Unit Book J2

The Temple Staircase - Version 1a

J2 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Emplacement for unit J2

Caitlin Chaves Yates – November 2010

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More than 60% of the features in J2 are a result of layering or gradual build-up. These layers built up in the open Plaza area and on top of the stone architecture over time.

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The accumulations in J2 can be mostly attributed to a natural build-up with accumulation type D, or natural accumulations, representing 38% of all the layering and 75% of all accumulations.

The most notable accumulations are those which are not attributed to natural occurences. Between the pavements in k100 there were thin accumulations, attributed to Accumulation type A. Examples of this include:

Scattered use areas account for a number of other accumulations. Some of these accumulations are ashy and indicative of the kinds of activities that were taking place in front of the apron and revetment wall. Examples of this kind of accumulation include:

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The features that are described as layers are largely those immediately below the topsoil. These features are part of a thick build-up once the area is no longer being used intensively. Examples of these types of accumulations include:

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