5 (cup)
q846-p6 (bowl)
q846-p7 (bowl)
q846-p8 (bowl)
q846-p9 (bowl)
q846-p10 (cup)
q846-p11 (jar)
q846-p12 (jar)
q846-p13 (f)
q846-p14 (xsc)
q846-p76 (body sherd)
q846-p77 (body sherd)
q846-p78 (body sherd)
q846-p79 (body sherd)
q846-p80 (body sherd)
q846-p81 (body sherd)
q846-p82 (body sherd)
q846-p83 (body sherd)
q846-p84 (body sherd)
q848-p1 (bowl)
q848-p2 (cup)
q848-p3 (cup)
q848-p4 (cup)
q848-p5 (cup)
q848-p6 (cup)
q848-p7 (cup)
q848-p8 (bowl)
q848-p9 (bowl)
q848-p10 (bowl)
q848-p11 (jar)
q848-p12 (jar)
q848-p13 (r)
q848-p14 (jar)
q848-p15 (jar)
q848-p16 (jar)
q848-p17 (r)
q848-p18 (r)
q848-p19 (jar)
q848-p20 (xfc)
q848-p21 (xf)
q848-p22 (xfx)
q848-p23 (xrd)
q848-p70 (body sherd)
q848-p71 (body sherd)
q848-p72 (body sherd)
q848-p73 (body sherd)
q848-p74 (body sherd)
q848-p75 (body sherd)
q848-p76 (body sherd)
q850-p1 (cup)
q850-p2 (cup)
q850-p3 (cup)
q850-p4 (cup)
q850-p5 (cup)
q850-p6 (cup)
q850-p7 (cup)
q850-p8 (cup)
q850-p9 (cup)
q850-p10 (cup)
q850-p11 (cup)
q850-p12 (cup)
q850-p13 (cup)
q850-p14 (cup)
q850-p15 (cup)
q850-p16 (cup)
q850-p17 (cup)
q850-p18 (cup)
q850-p19 (cup)
q850-p20 (cup)
q850-p21 (cup)
q850-p22 (cup)
q850-p23 (cup)
q850-p24 (cup)
q850-p25 (cup)
q850-p26 (bowl)
q850-p27 (plate)
q850-p28 (bowl)
q850-p29 (bowl)
q850-p30 (bowl)
q850-p31 (bowl)
q850-p32 (bowl)
q850-p33 (bowl)
q850-p34 (bowl)
q850-p35 (bowl)
q850-p36 (bowl)
q850-p37 (cup)
q850-p38 (bowl)
q850-p39 (bowl)
q850-p40 (cup)
q850-p41 (bowl)
q850-p42 (cup)
q850-p43 (bowl)
q850-p44 (xfx)
q850-p45 (xf)
q850-p46 (xsc)
q850-p47 (xfc)
q850-p48 (xf)
q850-p49 (xfc)
q850-p50 (xfx)
q850-p51 (xsc)
q850-p52 (xsc)
q850-p53 (xsc)
q850-p54 (xf)
q850-p55 (xsc)
q850-p56 (xfc)
q850-p57 (xdc)
q850-p58 (xfc)
q850-p59 (jar)
q850-p60 (jar)
q850-p61 (r)
q850-p62 (bowl)
q850-p63 (jar)
q850-p64 (jar)
q850-p65 (sq)
q850-p66 (r)
q850-p67 (r)
q850-p78 (body sherd)
q850-p79 (body sherd)
q850-p80 (body sherd)
q850-p81 (body sherd)
q850-p82 (body sherd)
q850-p83 (body sherd)
q850-p84 (body sherd)
q850-p85 (body sherd)
q850-p86 (body sherd)
q852-p1 (bowl)
q852-p2 (bowl)
q852-p3 (bowl)
q852-p4 (jar)
q852-p5 (xrd)
q852-p6 (xfx)
q852-p7 (pot)
q852-p8 (i)
q852-p9 (xdf)
q852-p10 (bowl)
q852-p11 (bowl)
q852-p12 (pot)
q852-p13 (jar)
q852-p14 (bowl)
q852-p15 (xf)
q852-p16 (jar)
q852-p17 (xf)
q852-p18 (bowl)
q852-p19 (r)
q852-p20 (cup)
q852-p21 (xf)
