

Processed on 2024-12-11



Roster Date Author Record
Daily notes about recovery of elements 2006-08-20 sC Today we continued digging f34 with the big pick in all the unit (q61, q64). f34 is medium compact in consistence and presents patches of soft soil. At the elevation of q64, a very compact surface has been exposed in the N area of the unit, with an area orange in colour; therefore we expose all the unit with the trowel. Once finsihed to remove the dirt I asked dM to take a picture of the unit (unlucky, a probelm with the camera occurred, and dM told me later that this photo was lost). I think this was a natural surface that has been exposed for a perid which allow it to became very compact. However, both the matrix and the inclusions did not suggest any radical change. We decided to change the feature number at this elevation, and assigne a new feature number to this compacted natural accumulation (f38). Then we started to remove the feature in all the unit with the big pick (q65, q67). Two animal holes has been noticed at the elevation of q67; one is located toward the E section, the secon is 130m W and 35cm N to m3817 (both have been closed with a little plastic bag filled with soil, in order to avoid any contamination with the pottery in the accumulation below). Finished the day by cleaning the unit and respective baulks. [Input: Q820SC.j]
2006-08-21 sC Today we continued digging f38 with the big pick in all the unit (q70). f38 is compact soil mixed to patches of soft soil. After every pick run, there is no change in the same matrix soil but the feature is softer in consistence and the patches of compact soil are less spread within the unit. Also in this unit the work has been a bit slow in the previous days, therefore we are still very high in elevation. I think we'll need two working days before arriving at the same elevation as k74, k73, k71 and k63. Finished the day by cleaning the unit and respective baulks. [Input: Q821SC.j]
2006-08-22 sC Today we continued digging f38 with the big pick in all the unit (q76, q82). As already noticed yestartedy, f38 is characterized by a compact soil mixed to patches of soft soil. The only change I have observed, is that at the elevation of m4301 +53 -145, although the feature presents the same matrix it is very soft in consistence. f38 is characterized by a loose and very fine texture, it is clayish, it leaves color on fingers, and dusty when removed). It is the same of f37 in k63, f36 in k74 and f35 in k62. At this elevation I also noticed that the feature is characterized by the presence of phytolots, which are uniformily spread within all the unit; these are particulary concetrated in the SE corner of the square, giving a light grey-whitish coloration to the soil. After breakfast (Ahmed Hessu and Bengin Amin) have been working here. At the end of the day we reached the same elevation as in k74 in all the unit. Tomorrow we have to prepare the E and W section and then we can start removing the N baulk of the unit. [Input: Q822SC.j]
2006-08-23 sC Today we started to remove the N baulk, f39 (q88, q90)- The goal was to start and finish [?] remove the N baulk of the locus. The work has been very slow and the workmen removed only in part [?](half). [Input: Q823SC.j]
2006-08-23 sC Yesterday we finished to work in this locus. Today we started and finish remove the N baulk (f41, q86, q91). We stop digging here at theelevation of m3817 +35-15 [?]. [Input: Q823SC.j]
2006-08-27 sC Today we start digging again in k64 while bWP put new markers. The new markers are: m4397 (NW corner) and m4398 (NE corner). Since in the last days we have been removing the N baulk in this (as well as in other squares), we assigned a new feature number to the natural accumulation in k64 (f57) in order to avoid possible contamination in the pottery. We treated f57 as a topsoil layer (f57 is the same of f38, the accumulation directly above), thus, after one pick run (q110) we change again feature number (f59) in order to avoid contamination with the pottery in the accumulation below. f59 is the same of f57 (a natural accumulation, directly above) and it is the same of f56 and f58 in k74, and f55 and f61 in k73. f59 (as well as f57) is characterized by the presence of phytolits. These are spread uniformily within all the square. However, in this square the soil is very soft in consistence. f61 is very fine in texture, is a bit clayish (leaves color on fingers) and it is dusty when removed. It is light brown/reddish brown in colour and poor in pottery sherds (q114). [Input: Q827SC.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Elements within locus 2006-08-19 vn f31 (topsoil) [Input: Q903PC2.j]
2006-08-19 sc f33 (accumulation D)
f34 (accumulation D) [Input: Q903PC2.j]
2006-08-20 as f38 (floor, type d) [Input: Q903PC2.j]
2006-08-20 sc f41 (mix) [Input: Q903PC2.j]
2006-08-27 as f57 (accumulation D) [Input: Q903PC2.j]
2006-08-27 mnh f59 (accumulation D) [Input: Q903PC2.j]
2006-08-28 as f62 (isolated stone) [Input: Q903PC2.j]
2006-09-06 sc f113 (accumulation D) [Input: Q922PC.j]
2006-08-21 mnh q70 (pottery) [Input: Q822CC.j]
2006-08-22 cc q76 (pottery) [Input: Q822CC.j]
2006-08-22 vn q82 (pottery) [Input: Q822CC.j]
2006-08-23 vn q86 (pottery) [Input: Q826PC1.j]
2006-08-23 cc q91 (pottery) [Input: Q826PC1.j]
2006-09-02 cc q180 (pottery) [Input: Q904PC4.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of locus
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC2.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC3.j]
2010-03-21 sC [Input: U321SC3.j]