Unit Book J5

The Mittani Staircase - Version 1a

Frequency computations
Ceramic vessels and sherds
by shape within feature

Processed on 2024-10-14
Note. Percentages are computed on total number of ceramic vessels and sherds within feature, not on total of diagnostic shapes.

Ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
Total body sherds 14393 78%
Total diagnostic shapes 3957 22%
Grand total 18350 100%

f7 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
sherd 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f9 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
rim 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f12 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 136 72%
base 18 10%
bowl 11 6%
rim 9 5%
jar 7 4%
cup 2 1%
other shape sherd 2 1%
stand 1 1%
platter or plate 1 1%
handle 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 52 28%
Total 188 100%

f13 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 12 63%
base 4 21%
cup 1 5%
jar 1 5%
body sherd 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 18 95%
Total 19 100%

f17 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
sherd 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f18 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f23 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 51 86%
jar 3 5%
bowl 3 5%
spout 1 2%
base 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 8 14%
Total 59 100%

f25 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 75 90%
rim 3 4%
bowl 2 2%
jar 1 1%
platter or plate 1 1%
base 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 8 10%
Total 83 100%

f28 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 12 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 0 0%
Total 12 100%

f29 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 146 90%
bowl 5 3%
rim 4 2%
platter or plate 3 2%
pot 1 1%
cup 1 1%
other shape sherd 1 1%
base 1 1%
jar 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 17 10%
Total 163 100%

f30 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 177 88%
rim 9 4%
base 7 3%
bowl 4 2%
jar 2 1%
platter or plate 2 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 24 12%
Total 201 100%

f31 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 9 90%
rim 1 10%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 10%
Total 10 100%

f33 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 78 84%
base 4 4%
platter or plate 4 4%
jar 4 4%
other shape sherd 2 2%
bowl 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 15 16%
Total 93 100%

f34 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f36 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 8 33%
jar 6 25%
base 4 17%
platter or plate 4 17%
ceramic vessel 1 4%
handle 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 24 100%
Total 24 100%

f39 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 68 71%
base 14 15%
bowl 7 7%
jar 3 3%
rim 2 2%
cup 1 1%
platter or plate 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 28 29%
Total 96 100%

f42 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 89 84%
rim 6 6%
platter or plate 4 4%
base 4 4%
jar 2 2%
bowl 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 17 16%
Total 106 100%

f44 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 273 79%
base 23 7%
bowl 20 6%
rim 10 3%
platter or plate 9 3%
jar 8 2%
other shape sherd 2 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 72 21%
Total 345 100%

f45 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 373 81%
base 28 6%
bowl 21 5%
rim 17 4%
platter or plate 10 2%
jar 7 2%
other shape sherd 3 1%
handle 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 87 19%
Total 460 100%

f47 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
sherd 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f48 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 68 92%
bowl 2 3%
base 2 3%
other shape sherd 1 1%
jar 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 6 8%
Total 74 100%

f50 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 21 84%
rim 3 12%
base 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 4 16%
Total 25 100%

f52 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 172 88%
bowl 11 6%
rim 4 2%
base 4 2%
jar 2 1%
handle 1 1%
other shape sherd 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 23 12%
Total 195 100%

f55 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f56 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
sherd 1 50%
bowl 1 50%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 100%
Total 2 100%

f57 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 76 82%
rim 4 4%
jar 4 4%
base 4 4%
platter or plate 3 3%
bowl 2 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 17 18%
Total 93 100%

f58 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 83 95%
rim 3 3%
jar 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 4 5%
Total 87 100%

f59 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 3 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 0 0%
Total 3 100%

f60 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 10 62%
base 3 19%
bowl 2 12%
jar 1 6%
Total diagnostic shapes 6 38%
Total 16 100%

f61 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 66 82%
bowl 3 4%
rim 2 2%
base 2 2%
jar 2 2%
other shape sherd 1 1%
handle 1 1%
platter or plate 1 1%
cup 1 1%
pot 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 14 18%
Total 80 100%

f63 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 384 78%
base 32 6%
jar 24 5%
bowl 22 4%
platter or plate 12 2%
rim 12 2%
other shape sherd 4 1%
sherd 1 0%
handle 1 0%
pot 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 109 22%
Total 493 100%

