Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Argument |
2010-01-19 |
sC |
Being f53 -stratigraphically- the sum of all the features dug [?] (it consist of f69, f72, f76 and f79), and, as such, an 'artificial' feature, we will not have a [?] association between f53 and other features: we will take into consideration only the features [?] k84 and correlate them with features of neighbouring loci on the basis of the [?] elevation and [?] association. [Input: U119SC.j] |
Notes on recovery |
2006-09-03 |
sC |
It is crumble and soft in consistence, and it is very fine in texture. It is characterized by the presence of pebbles and pottery sherds. [Input: Q903SC2.j] |
2010-01-19 |
sC |
f53 was not excavated stratigraphically but all the q-items, pottery sherds [?]fragments have been collected in different q-lots. While studying this material must be kept in [?] it comes from different accomulations since k84 consists of f69, f72, f76 and f79, the features [wi?] thin this locus previously. [Input: U119SC.j] |