Unit Book J5 (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-01-28

Date Author Record
2008-07-09 jW To accomplish these goals we will incorporate and build upon that portion of unit J1 that contains the double wall. First, we will clean and document the previously excavated portion of the revetment wall. Next, we will open two new loci, k23 and k24, north of the west face of the outer of the two lines of stone. There, at a depth of about 150cm below the surface we expect to be able to follow this face which runs roughly north northwest. The geophysical survey indicates the prescence of a structure to the west within the range of the new loci. If we find the turn we will follow it to the west with additional loci in that direction. In order to define the nature of the wall system as it turns north we will remove some isolated pillars of soil which partially cover it in the portion previously exposed as a part of the J1 excavation. If necessary to further explore the construction, we will open a second line of loci running north and located to the east of k23 and k24. In order to accomplish the publishing goal, we will station an experienced assistant in the house on a rotating basis to process objects and enter and process data and photographs as they are recorded in the field. [Input: S709JW1.j]
2008-07-19 lH We will photograph the westen stone floor in k44 and stop digging in it; to move to a new locus, k54. In k34 we will continue digging untill we reach to 2900 elevation, then we will digging only the northern half of it. We will remove the pit, a1, and the natural accumulation in the southern part of k23. [Input: S719LH.j]
2008-07-20 lH We need to remove the rest of f35 in the northern third of k54, then we will photographed the crust, f36, before we remove it. We will look for a continuation of the stone pavement, f28, in k44, into the east half of k54. In k34 we will continue to excavate the northern half. In k23 we will photograph the stones in the southwest quadrant, then we will continue to dig down along the southern baulk to find the revetment wall, f3. [Input: S720LH.j]
2008-07-25 jW Based on the assumption that we need to excavate the staircase in the least destructive way possible, jW, the J5 archaeologists, gB, mKB, and fAB met on site to determine how. We decided to excavate locus k33 to understand what may be the southern boundary of the staircase. We will excavate the south half of locus k34, which has throughout, a hard, naturally compacted floor, f45. By doing so, we expect to find lower steps of the staircase. We will keep f45 as a stratigraphic reference because it in all likelihood is the transition layer between Mittani and Middle Assyrian phases. [Input: S725JW2.j]
2008-07-27 jW We began excavating staircase f21 from top to bottom and from east to west. After locating all of the steps (3) in k24 (the third ended in the west baulk), we moved to k34 to begin searching along the east baulk for a continuation. We wanted to preserve the Middle Assyrian to Mittani transitional floor surface, f45, in the north half of the locus while excavating it and laminations, f63 in the south. mKB posed the question of what happens if the staircase, f21, does not contine through the baulk. If not, there would be a distinct possibility that we would dig through several strata and learn little. As a result, we decided to excavate the east baulk of k34, then follow the staircase down and to the west. As to the western loci, k34 and k44, we will stop in k44 and excavate k34 to see if stone installations f28 and f49 continue to the south through the baulk which separates these loci. The geosurvey plot shows that a large structure makes a turn to the east in that general area. Our working hypothesis is that stone installation f49 is the source of the trace on the plot and that it turns west in k34. In k23, when the k22 north baulk removal is complete, we will excavate down to find the northern extension of revetment wall, f3, which penetrates the baulk from the south. [Input: S727JW1.j]
2008-07-28 lH Tomorrow we will continue removing the eastern baulk of k34. When we finish we will begin to remove the accumulation which covers the next lower steps of the stone staircase in the southern half of k34. In k23, after photographing the floor, f39, against the eastern section of J1, we will continue to excavate to find the northern part of wall, f3. We will also continue excavating in k43 to find if the stone installation, f49, continues to the south. [Input: S728LH.j]