q852-p22 (cup)
q852-p23 (bowl)
q852-p24 (bowl)
q852-p25 (cup)
q852-p26 (cup)
q852-p27 (xfx)
q852-p28 (bowl)
q852-p29 (worked disk)
q852-p30 (worked disk)
q852-p31 (worked disk)
q852-p70 (body sherd)
q852-p71 (body sherd)
q852-p72 (body sherd)
q852-p73 (body sherd)
q852-p74 (body sherd)
q852-p75 (body sherd)
q852-p76 (body sherd)
q855-p1 (bowl)
q855-p2 (bowl)
q855-p3 (bowl)
q855-p4 (cup)
q855-p5 (cup)
q855-p6 (cup)
q855-p7 (cup)
q855-p8 (cup)
q855-p9 (cup)
q855-p10 (cup)
q855-p11 (cup)
q855-p12 (cup)
q855-p13 (cup)
q855-p14 (cup)
q855-p15 (cup)
q855-p16 (cup)
q855-p17 (cup)
q855-p18 (cup)
q855-p19 (cup)
q855-p20 (cup)
q855-p21 (bowl)
q855-p22 (xsc)
q855-p23 (xfc)
q855-p24 (xsc)
q855-p25 (xf)
q855-p26 (xfc)
q855-p27 (xfx)
q855-p28 (jar)
q855-p29 (sq)
q855-p30 (xlf)
q855-p73 (body sherd)
q855-p74 (body sherd)
q855-p75 (body sherd)
q855-p76 (body sherd)
q855-p77 (body sherd)
q856-p1 (cup)
q856-p2 (cup)
q856-p3 (bowl)
q856-p4 (cup)
q856-p5 (cup)
q856-p6 (f)
q856-p7 (cup)
q856-p8 (xfc)
q856-p9 (xfx)
q856-p70 (body sherd)
q856-p71 (body sherd)
q856-p72 (body sherd)
q856-p73 (body sherd)
q856-p74 (body sherd)
q856-p75 (body sherd)
q856-p76 (body sherd)
q856-p77 (body sherd)
q857-p1 (xf)
q857-p2 (xf)
q857-p70 (body sherd)
q857-p71 (body sherd)
q857-p72 (body sherd)
q857-p73 (body sherd)
q859-p1 (cup)
q859-p2 (cup)
q859-p3 (cup)
q859-p4 (cup)
q859-p5 (cup)
q859-p6 (cup)
q859-p7 (cup)
q859-p8 (cup)
q859-p9 (bowl)
q859-p10 (bowl)
q859-p11 (bowl)
q859-p12 (cup)
q859-p13 (bowl)
q859-p14 (tablet)
q859-p15 (i)
q859-p16 (i)
q859-p17 (jar)
q859-p18 (jar)
q859-p19 (xf)
q859-p20 (xsc)
q859-p21 (xrd)
q859-p22 (xsc)
q859-p23 (xsc)
q859-p24 (xf)
q859-p25 (xfx)
q859-p26 (xsc)
q859-p27 (xf)
q859-p70 (body sherd)
q859-p71 (body sherd)
q859-p72 (body sherd)
q859-p73 (body sherd)
q859-p74 (body sherd)
q859-p75 (body sherd)
q859-p76 (body sherd)
q859-p77 (body sherd)
q861-p1 (jar)
q861-p2 (plate)
q861-p3 (xrg)
q861-p4 (bowl)
q861-p5 (xrd)
q861-p6 (bowl)
q861-p7 (jar)
q861-p8 (jar)
q861-p9 (cup)
q861-p10 (xsc)
q861-p11 (r)
q861-p12 (xfx)
q861-p13 (xrd)
q861-p14 (xf)
q861-p15 (bowl)
q861-p16 (cup)
q861-p17 (cup)
q861-p18 (cup)
q861-p19 (xrg)
q861-p20 (jar)
q861-p21 (cup)
q861-p22 (bowl)
q861-p23 (jar)
q861-p24 (r)
q861-p25 (tablet)
q861-p26 (bowl)
q861-p27 (jar)
q861-p28 (xf)
q861-p29 (cup)
q861-p30 (cup)
q861-p31 (cup)