f64 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 13 30%
base 10 23%
rim 8 18%
jar 7 16%
handle 2 5%
platter or plate 2 5%
stand 1 2%
other shape sherd 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 44 100%
Total 44 100%

f68 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 236 77%
base 19 6%
rim 14 5%
bowl 14 5%
jar 11 4%
platter or plate 6 2%
cup 3 1%
handle 1 0%
pot 1 0%
other shape sherd 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 70 23%
Total 306 100%

f70 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 137 81%
jar 9 5%
bowl 8 5%
rim 7 4%
base 6 4%
cup 1 1%
other shape sherd 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 32 19%
Total 169 100%

f72 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 373 84%
base 19 4%
jar 19 4%
rim 14 3%
bowl 10 2%
platter or plate 7 2%
other shape sherd 2 0%
cup 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 72 16%
Total 445 100%

f73 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 27 93%
cup 2 7%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 7%
Total 29 100%

f74 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 812 87%
base 31 3%
rim 29 3%
jar 28 3%
bowl 18 2%
cup 7 1%
other shape sherd 6 1%
platter or plate 2 0%
pot 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 122 13%
Total 934 100%

f75 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 223 85%
bowl 11 4%
jar 9 3%
base 8 3%
rim 7 3%
cup 2 1%
platter or plate 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 38 15%
Total 261 100%

f76 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f77 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 94 78%
base 9 7%
bowl 6 5%
jar 5 4%
rim 4 3%
other shape sherd 1 1%
platter or plate 1 1%
cup 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 27 22%
Total 121 100%

f78 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 226 94%
rim 6 2%
base 4 2%
jar 3 1%
platter or plate 1 0%
bowl 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 15 6%
Total 241 100%

f80 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 49 91%
base 3 6%
rim 1 2%
bowl 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 5 9%
Total 54 100%

f81 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 104 82%
rim 9 7%
bowl 5 4%
base 4 3%
jar 3 2%
platter or plate 1 1%
cup 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 23 18%
Total 127 100%

f82 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 143 89%
rim 5 3%
bowl 3 2%
base 3 2%
cup 2 1%
platter or plate 2 1%
other shape sherd 1 1%
jar 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 17 11%
Total 160 100%

f83 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 40 83%
base 2 4%
bowl 2 4%
rim 2 4%
jar 1 2%
strainer 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 8 17%
Total 48 100%

f85 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 16 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 0 0%
Total 16 100%

f86 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 30 75%
base 4 10%
jar 2 5%
rim 2 5%
platter or plate 1 2%
bowl 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 10 25%
Total 40 100%

f88 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 15 71%
bowl 2 10%
base 2 10%
jar 1 5%
other shape sherd 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 6 29%
Total 21 100%

f89 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 13 62%
bowl 4 19%
jar 2 10%
rim 1 5%
pot 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 8 38%
Total 21 100%

f91 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 216 88%
base 11 4%
bowl 9 4%
platter or plate 3 1%
rim 3 1%
jar 2 1%
ceramic vessel 1 0%
cup 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 30 12%
Total 246 100%

f93 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 215 85%
bowl 11 4%
base 11 4%
jar 7 3%
platter or plate 4 2%
rim 2 1%
pot 1 0%
handle 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 37 15%
Total 252 100%

f94 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 304 79%
base 28 7%
rim 20 5%
jar 11 3%
bowl 11 3%
platter or plate 5 1%
platter 2 1%
handle 2 1%
cup 1 0%
stand 1 0%
other shape sherd 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 82 21%
Total 386 100%

f98 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 48 83%
base 3 5%
platter or plate 2 3%
bowl 2 3%
rim 2 3%
jar 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 10 17%
Total 58 100%

f100 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 161 79%
rim 12 6%
base 11 5%
jar 9 4%
bowl 7 3%
platter or plate 4 2%
handle 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 44 21%
Total 205 100%

f101 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 60 94%
base 2 3%
platter or plate 1 2%
rim 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 4 6%
Total 64 100%

