Unit Book J5

The Mittani Staircase - Version 1a


Processed on 2024-10-14


Roster Date Author Record
Category 2008-07-21 sNP clay artifact [Input: S721SNP.j]
Best definition 2008-07-21 !! figurine [Input: S721SNP.j]
Best image 2008-07-22 !! [Input: J05_VWX.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Reference to q-lot !! !! q48 (bones, pottery)


Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2008-07-21 sNP figurine [Input: S721SNP.j]
Description (summary) 2008-07-21 sNP very well shaped figurine of an ox, recognisable for the shape of the penis and for the throat. Head and part of all legs missing. Posterior line engraved to divide the legs. A line made by semicircular dots signs the vertebral column on his back. [Input: S721SNP.j]


Contact Association

Roster Date Author Record
Type of contact: contemporary events/movable items 2008-07-21 !! q48.1 (figurine) sits in f36 (accumulation C) [Input: S721DL2.j]

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2012-10-16 !! s70J5B [Input: WX16JW.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2012-10-16 !! h8mJ5B [Input: WX16JW.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Height 2008-07-21 sNP 3.55 [Input: S721SNP.j]
Length 2008-07-21 sNP 6.06 [Input: S721SNP.j]
Width 2 or diameter of body 2008-07-21 sNP 3.11 [Input: S721SNP.j]

Items Field Record

Roster Date Author Record
Field definition 2008-07-21 mO figurine [Input: S721DL4.j]
Field height 2008-07-21 mO 6 [Input: S721DL4.j]
Field length 2008-07-21 mO 3.7 [Input: S721DL4.j]
Field width 2 2008-07-21 mO 3.2 [Input: S721DL4.j]
Field ware or material 2008-07-21 mO clay [Input: S721DL4.j]
Field shape 2008-07-21 mO broken [Input: S721DL4.j]
Field color 2008-07-21 mO pale grey [Input: S721DL4.j]
Notes on field record 2008-07-21 mO animal figurine with broken head and open legs; we can see the edge of its breast [Input: S721DL4.j]


Roster Date Author Record
Ware or Material, species 2008-07-21 sNP clay-baked [Input: S721SNP.j]
Color 2008-07-21 sNP very pale brown [Input: S721SNP.j]
Color number (Munsell) 2008-07-21 sNP 10YR 8/2 [Input: S721SNP.j]
Condition 2008-07-21 sNP broken, but well preserved [Input: S721SNP.j]
Notes on items 2014-03-30 rAH    Also notable in caudal view is the narrow channel between the buttocks leading from the anus to the genitals. See Comparative Tables 9A, 9B and 9C, which document veterinary intervention, specifically the use of the penile strap and the caudal band in the genus Felis.
   One matter gives pause -- the lack of definite musculature, so very typical of the genus Felis. The researcher has identified certain characteristics that are salient, but the interpretation of these details is not informed. One need be cautious in offering interpretations of animal representations; or indeed, of any artifact without having firmly in mind a corpus of similar objects or objects which, considered together, might inform one regarding the artifact in hand.
   It is important also to realize that some measurements convey no information at all. In this case, the question of height is meaningless, because the artifact is broken and this measurement could never be diagnostic. It should also be noted that the category in the global record "mid-width" does not correspond to the analysis made to this date of the figurine corpus at Urkesh. As far as animal representations go, this measurement must mean "torso." As applied to the measurement of a pot, say, it would of course mean a measurement taken at a point midway between the rim and the base of the vessel.
   The significance of this artifact is considerable. Taken as representative of a social practice, q48.1 demonstrates the success and/or persistence of certain methods of domestication. If this stratum is coeval with those in the royal storehouse, then we simply have here another demonstration of the practice. If, however, this artifact was recovered from a stratum that is later than those in the royal storehouse (say, coeval with Khabur times), then we have a demonstration of the success of the given practice, and its persistence over time. [Input: Y401JW1.j]
2014-03-30 rAH    This is an excellent example of Felis TYPE II, replete with penis strap; the ratios hold.
   All measurements should be verified in the field or laboratory. For the moment, it is enough to say that the ratio of length to torso width is greater than two to one, almost three to one (6.2/2.2 = 2.8 : 1), a sure sign of the carnivore body type. Useful comparisons can be made with the compendium of Felis body types in figures 17 and 18. Note particularly body TYPE II, Felis 302, 37 and 38. Note also the wide stance (an angle of almost 60 degrees) of the forequarters. The forelegs join the body at an angle of 120 degrees to 160 degrees.
   The most striking detail of this figurine is the penile strap, which is so very clearly indicated and which was accurately represented in the rendering W21c. The artist is to be commended for drawing what was actually there. I do, however, miss the rendering of the cranial view. [Input: Y401JW1.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
Photo of individual elements (studio)

2008-07-22 dM [Input: J05_VWX.j]

2008-07-22 dM [Input: J05_VWX.j]

2008-07-22 dM [Input: J05_VWX.j]

2008-07-22 dM [Input: J05_VWX.j]

2008-07-22 dM [Input: J05_VWX.j]

2008-07-22 dM [Input: J05_VWX.j]
Drawing of individual element (studio)

2013-03-08 kF [Input: J05_VWX.j]


Roster Date Author Record
Storage 2009-09-25 !! ZSB 002-020 [Input: J05ZSB.j]