2008-07-30 jW This morning, gB, fAB, jW and the unit archaeologists met on site to discuss how best to define and understand the relationship between the staircase, f21, the revetment wall, f3, and the dressed stones, f41, to the southwest of f3. We decided to finish excavating the redefined north section of k22, down to the level where excations in previous seasons were halted. Then, after we draw and photograph the baulk, we will excavate by following the features seen in section to the north. As to the staircase, we will excavate k34 to the level where soil feature, f70, meets the top of the bottom step of staircase, f12. We will score and photograph the combined south baulks of k34 and k24 so that we can see where the various accumulations and floor surfaces abut or cover the staircase. As to the baulk separating k34 and k44, we will score and draw and photograph it as the west baulk of k34, then remove it to develop a clear sightline to the Middle Assyrian structures, f28 and f49 to the west. In k43, we will contine to excavate with the prospects of finding the source of the bright lines on the geomagnetic survey done several years ago. It is most likely that they are from stone installation, f49. We will also continue, as resources permit to excavate locus k33. We expect that architecture in it will be a key in understanding the relationships among stones f41, its glacis, f74, and the staircase, f21. [Input: S730JW.j]
2008-08-02 jW gB, fAB and jW met on site to discuss the apparent conflict between the layers of Middle Assyrian pottery found in this locus, (and in k23, and in k44) and the strong Mittani identity with nearby features such as the houses in A19 and A20. gB suggested that it would be useful to our overall understanding of unit J05 to first remove the east baulks of k34 and k44 to evaluate the relalationship between the rows of stones in k44 and k43 and the staircase, f21, to the east. However, we must still remove, at a later date, the north baulk of k43 to understand the relationships among the stone structures in k43 and k44. [Input: S802JW.j]
2008-08-04 lH Tomorrow, we are going to start excavation in the new locus, k14. In k33, we will remove the western and the eastern baulks, starting with the western tomorrow, in order to have a wide view that links the stone installations in k43, f71, f73, f91, with the revetment wall, the other stone installations in k23; f20, f73, f99, f41; and the glacis, f74. [Input: S804LH.j]
2008-08-04 jW gB, fAB, and jW met with the J5 staff to discuss an excavation strategy for the next week in light of the extensive stone work found in k23 and k24. Excavation in k33 has indicated that it is free of structures to a depth of 170cm from the surface. Identical conditions were found in k34. The last feature in both was a dense, highly compacted, clean accumulation composed of fine-grained silt. We are reluctant to continue excavating here until we understand better the relationship between the stonework (f3, f41, f99) and glacis (f74) of k22 and k23 and the stone staircase (f21) found in k24. The east baulk of k33 should reveal the connection and it will be removed after the baulks are drawn and photographed and the west baulks of k23 and k22 are photographed. The transition from the clean, flat surface in k33 to the stonework in k34 is similar to that now seen in k34 an k44. We will remove the east baulk of k44 (after drawing and photographing its reverse, the west baulk of k34) to better interpret the stratigraphy. An examination of the extensive stonework (f3, f4, f5) found in k22, k21, k12, and k11 (excavated in previous seasons as a part of J1) shows that it may be a result of late (Mittani) modifications to earlier (Akkadian or Early Dynastic structures. Several lines of this stonework extend north to the east of k23 and k24. In addition, the line of stones, f14, in k24, which border the staircase, f21, extend to the east. To explore these relationships, if any, we will excavate loci k3, k4, k13, and k14. [Input: S805JW1.j]
2008-08-05 jW Removing the east baulks of k43 and k33 were scheduled as high priority tasks for today. However, due to delays associated with photography and baulk drawing, we moved all three crews to the new loci k13 and k14 and excavated there for the day. Tomorrow we will excavate each baulk and k14 with one crew each. Excavation of k13 will be temporarily suspended until the baulks are fully removed. [Input: S805JW1.j]
2008-08-05 lH Tomorrow we will remove the eastern and the western baulks of k33. So we will have a wide view that links the stone installations in k43, the highly compacted accumulation, f102, in k33 and the stone installations with the glacis of k23 and k22. We will continue excavating k14, while we will not excavate k13 tomorrow. [Input: S805LH.j]
2008-08-06 jW gB and fAB reviewed with jW and lH the need to remove the south parts of the remaining baulks in k21, k22, k11, and k12 to improve sightlines from the new observation platform being built to the south of the unit. The surveyor, bKP will create relays for the outline of material to be excavated, k100. The entire crew from J1 will report tomorrow to begin work. J5 crews will continue to remove the baulks in k43 and k33 and to excavate k14. [Input: S806JW.j]