f102 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 217 83%
base 15 6%
rim 10 4%
bowl 9 3%
jar 9 3%
sherd 1 0%
other shape sherd 1 0%
platter or plate 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 46 17%
Total 263 100%

f106 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 8 32%
base 7 28%
jar 7 28%
handle 1 4%
platter or plate 1 4%
rim 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 25 100%
Total 25 100%

f107 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f110 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 13 52%
base 4 16%
handle 3 12%
rim 2 8%
bowl 2 8%
sherd 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 12 48%
Total 25 100%

f112 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 334 87%
rim 13 3%
bowl 9 2%
platter or plate 8 2%
base 8 2%
jar 6 2%
cup 2 1%
handle 1 0%
pot 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 48 13%
Total 382 100%

f114 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 67 79%
rim 4 5%
base 3 4%
bowl 3 4%
jar 3 4%
platter or plate 2 2%
cup 2 2%
handle 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 18 21%
Total 85 100%

f115 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 1 50%
base 1 50%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 100%
Total 2 100%

f123 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 5 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 0 0%
Total 5 100%

f124 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 192 75%
rim 17 7%
base 17 7%
bowl 13 5%
jar 9 4%
platter or plate 5 2%
other shape sherd 1 0%
cup 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 63 25%
Total 255 100%

f127 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 162 83%
base 13 7%
rim 9 5%
jar 5 3%
bowl 3 2%
other shape sherd 2 1%
platter or plate 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 33 17%
Total 195 100%

f128 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 127 73%
base 18 10%
bowl 13 7%
rim 8 5%
jar 7 4%
platter or plate 1 1%
handle 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 48 27%
Total 175 100%

f129 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 277 90%
bowl 9 3%
rim 8 3%
jar 7 2%
base 5 2%
cup 1 0%
platter or plate 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 31 10%
Total 308 100%

f133 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 75 82%
bowl 5 5%
rim 5 5%
platter or plate 3 3%
base 2 2%
other shape sherd 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 16 18%
Total 91 100%

f135 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 191 83%
base 12 5%
rim 8 3%
bowl 7 3%
jar 5 2%
platter or plate 3 1%
handle 2 1%
pot 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 38 17%
Total 229 100%

f137 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 417 83%
bowl 23 5%
base 22 4%
jar 17 3%
rim 14 3%
handle 4 1%
other shape sherd 3 1%
cup 2 0%
stand 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 86 17%
Total 503 100%

f141 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base 8 35%
bowl 6 26%
rim 5 22%
cup 1 4%
other 1 4%
jar 1 4%
body sherd 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 22 96%
Total 23 100%

f153 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base 16 37%
bowl 14 33%
jar 6 14%
rim 4 9%
platter or plate 2 5%
other shape sherd 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 43 100%
Total 43 100%

f154 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 41 95%
jar 1 2%
rim 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 5%
Total 43 100%

f156 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 1 50%
rim 1 50%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 100%
Total 2 100%

f157 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 518 81%
base 39 6%
rim 27 4%
bowl 24 4%
jar 18 3%
other shape sherd 6 1%
cup 2 0%
platter or plate 1 0%
handle 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 118 19%
Total 636 100%

f158 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 595 86%
base 31 4%
jar 20 3%
bowl 18 3%
rim 16 2%
cup 4 1%
platter or plate 4 1%
other shape sherd 3 0%
handle 2 0%
pot 2 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 100 14%
Total 695 100%

f159 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 23 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 0 0%
Total 23 100%

f160 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 2 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 100%
Total 2 100%

f162 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f165 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 38 93%
bowl 1 2%
platter or plate 1 2%
rim 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 7%
Total 41 100%

f166 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 3 60%
bowl 2 40%
Total diagnostic shapes 5 100%
Total 5 100%

f167 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 219 77%
rim 19 7%
bowl 17 6%
base 15 5%
jar 6 2%
platter or plate 4 1%
other shape sherd 2 1%
handle 2 1%
cup 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 66 23%
Total 285 100%

f168 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 81 79%
base 8 8%
rim 6 6%
jar 5 5%
bowl 2 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 21 21%
Total 102 100%