q861-p32 (xf)
q861-p33 (bowl)
q861-p34 (cup)
q861-p35 (bowl)
q861-p70 (body sherd)
q861-p71 (body sherd)
q861-p72 (body sherd)
q861-p73 (body sherd)
q861-p74 (body sherd)
q861-p75 (body sherd)
q861-p76 (body sherd)
q861-p77 (body sherd)
q861-p78 (body sherd)
q861-p79 (body sherd)
q862-p1 (cup)
q862-p2 (cup)
q862-p3 (cup)
q862-p4 (cup)
q862-p5 (cup)
q862-p6 (cup)
q862-p7 (cup)
q862-p8 (cup)
q862-p9 (cup)
q862-p10 (cup)
q862-p11 (cup)
q862-p12 (cup)
q862-p13 (cup)
q862-p14 (cup)
q862-p15 (cup)
q862-p16 (bowl)
q862-p17 (bowl)
q862-p18 (bowl)
q862-p19 (bowl)
q862-p20 (cup)
q862-p21 (jar)
q862-p22 (bowl)
q862-p23 (bowl)
q862-p24 (jar)
q862-p25 (bowl)
q862-p26 (xf)
q862-p27 (xsc)
q862-p28 (xfc)
q862-p29 (xsc)
q862-p30 (xsc)
q862-p31 (xsc)
q862-p70 (body sherd)
q862-p71 (body sherd)
q862-p72 (body sherd)
q862-p73 (body sherd)
q862-p74 (body sherd)
q862-p75 (body sherd)
q862-p76 (body sherd)
q862-p77 (body sherd)
q862-p78 (body sherd)
q862-p79 (body sherd)
q868-p1 (cup)
q868-p2 (cup)
q868-p3 (cup)
q868-p4 (jar)
q868-p5 (jar)
q868-p6 (bowl)
q868-p7 (jar)
q868-p8 (xsc)
q868-p9 (xf)
q868-p10 (xsc)
q868-p70 (body sherd)
q868-p71 (body sherd)
q868-p72 (body sherd)
q868-p73 (body sherd)
q868-p74 (body sherd)
q868-p75 (body sherd)
q870-p1 (jar)
q870-p2 (jar)
q870-p3 (xsc)
q870-p4 (bowl)
q870-p5 (pot)
q870-p6 (jar)
q870-p7 (bowl)
q870-p8 (xfx)
q870-p9 (xfx)
q870-p10 (bowl)
q870-p11 (cup)
q870-p12 (jar)
q870-p13 (jar)
q870-p14 (cup)
q870-p15 (cup)
q870-p16 (other shape sherd)
q870-p17 (cup)
q870-p18 (xfx)
q870-p19 (r)
q870-p20 (cup)
q870-p21 (bowl)
q870-p22 (cup)
q870-p23 (bowl)
q870-p70 (body sherd)
q870-p71 (body sherd)
q870-p72 (body sherd)
q870-p73 (body sherd)
q870-p74 (body sherd)
q870-p75 (body sherd)
q870-p76 (body sherd)
q870-p77 (body sherd)
q870-p78 (body sherd)
q872-p1 (cup)
q872-p2 (cup)
q872-p3 (cup)
q872-p4 (cup)
q872-p5 (jar)
q872-p6 (jar)
q872-p7 (xrd)
q872-p70 (body sherd)
q872-p71 (body sherd)
q872-p72 (body sherd)
q872-p73 (body sherd)
q872-p74 (body sherd)
q872-p75 (body sherd)
q872-p76 (body sherd)
q872-p77 (body sherd)
q874-p1 (bowl)
q874-p2 (bowl)
q874-p3 (bowl)
q874-p4 (jar)
q874-p5 (bowl)
q874-p6 (bowl)
q874-p7 (bowl)
q874-p8 (jar)
q874-p9 (jar)
q874-p10 (jar)
q874-p11 (xfc)
q874-p12 (jar)
q874-p13 (cup)
q874-p14 (bowl)
q874-p15 (bowl)
q874-p16 (jar)
q874-p17 (bowl)
q874-p18 (jar)