2008-08-10 jW In several meetings over the last two days, gB, fAB, jW, and the J5 staff have discussed excavation plans for the last two-week period. There are several conflicting strategies that needed to be resolved. The highest priority will be to excavate k33 down to the glacis, f74, and its associated wall systems, including f41, by carefully removing the horizontally layered and laminated accumulations above it. Loci k13 and k14 have yielded a number of interesting stone installations and bricky residues. However, we have not been able to fit them together with stonework in loci k22, k23, and k24. To clarify this area of "four corners," we had scheduled removing the baulk that extends from k43 on the west to k13 on the east starting on Wednesday, S813. In today's discussions, we decided that it would be more effective and illustrative to remove the shorter N-S baulks between k24, and k14 and k23 and k13 respectively after they are drawn and photographed. This work can be accomplished by the crews who are already excavating in k13 and k4 without disturbing the work on the wall systems in k33. As the E-W baulk has been documented, we can remove it at anytime resources are available. As to work in the soutern part of the unit, we need to excavate k32 to trace the glacis we have found in k22 to the west. We also need to finish excavating k100. We do not expect to find significant architecture or artifacts in either k32 or k100. We believe that there are adequate resources and enough time to complete this work. In summation, considering the progress made to date, we can execute the plan if our assumptions are correct. [Input: S810JW.j]
2008-08-13 jW On S814, we will finish excavating accumulation, f135, in locus k33, then clean and photograph it. Then we will begin removing floor accumulation, f137, from the southeast corner, then west and north. We expect to find the northern extension of wall, f41, and the follow the escarpment, f74, seen in the northwest corner of k22. In locus k24, we will clean it well, along with k14, k34 and k44, for a major photograph. In locus k13, we will remove the south safety baulk to trace featues found in the north part of the locus. For locus k22, we will follow the escarpment, f74, into the southwest corner. [Input: S813JW.j]
2008-08-14 jW On S816 we will continue to excavate the accumulations in k32 with two large picks. In k33, we will contine to excavate, with a small pick, floor accumulation, f137, which covers escarpment, f74. In k22, we will excavate, with a small pick, the five accumulations (f86, f87, f88, f89, and f90) seen in section to the east of revetment wall, f3. In k13 and k14, we will clean, photograph, and measure several features not yet documented. [Input: S814JW.j]
2008-08-16 jW In a meeting between gB, fAB, and jW it was decided to focus the work in the last days on presentation of what has already been found rather than additional exploration. Therefore, we will assign two pickmen to excavate k100 and two pickmen to excavate k32 so that the sightlines to major features such as the revement walls f3 and f41, the escarpment, f74, the staircase, f21, and the stone installations in k43 and k44 can be seen from the new viewing platform being constructed south of k32. As soon as possible, two pickmen will follow the escarpment east to see if it links with the one in unit J1. After the north sections of k13, k23, k33, and k43 are drawn we will remove the long north baulk that links them. [Input: S816JW.j]
2008-08-17 jW We will draw and photgraph the north and east baulks before removing them. [Input: S817JW.j]
2008-08-21 jW In a meeting with jW and dL, gB suggested that the only way we might possibly determine whether wall f3 and its associated pavement was built during Phase 6 and whether wall 41 was built in Phase 1 was to sink a 50cm square probe behind each and then examine the ceramics. (There is a recognizable change in the stones used to construct f3 to the east and to the west so it will be possible to chose an appropriate location even though we will not be able to trace f41. [Input: S821JW.j]
2008-08-24 lH gB and jW met on site after work was stopped to make final plans for the excavation. We will excavate k100 as planned using sloping sides on the southern edge. We will excavate two triangular sections on the northeastern corners of k31 and k32 to improve sightlines from the panorama. We will complete the mini-section in k34 to see how previously excavated soil features contact the bottom step of the staircase, f21. Finally we will excavate in a 50cm wide strip with abuts revetment wall, f3, moving from J1 to the west. The purpose will be to expose and trace the escarpment which can be seen clearly in the east baulk of k11. [Input: S824LH2.j]