f170 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 41 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 0 0%
Total 41 100%

f172 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 27 96%
platter or plate 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 4%
Total 28 100%

f173 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 55 95%
bowl 2 3%
base 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 5%
Total 58 100%

f174 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base 1 33%
bowl 1 33%
handle 1 33%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 100%
Total 3 100%

f176 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 1 33%
cup 1 33%
jar 1 33%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 100%
Total 3 100%

f177 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 40 83%
rim 2 4%
jar 2 4%
pot 1 2%
base 1 2%
bowl 1 2%
platter or plate 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 8 17%
Total 48 100%

f178 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
cup 1 50%
bowl 1 50%
Total diagnostic shapes 2 100%
Total 2 100%

f179 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 25 86%
base 1 3%
bowl 1 3%
jar 1 3%
platter or plate 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 4 14%
Total 29 100%

f180 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 44 80%
base 3 5%
bowl 3 5%
jar 2 4%
other shape sherd 1 2%
cup 1 2%
rim 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 11 20%
Total 55 100%

f183 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
cup 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f184 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 6 32%
body sherd 6 32%
jar 5 26%
rim 1 5%
cup 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 13 68%
Total 19 100%

f201 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 109 80%
base 7 5%
rim 7 5%
jar 7 5%
other shape sherd 2 1%
bowl 2 1%
cup 1 1%
platter or plate 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 27 20%
Total 136 100%

f202 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 39 83%
jar 5 11%
base 1 2%
pot 1 2%
bowl 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 8 17%
Total 47 100%

f203 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 127 79%
bowl 11 7%
rim 8 5%
base 7 4%
jar 5 3%
cup 2 1%
pot 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 34 21%
Total 161 100%

f204 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 206 84%
jar 11 4%
base 11 4%
bowl 8 3%
rim 5 2%
pot 1 0%
platter or plate 1 0%
stand 1 0%
handle 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 39 16%
Total 245 100%

f206 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 35 92%
other shape sherd 2 5%
rim 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 8%
Total 38 100%

f208 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 78 83%
jar 5 5%
bowl 4 4%
base 3 3%
rim 3 3%
platter or plate 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 16 17%
Total 94 100%

f209 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 181 75%
base 21 9%
rim 13 5%
bowl 9 4%
jar 8 3%
platter or plate 4 2%
cup 2 1%
other shape sherd 1 0%
pot 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 59 25%
Total 240 100%

f212 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 47 80%
base 7 12%
rim 2 3%
jar 2 3%
bowl 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 12 20%
Total 59 100%

f213 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 65 83%
base 4 5%
other shape sherd 3 4%
bowl 2 3%
platter or plate 1 1%
cup 1 1%
rim 1 1%
jar 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 13 17%
Total 78 100%

f214 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 58 85%
base 4 6%
rim 2 3%
cup 1 1%
other shape sherd 1 1%
bowl 1 1%
jar 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 10 15%
Total 68 100%

f215 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
rim 6 38%
base 4 25%
bowl 2 12%
jar 2 12%
handle 1 6%
cup 1 6%
Total diagnostic shapes 16 100%
Total 16 100%

f218 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 250 83%
jar 15 5%
base 13 4%
bowl 10 3%
rim 8 3%
pot 2 1%
other shape sherd 2 1%
cup 1 0%
platter or plate 1 0%
handle 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 53 17%
Total 303 100%

f219 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 22 96%
rim 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 4%
Total 23 100%

f220 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 1 50%
body sherd 1 50%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 50%
Total 2 100%

f221 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 88 92%
base 3 3%
bowl 2 2%
jar 2 2%
pot 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 8 8%
Total 96 100%

f222 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 57 76%
jar 8 11%
base 4 5%
pot 3 4%
bowl 2 3%
rim 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 18 24%
Total 75 100%

f224 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 3 33%
base 3 33%
jar 1 11%
platter or plate 1 11%
pot 1 11%
Total diagnostic shapes 9 100%
Total 9 100%

f225 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 0 0%
Total 1 100%

f226 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 69 54%
base 15 12%
bowl 13 10%
jar 11 9%
cup 8 6%
rim 7 6%
other shape sherd 2 2%
handle 1 1%
pot 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 58 46%
Total 127 100%