q874-p19 (cup)
q874-p20 (bowl)
q874-p21 (jar)
q874-p22 (xsc)
q874-p23 (xsc)
q874-p24 (jar)
q874-p25 (cup)
q874-p70 (body sherd)
q874-p71 (body sherd)
q874-p72 (body sherd)
q874-p73 (body sherd)
q874-p74 (body sherd)
q874-p75 (body sherd)
q874-p76 (body sherd)
q874-p77 (body sherd)
q874-p78 (body sherd)
q874-p79 (body sherd)
q876-p1 (cup)
q876-p2 (cup)
q876-p3 (cup)
q876-p4 (cup)
q876-p5 (cup)
q876-p6 (cup)
q876-p7 (cup)
q876-p8 (cup)
q876-p9 (cup)
q876-p10 (cup)
q876-p11 (cup)
q876-p12 (bowl)
q876-p13 (bowl)
q876-p14 (cup)
q876-p15 (cup)
q876-p16 (bowl)
q876-p17 (bowl)
q876-p18 (jar)
q876-p19 (jar)
q876-p20 (jar)
q876-p21 (bowl)
q876-p22 (i)
q876-p23 (xf)
q876-p24 (xfx)
q876-p25 (xf)
q876-p26 (xsc)
q876-p70 (body sherd)
q876-p71 (body sherd)
q876-p72 (body sherd)
q876-p73 (body sherd)
q876-p74 (body sherd)
q876-p75 (body sherd)
q876-p76 (body sherd)
q876-p77 (body sherd)
q878-p1 (jar)
q878-p2 (jar)
q878-p3 (jar)
q878-p4 (bowl)
q878-p5 (bowl)
q878-p6 (cup)
q878-p7 (cup)
q878-p8 (bowl)
q878-p9 (xsc)
q878-p10 (bowl)
q878-p11 (bowl)
q878-p12 (bowl)
q878-p13 (cup)
q878-p14 (cup)
q878-p15 (cup)
q878-p16 (cup)
q878-p17 (bowl)
q878-p18 (r)
q878-p19 (bowl)
q878-p20 (xfc)
q878-p70 (body sherd)
q878-p71 (body sherd)
q878-p72 (body sherd)
q878-p73 (body sherd)
q878-p74 (body sherd)
q878-p75 (body sherd)
q878-p76 (body sherd)
q878-p77 (body sherd)
q879-p1 (cup)
q879-p2 (cup)
q879-p3 (bowl)
q879-p4 (cup)
q879-p5 (bowl)
q879-p6 (bowl)
q879-p7 (bowl)
q879-p8 (cup)
q879-p9 (bowl)
q879-p10 (cup)
q879-p11 (bowl)
q879-p12 (bowl)
q879-p13 (jar)
q879-p14 (pot)
q879-p15 (jar)
q879-p16 (jar)
q879-p17 (jar)
q879-p18 (r)
q879-p19 (strainer)
q879-p20 (bowl)
q879-p21 (r)
q879-p22 (i)
q879-p23 (xf)
q879-p24 (xf)
q879-p25 (xfc)
q879-p26 (xsc)
q879-p70 (body sherd)
q879-p71 (body sherd)
q879-p72 (body sherd)
q879-p73 (body sherd)
q879-p74 (body sherd)
q879-p75 (body sherd)
q879-p76 (body sherd)
q879-p77 (body sherd)
q879-p78 (body sherd)
q882-p1 (cup)
q882-p2 (cup)
q882-p3 (cup)
q882-p4 (xf)
q882-p70 (body sherd)
q882-p71 (body sherd)
q882-p72 (body sherd)
q882-p73 (body sherd)
q882-p74 (body sherd)
q882-p75 (body sherd)
q884-p1 (r)
q884-p2 (xfx)
q884-p3 (bowl)
q884-p4 (cup)
q884-p5 (cup)
q884-p6 (cup)
q884-p7 (bowl)
q884-p8 (r)
q884-p9 (bowl)
q884-p10 (xf)
q884-p11 (bowl)
q884-p12 (xf)
q884-p13 (xsc)
q884-p14 (cup)
q884-p15 (bowl)