2008-08-25 jW gB and jW met to discuss the strategy to complete the assigned work in the last two field days, which begin tomorrow. First we will improve the sightline from the new panorama by expanding the trianular cut, f167, in k32 by an additional meter. Ali, Ramadan, Mizer and the crew from A20 will accomplish this task. Second, we will continue to excavate loci k101, k102, and k103 to obtain additional ceramic material that will help us to date when revetment wall, f3 and staricase, f21, were built. Abd'l Rahman will do this. Third, we will complete the excavation of the sloping section, f159, east to the boundary of J1. Masood and Majid will accomplish this task. Fourth, we will follow the escarpment, f167, to the west from the western border of J1. Huessein will do this. Fifth, we will cut a ramp to prepare a staircase that will lead visitors from J1 upward into J5. Amer and Kamiran will accomplish this task. [Input: S825JW.j]
2008-08-26 jW As tomorrow is the last day of excavation, the following projects must be completed. First, mKB must analyze today's ceramic finds from k101, k102, and k103 to assure that we have sufficent data from them to determe the phase when parts of revetment wall, f3, and staircase, f21 were built. Then, we will cover and backfill these loci. Second, we must complete excavating the access stairway from J1 to J5 along the south face of revetment wall, f3. Third, we must complete the removal of volumetric material, f159, in k100 to enhance the sightline from the panorama into J1. Fourth we must complete excavation of volumetric material, f167, in k32 to enhance the sightline from the panorama into k22 so that wall, f41, can be seen. Fifth, we will continue to explore for the escarpment that should continue west from excavation unit J1 into J5 along the bottom stones which form the south face of revetment wall, f3. [Input: S826JW.j]
2008-09-13 jW Over the next two days we will complete the types of contact and Harris matrices in preparation for assigning each feature to a stratum and phase. These assignments must also be justified. After this work we must also review the objects to assure that they have been measured, photographed, and perhaps drawn. [Input: S913JW2.j]
2009-07-19 jW After organizing the teams we will spend much of the time before breakfast cleaning the entire J5 area that was excavated last season. Then, we will remove the winter accumulation from both loci and clean the exposed surface thoroughly to determine the nature of the accumulation below. After that we will begin excavating those accumulations in earnest. [Input: T719JW.j]
2009-07-21 jW Excavation director fAB met with jW, sE, eA, and jN on site to discuss strategy for the next several days. Originally, we planned only one locus for the excavations in J5 this season, and it was designated k104. However, due to its length, fAB suggested that we split it into two parts - k105 to the north and west and k106 to the south and east. A baulk (east baulk of k105) would separate the two. A north baulk would be also maintained in k105. The shafat for dirt removal will sit on the new east baulk of k105. The two easternmost north projections (sawteeth) of k100 should be removed to facilitate excavations along the south face of the revetment wall. These excavations will proceed from east to west, starting near unit J1 where we have already exposed a baqaya escarpment, f184, which is covered by what we called a floor accumulation, f169. We will use small picks throughout the unit from now on as the subtle differences between accumulations and the escarpments we are looking for can be easily obscured by the use of heavier tools. We will draw the east face of a N-S oriented baulk on the eastern side of k105. This will be removed as a part of the search for the escarpment, but provides a good section reference point. [Input: T721JW.j]
2009-07-21 jW Director gB, fAB, jW, sE, eA, and jN met to review excavation progress and strategy. A large cut stone, f205, adjacent to wall, f41, and under escarpment, f74, had just been exposed. There were an adequate number of sherds for mKB to identify as coming from the Mittani period. gB used the opportunity to stress the need to proceed carefully and be evermindful of the research question being addressed. The strategy developed earlier in the day was seen to be appropriate. [Input: T721JW.j]
2009-07-23 jW An on-site meeting was held with gB, fAB, jW, sE, eA and jN to deal with the problem of how to excavate in the vicinity of stair, f205, so as to preserve and study the stratigraphic relationships between the early wall, f41; stair, f205, floor accumulation, f74, and late wall, f3. One problem is the restricted working space in the north part of locus k105. To solve this problem we will remove the late buttresses, f155 and f161, and the floating stone, f207. Also we will cut back the NE face of locus k32. Finally we will remove the stones of f200, which appear to block the water channel, f205 and f202. fAB pointed out that as seen in the NE section of k32, a distinct ash layer (not yet designated a feature) separates the laminar accumulations above from the dense packed soil of f74 below. As we cut back the section of k32, we will carefully trace this layer for clues as to the shape of the temple mound in this area. For the moment we will not expose more of the stair steps, until we know more about the likely shape of the temple mound at the time they were built. However, we do know that the ceramics above the highest step and the ceramics above the lower steps northeast of the revetment wall, f3, are both from the Mittani period. [Input: T723JW.j]