f227 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 39 83%
bowl 4 9%
jar 2 4%
base 1 2%
bottle 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 8 17%
Total 47 100%

f229 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 527 84%
rim 29 5%
jar 26 4%
base 20 3%
bowl 18 3%
handle 3 0%
other shape sherd 2 0%
pot 1 0%
cup 1 0%
platter or plate 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 101 16%
Total 628 100%

f231 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base 2 67%
jar 1 33%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 100%
Total 3 100%

f234 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 64 81%
base 6 8%
jar 4 5%
bowl 3 4%
rim 2 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 15 19%
Total 79 100%

f235 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 109 81%
base 11 8%
bowl 4 3%
rim 4 3%
jar 4 3%
spout 1 1%
other shape sherd 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 25 19%
Total 134 100%

f236 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
bowl 4 31%
base 3 23%
rim 2 15%
cup 2 15%
jar 1 8%
platter or plate 1 8%
Total diagnostic shapes 13 100%
Total 13 100%

f241 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 57 36%
base 39 25%
bowl 37 24%
rim 9 6%
cup 7 4%
strainer 2 1%
pot 2 1%
other shape sherd 1 1%
xf 1 1%
handle 1 1%
platter or plate 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 157 100%
Total 157 100%

f242 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 436 61%
jar 93 13%
base 79 11%
bowl 78 11%
rim 10 1%
cup 6 1%
stand 4 1%
sherd 2 0%
handle 2 0%
pot 2 0%
other shape sherd 2 0%
other 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 279 39%
Total 715 100%

f243 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 58 92%
rim 4 6%
other shape sherd 1 2%
Total diagnostic shapes 5 8%
Total 63 100%

f244 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 353 74%
base 32 7%
jar 30 6%
bowl 26 5%
rim 24 5%
other shape sherd 3 1%
pot 3 1%
stopper 1 0%
platter or plate 1 0%
cup 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 121 26%
Total 474 100%

f245 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 6 40%
base 4 27%
bowl 3 20%
cup 1 7%
stand 1 7%
Total diagnostic shapes 15 100%
Total 15 100%

f246 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 166 81%
rim 13 6%
base 11 5%
bowl 6 3%
jar 6 3%
other shape sherd 3 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 39 19%
Total 205 100%

f250 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 542 75%
base 62 9%
rim 38 5%
bowl 37 5%
jar 32 4%
other shape sherd 7 1%
handle 4 1%
cup 2 0%
platter or plate 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 183 25%
Total 725 100%

f252 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 4 33%
base 4 33%
bowl 3 25%
rim 1 8%
Total diagnostic shapes 12 100%
Total 12 100%

f253 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 124 81%
rim 7 5%
bowl 7 5%
jar 5 3%
base 5 3%
other shape sherd 4 3%
handle 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 29 19%
Total 153 100%

f254 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 43 54%
jar 13 16%
base 10 12%
bowl 8 10%
strainer 2 2%
rim 2 2%
other shape sherd 1 1%
handle 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 37 46%
Total 80 100%

f255 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 1 33%
base 1 33%
bowl 1 33%
Total diagnostic shapes 3 100%
Total 3 100%

f258 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 132 74%
jar 13 7%
bowl 12 7%
base 12 7%
rim 6 3%
other shape sherd 2 1%
stand 1 1%
cup 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 47 26%
Total 179 100%

f259 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base 7 33%
jar 7 33%
other shape sherd 2 10%
cup 2 10%
strainer 1 5%
rim 1 5%
bowl 1 5%
Total diagnostic shapes 21 100%
Total 21 100%

f262 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 2 50%
bowl 2 50%
Total diagnostic shapes 4 100%
Total 4 100%

f264 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base 2 50%
bowl 1 25%
jar 1 25%
Total diagnostic shapes 4 100%
Total 4 100%

f268 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 10 42%
base 6 25%
bowl 3 12%
stand 1 4%
cup 1 4%
other shape sherd 1 4%
pot 1 4%
body sherd 1 4%
Total diagnostic shapes 23 96%
Total 24 100%

