Unit Book J2

The Temple Staircase - Version 1a

J2 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Strata sequence for Unit J2 (J2A)

Caitlin Chaves Yates – December 2010

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The strata sequence currently used is J2A, it is a sequence based on the J2 data and is unique to J2. It is provisional in nature until the sequence is incorporated into a larger JP sequence.

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The strata definition chart (J2A)

phase stratum sub-sr definition of stratum
     and of substratum
9p 10 Modern accumulations, backfill, current excavations
9m 20 Top soil
30 disturbed upper layer
9c 50
8r 60 Scattered use including tannurs
8m 70 Stones above second apron
80 Layers just under stones of s70
7m 120
7e 150 Construction of second apron
155 Build-up and leveling with use areas on top of brickfall
158 Second phase of brickfall
159 Construction of small curtian walls inside brickfall and use areas
160 First phase of brickfall
161 Erosion
7d 170 Accumulations between revetment wall and curtain wall in k13
7a 190 First Mittani deposits in J2, curtain wall in k13
4c 550 Sloping accumulations forming upper levels at base of revetment wall
3s 610 Use floors against base of staircase and apron
3p 630 Building of western flanking wall (f127)
3m 640 Floor build-up immediately following the construction of the monumental access
650 Building the temple terrace, first floor and construction of monumental access
3l 660 Cut in SW corner of k100
665 Pebble floors associated with lower steps
3j 670 Floors with Ninevite 5 sherds
2h 850 Possible construction of early staircase f380

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