2009-07-26 jW Held an on-site meeting with gB, fAB, jW, sE, eA, jN and the staff of J1 (lC, mM, aA) to discuss the impact of J1's discovery of a floor surface directly adjacent to the portion of stone installation, f188, that is in J1. The surface, J1f313, contains many pebbles and sherds pressed horizontally. It was agreed that we should excavate f204 in k100 down to the level of this surface, then try and follow the sherd floor to the west. Since the escarpment that we are looking for appears to overlay part of the stones of f188, it will help locate the escarpment and clarify the stratigraphy. There are two large stones just below the extant surface of f204 that may be associated with similar stones at the same elevation located just to the east in J1. [Input: T726JW.j]
2009-07-26 jW During the staff progress review on T724, jW noticed that stair, f21, was built on the line of what we believe is the Third Millennium revetment wall, f41. The stones of the bottom step of f21 appear to be laid atop f41. However, the Mittani revetment wall extension, f3, follows a different course and its north end stops short of the platform to the east of the top step of f21. This raises the possibility that stair, f21, was built in the Third Millennium. One way to test this hypothesis is to follow the top step of stair, f205, to the north to see if it links to staircase, f21. Then we could excavate to the west of the link to collect sherds associated with its construction. Another way is to excavate along the north edge of f21 to collect sherds associated with its construction. The problem with either approach is that it destroys the monument that we want to preserve. gB encouraged the J5 staff to develop other alternatives. [Input: T726JW.j]
2009-07-27 jW We will excavate laminar soil, f209, in k105, down to the ash layer, then follow it carefully, as it seals the soil layer covering the steps (possibly Third Millenium) upon which the late Mitanni revetment wall, f3 was built. We will excavate f204 in k100 down to the floor J1f313 just to the east. [Input: T727JW.j]
2009-07-27 jW On T728 we have to resolve two issues. The easy one is how to excavate the ashy soil, f214, and the hard lens, f213, which it surrounds. As the soft ash was most likely deposited after the hard lens, we will remove it first, down to the level of floor accumulation, f74 which it covers. The more difficult issue is in k100. We removed accumulation, f204 and, at the eastern edge of the locus, found the continuation of the J1f313 floor under f204. However, about one meter to the west of the J1 and J5 boundary we found plastic, presumably marking the bottom of backfill from a previous season's excavation. In the vicinity of the westernmost excavated stone of installation, f184, there is a hard, dense soil layer. This may be silt acted upon by water just atop the plastic. Or, it could be an accumlation from the time that f184 was in use. To resolve the issue, we must dig a narrow, N-S strip of the soil layer to see if there is plastic underneath. [Input: T727JW.j]
2009-07-27 jW gB and fAB met with the unit staff to discuss the stratigraphic relationship among the monumental staircase, f21; early revetment wall, f41, the stairs which abut that wall, f205, (including their possible continuation to the north); and the area immediately west of these components. The first step in resolving these issues is to follow the top step of f205 to the north to see its relationship with f21 and f41. [Input: T727JW.j]
2009-07-28 jW The unit staff met with fAB to discuss the strategy for excavating a complex intersection of soil features along the northwest baulk of k104. We wanted to know their relationship since all covered an important feature, the f74 floor which covers the f205 stairs and which abuts the early revetment wall, f41. We had a choice of excavating the hard one first, the soft one first, or cutting an exploratory trench perpendicular to the baulk. Since time was limited and the features themselves were not individually important, we decided to excavate the smaller feature of harder soil first. [Input: T728JW.j]