q884-p16 (cup)
q884-p17 (cup)
q884-p18 (cup)
q884-p19 (bowl)
q884-p20 (bowl)
q884-p21 (cup)
q884-p22 (bowl)
q884-p23 (xrd)
q884-p24 (bowl)
q884-p25 (cup)
q884-p26 (cup)
q884-p27 (cup)
q884-p28 (bowl)
q884-p29 (f)
q884-p30 (jar)
q884-p31 (jar)
q884-p70 (body sherd)
q884-p71 (body sherd)
q884-p72 (body sherd)
q884-p73 (body sherd)
q884-p74 (body sherd)
q884-p75 (body sherd)
q884-p76 (body sherd)
q892-p1 (cup)
q892-p2 (cup)
q892-p3 (cup)
q892-p4 (cup)
q892-p5 (cup)
q892-p6 (bowl)
q892-p7 (bowl)
q892-p8 (bowl)
q892-p9 (jar)
q892-p10 (strainer)
q892-p11 (i)
q892-p12 (bowl)
q892-p13 (jar)
q892-p14 (strainer)
q892-p15 (r)
q892-p16 (xfc)
q892-p70 (body sherd)
q892-p71 (body sherd)
q892-p72 (body sherd)
q892-p73 (body sherd)
q892-p74 (body sherd)
q892-p75 (body sherd)
q892-p76 (body sherd)
q892-p77 (body sherd)
q892-p78 (body sherd)
q893-p1 (cup)
q893-p2 (bowl)
q893-p3 (cup)
q893-p4 (cup)
q893-p5 (cup)
q893-p6 (cup)
q893-p7 (jar)
q893-p8 (bowl)
q893-p9 (jar)
q893-p10 (jar)
q893-p11 (xsc)
q893-p12 (xfx)
q893-p13 (xfx)
q893-p14 (xf)
q893-p15 (xsc)
q893-p16 (xrd)
q893-p17 (xsc)
q893-p18 (xfc)
q893-p19 (r)
q893-p70 (body sherd)
q893-p71 (body sherd)
q893-p72 (body sherd)
q893-p73 (body sherd)
q893-p74 (body sherd)
q893-p75 (body sherd)
q893-p76 (body sherd)
q893-p77 (body sherd)
q894-p1 (jar)
q894-p2 (bowl)
q894-p3 (xfx)
q894-p4 (xfx)
q894-p5 (jar)
q894-p6 (xsc)
q894-p7 (cup)
q894-p8 (ri)
q894-p9 (bowl)
q894-p10 (bowl)
q894-p11 (xfc)
q894-p12 (xfc)
q894-p13 (bowl)
q894-p14 (xsc)
q894-p15 (cup)
q894-p16 (xf)
q894-p17 (ri)
q894-p70 (body sherd)
q894-p71 (body sherd)
q894-p72 (body sherd)
q894-p73 (body sherd)
q894-p74 (body sherd)
q894-p75 (body sherd)
q894-p76 (body sherd)
q894-p77 (body sherd)
q894-p78 (body sherd) [Input: S-CUMUL.j]
2015-05-20 cJC f182 (^ layer)
f188 (^ layer)
f190 (^ layer)
f191 (^ accumulation A)
f197 (accumulation)
f219 (^ accumulation)
f221 (^ accumulation)
f224 (^ accumulation)
f259 (^ wall)
f260 (^ accumulation C)
f261 (^ wall)
f262 (^ accumulation C)
f300 (^ layer)
f301 (^ layer)
f302 (layer)
f303 (^ layer)
f307 (^ accumulation)
f308 (layer)
f311 (^ layer)
f312 (^ accumulation)
f313 (^ layer)
f314 (^ layer)
f316 (^ layer)
f318 (^ layer)
f324 (^ layer)
f325 (^ layer) [Input: ZA520CJC.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2015-05-20 cJC h5cAAH [Input: ZA520CJC.j]