2009-07-28 jW The unit staff met with fAB and gB to review the strategy for gathering evidence that would help identify when the components of the monumental western staircase, f21; early revetment wall, f41; stairway, f205; and late revetment wall, f3 were built. The basic strategy is to follow the top step of f205 north. We expect it to intercept the staircase, f21. We will then clear the accumulation from an exploratory trench to the west of wall, f41, down to the level of the top step to stairs, f205, and extend it north to the middle of f21. Then, one will be able to see the wall and stair system as it existed at its construction as well as its later phases of use. [Input: T728JW.j]
2009-07-30 jW After drawing the section of the north baulk of k105 we plan to excavate north to the bottom steps of the monumental staircase, f21. First we will follow floor accumulation, f74 (here an exposed strip about 150 cm wide) to the north. It covers not only the steps of stairs, f205, but also what appears to be a stone pavement north of the top step. Adjacent to the west we will first excavate accumulation f218 which covers f74, then excavate f74 itself to expose more of the material (expected to be stone pavement) to the west of wall f41 as it continues north to f21. In k106 the gigantic stone, f216, was broken up by sledge. After removing it we will excavate floor f213, then, the accumulation below and to the south of stone installation, f188. [Input: T730JW.j]
2009-08-01 jW The staff met with fAB to discuss strategy for the next several days. The proximity of the high north baulk of k100 makes it impractical to excavate in k106 the limited area south of the southernmost row of the stones of stone installation, f225. The possibility of contamination by late material dictates that the second escarpment be fully exposed and the surrounding Mittani gully wash soil be removed before excavating to the west the floor accumulation, f226, covering f225. Since the shafat is even farther to the west, contamination of f226 should be minimized. As to excavating in k105 and k33 to its north, we will follow the top stone of stairs, f205 to the north until it intersects with the bottom steps of staircase, f21. We will also excavate a parallel strip immediately to the west to this level. [Input: T801JW.j]
2009-08-01 jW The staff met with gB and fAB to discuss the longer-term strategy for the last two weeks of excavation. We need to determine the relationship between the monumental stairway, f21, and wall, f41, which we believe to be older. gB suggested excavating in k33 farther north to the middle of the third stone from the south. Then we would excavate below the first stone from the south, to see exactly how it interfaces with f41, on which the east end of the first row of the steps of f21 appear to rest. We will prop up the stone of f21 below which we excavate with cement blocks to prevent collapse. fAB suggested that we excavate a test trench on the east side of wall, f41, to determine when it was built. This would require the removal of some of the stones of f99, many of which seem to be displaced from their original position. Finally, gB and fAB suggested the possibility of removing a major portion of the southeastern part of k100, under which is what we believe to be major components (f184, f188, f225) of the first and second escarpments to revetment wall, f189. A pickman and a few extra removal crew as well as an additional shafat would be added to the crew and equipment. Three pickmen would be devoted to the k100 project while two would continue to work in k105, k33, and k106. [Input: T801JW.j]
2009-08-02 jW In several meetings among gB, fAB, and the unit staff, several pending issues were resolved. First, we decided to begin the excavation of the high bulks to the south by removing the part of k100 to the east of what was formerly J1k7. Then, if time permits, we will remove the part k100 that was to the north of J1k7. This will allow us to take maximum advatage of the typology of J1k7, which was excavated in three steps, descending from south to north. Since the bottom step is about at the elevation of the second escarpment, f184, we will get much more exposure and working room to trace the escarpment and underlying stone work, f225 and f188, south and west. With respect to tracing the second escarpment from J1 to the west, we have been hindered by the fact that it is covered by a thin crust, f236, which matches the color of accumulations nearby. jW decided to cut a thin section (5cm) running N-S across the escarpment, then follow it east and west. At the bottom, the soil was considerably more red, and the pottery was exclusively from ED III or before. [Input: T802JW.j]
2009-08-02 jW Comparing this result with that obtained in J1, we are confident we are at the top of the same escarpment which rises in elevation as one moves from west to east. In k33 we have positively identified an early floor, f230, that goes with wall k41 and extends to the west from the northern part that we see. (It is possible that f41 extends even farther north beyond the staircase, f21, but we will not be able to determine that this season.) We will trace this floor surface north to the middle step of f21 and west to the west baulk of k33. If time permits, we should also trace the floor farther west to determine its relationship with brick wall, f196, whose top was exposed at the end of MZ21. Finally, we need to determing the relationship between the staircase, f21, and wall, f41, which appears to run beneath it. A small block of soil will be removed from accumlation, f128, to the east, undercutting bottom stones of f21 at a gap between them. If we encounter the stones of f41, then we know that f21 rests on f41 and is therefore later. How much later can not be determined. [Input: T802JW.j]
2009-08-03 jW As we excavate the portion of k100 to the east of J1k7, we will extend the "steps down" to the east to reduce the amount of excavation required this season and provide a sufficient sight line to the northeast from the viewing platform. In k33, we will clear enough accumulation to follow floor surface, f230, to the north and west. There will be no excavations in k105 or k106 today. [Input: T803JW.j]
2009-08-05 jW In several meetings among gB, fAB and the staffs of J1 and J5 we decided to excavate the accumulation, f226, which covered f225, further westward. If f225 continues to the west, then we would surmise that stone installation, f188, also does. (We expect it to be hidden by the second escarpment, which we will not excavate.) gB believes that, although lower in elevation, f226 was deposited after f241, perhaps as a result of erosion effects of water scouring out higher levels during the Mittani period. Therefore we will excavate f226 before 241. In k33 we will follow floor, f230, to its maxmimum extents to the north and west. We will also remove a small section of floor, f70, to match the deeper excavation of f230. In k100, we continue to excavate the high baulks east and north of J1k7, matching the steps down to the north previously excavated. In k106 we will continue to excavate to find the western extent of the second escarpment. In k105, we will shift attention back to excavating the stairs, f205 to the south. To facilitate this, we will remove the stones of k200. [Input: T805JW.j]
2009-08-10 jW As a result of several meetings throughout the day among gB, fAB, mKB, and jW the strategy over the last week was altered to assure that we could meet the major goal of the excavation; namely to clarify the nature of the Late Chalcolithic mound upon which the Early Dynastic revetment wall, f189, and accompanying structures were built. As a result of the discovery of the stone first escarpment (f188 and f225) and the clarification of the nature of the layered second escarpment above it (f184, f241, and f242) in locus k106, we can now follow the first escarpment west to the west section of k106. We will carefully remove the Mittani accumulations above and abutting the second escarpment (f243 and f252) then excavate as much of this Early Dynastic layered escarpment, ^esc2, as necessary to expose the stones of the first escarpment, ^esc1. The situation farther to the west and north in locus k105 is more problematical. Here there are a multitude of accumulations, floors, and structures above the Third Millennium levels. The key to our understanding of the shape of the Late Chalcolithic mound in this locus is to fully expose a portion of the southwest face of wall, f41, which we hypothesize was built in the Third Millennium atop the Late Chalcolithic mound as an adjunct or continuation of the revetment wall. Hopefully, we can date f41 and expose the first escarpment, esc1, which we expect rests directly on the LC mound based on the findings in J1. We will need all our resources to accomplish this and we will have to work with large picks when we are removing accumulations and structures we understand and have documented. To accomplish this we will cease excavations in k100. We will also closely monitor the ceramics to detect the transitions between constuction phases. gB suggested that when we use the big pick to excavate a feature, we note this under the procedures code. He also suggested that we discuss our two strategic options for excavating in k106. [Input: T810JW.j]
2009-08-11 jW In k106, first we will verify that we have removed all of the Mittani accumlations atop of, and to the south of, the layered escarpment, ^esc2, in locus k106. When we are certain that this has been accomplished, we will begin to excavate the southern part of the escarpment, f241, following it to the west to expose the southern lines stones of ^esc1, f225. We expect that they will continue to the western end of the revetment wall, f189, which they protect. If we need to clarify the situation at the western edge of f189, we can excavate as much of the remaining part of ^esc2 as necessary, perhaps exposing all of ^esc1 in the process. We will preserve about one meter of ^esc2 in the east near J1 to illustrate its layered construction, and construction directly atop the stone escarpment, ^esc1.
In k105, we will continue to clarify the relationship between the pebble pavement, f254 and bricks, f255, to the south. Together, they seem to form a floor and its retaining wall, inhibiting erosion to the south. In the process, we will remove sloping surface, f251 which covers part of f255. Then we expect to see a link between brick segments f255 and f245 to the west. Further to the south we will continue to remove accumlations in front of the late Mittani period revetment wall, f3, in the hope of establishing a link between stone wall, f41 and the revetment wall, f189. [Input: T811JW.j]
2009-08-12 jW On T813, we will concentrate our resources near the baulk which separates k105 from k106. In k105, we will excavate accumlation, f259, just south of brick wall, a11. It is probable that we are near the bottom of stone wall, f41. If so, we may be able to date the approximate time of its construction by analyzing the sherds from f259, which abuts f41. Just to the south, we will continue to excavate accumlation, f258, which is a part of the east baulk of k106 and extents north and west from it to accumlation, f259. Thus, we will fully expose the installation of large cut stone blocks, f261, and can then determine the form and function of them. At the northeast corner of wall, a11, there is a small patch of the pebble pavement, f254, which when excavated, will tell us whether or not there is a fifth "step" of the stone structure, f205. We will also revmove the rest of the f254 pebbles north of the a11 brick wall.
In k106, we will concentrate all of our resources toward excavating westward the 100cm wide strip of soil features, f252 and f242, which either abut or are a part of ^esc2. When we reach the west baulk of k106, we will turn to the north and excavate along the baulk to the revetment wall, f189. Since the stones of ^esc1 are retreating toward f189, it may mean that we are nearing the west end of f189. If ^esc1 is not found, it means that the wall end is farther to the east. If so, we will excavate ^esc2 to the east until the western end is found. [Input: T812JW.j]
2009-08-15 jW In the northern sector of k105 we will continue to excavate the pebbles of fill, f254, hoping to locate the surface upon which they rest. In the southeastern sector, we will continue to remove f271, excavating to the level of flat stones, f265 to the north, hoping to follow them east to the expected stones of ^esc1, through the baulk separating k105 and k106.In k106, we will excavate a two-meter wide strip along the face of the west baulk of the locus, removing the reddish mass of soil, f268. [Input: T815JW.j]
2009-08-16 jW fAB, gB, and the J5 staff met several times during the day to discuss strategy for the next two days, when excavation will cease. In k106, we decided to finish exposing the stones of the first escarpment, ^esc1, to the baulk separating k106 from k105. After photographing the stones against the baulk to document the extent of the red material, f268 which covers them, we will excavate the baulk down to the level of ^esc1. The afternoon work crew may assist us by removing the soil from the excavated baulk. To more fully expose the extent of ^esc1 to the east, we will remove the layered escarpment, ^esc2, from the small exploratory cut in the east to its western end. In k105 we will excavate the southeastern sector down to the level of the stones of f265, following them to the southeast, hopefully to their juncture with the stones of ^esc1 in k106. [Input: T816JW.j]
2009-08-17 jW For the last day's excavation we will clean and photograph the natural floor surface, f278, then we will remove it to expose the stones of the stone escarpment, ^esc1. In k106 we will excavate the sherd layer, f242, to fully expose the stones of ^esc1. When most of the soil is removed, we will remove the shafat and trim the high dirt foundations of the Mittani revetment wall, f3. [Input: T817JW.j]
2009-08-18 jW In a meeting with the unit staff, gB and fAB discussed the possibility of removing the east half ,f245, of wall, a11, to see if there is a connection between the stones of the first escarpment, f265, and the "bottom step" of the f205 staircase, f266. This step has a different orientation and composition and seems to be associated with the stones of installation, f276. Initially, we will make a one-meter probe parallel to wall, f41, to resolve this issue, so that we can still finish today. Similar to yesterday, we will need an eight-man afternoon crew to finish the work and clean properly. [Input: T818JW.j]
2009-08-24 jW Two additional tasks were added to the four specific investigations (f265, f284, f287, f286) proposed by gB, fAB and the unit staff. First, we need to remove stone, f275, upon which the shafat sits. then excavate the accumulation below, f289.
Second, we need to remove a small baulk on the west end of the north face of k100 to improve the sightlines into the excavation so that ^esc1 can be safely viewed from above. [Input: T824JW.j]