f271 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base 3 38%
jar 2 25%
rim 2 25%
body sherd 1 12%
Total diagnostic shapes 7 88%
Total 8 100%

f274 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
base 12 31%
jar 11 28%
bowl 11 28%
other shape sherd 2 5%
cup 2 5%
body sherd 1 3%
Total diagnostic shapes 38 97%
Total 39 100%

f278 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 6 43%
bowl 4 29%
base 2 14%
other shape sherd 1 7%
cup 1 7%
Total diagnostic shapes 14 100%
Total 14 100%

f280 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 123 76%
jar 15 9%
bowl 14 9%
base 10 6%
Total diagnostic shapes 39 24%
Total 162 100%

f281 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
sherd 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f282 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 244 76%
base 26 8%
bowl 17 5%
jar 16 5%
rim 7 2%
cup 5 2%
other shape sherd 4 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 75 24%
Total 319 100%

f285 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 69 77%
bowl 6 7%
base 5 6%
jar 4 4%
cup 3 3%
platter or plate 2 2%
pot 1 1%
Total diagnostic shapes 21 23%
Total 90 100%

f286 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
body sherd 183 80%
rim 13 6%
bowl 12 5%
base 11 5%
jar 8 3%
cup 1 0%
handle 1 0%
Total diagnostic shapes 46 20%
Total 229 100%

f287 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
cup 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f288 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
other shape sherd 1 100%
Total diagnostic shapes 1 100%
Total 1 100%

f289 ceramic vessels and sherds Total Percentage Histogram
jar 7 54%
base 5 38%
body sherd 1 8%
Total diagnostic shapes 12 92%
Total 13 100%

f7 sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f9 rim

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f12 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f12 stand

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f12 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f12 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f13 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f13 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f13 body sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f17 sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f23 jar

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f23 bowl

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f23 spout

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f23 base

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f25 rim

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f25 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f25 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f25 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f25 base

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f29 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f29 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f29 base

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f29 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f30 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f31 rim

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f33 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f34 base

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f36 ceramic vessel

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f36 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f39 rim

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f39 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f42 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f42 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f45 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f47 sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f48 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f48 base

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f48 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f50 rim

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f50 base

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f52 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f52 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f56 sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f56 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f57 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f58 rim

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f58 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f60 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f60 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f61 rim

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f61 base

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f61 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f61 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f61 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f61 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f61 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f63 sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f63 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f63 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f64 handle

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f64 stand

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f68 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f68 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f70 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f72 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f73 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f74 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f75 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f76 base

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f77 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f78 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f80 rim

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f80 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f81 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f82 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f82 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f83 base

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f83 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f83 rim

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f83 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f83 strainer

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f86 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f86 rim

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f86 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f88 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f88 base

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f88 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f89 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f89 rim

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f89 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f91 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f91 ceramic vessel

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f91 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f93 rim

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f93 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f93 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f94 platter

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f94 handle

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f94 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f94 stand

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f98 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f98 rim

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f98 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f100 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f101 base

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f101 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f101 rim

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f102 sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f102 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f102 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f106 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f106 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f106 rim

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f107 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f110 rim

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f110 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f110 sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f112 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f112 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f112 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f114 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f114 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f115 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f115 base

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f124 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f127 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f128 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f128 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f129 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f129 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f133 base

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f133 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f135 handle

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f135 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f137 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f137 stand

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f141 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f141 other

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f141 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f141 body sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f154 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f154 rim

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f156 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f156 rim

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f157 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f157 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f157 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f158 handle

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f158 pot

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f160 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f162 base

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f165 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f165 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f165 rim

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f166 jar

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f166 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f167 handle

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f167 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f168 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f172 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f173 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f173 base

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f174 base

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f174 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f174 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f176 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f176 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f176 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f177 rim

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f177 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f177 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f177 base

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f177 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f177 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f178 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f178 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f179 base

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f179 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f179 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f179 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f180 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f180 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f180 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f180 rim

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f183 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f184 rim

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f184 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f201 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f201 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f201 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f202 base

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f202 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f202 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f203 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f203 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f204 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f204 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f204 stand

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f204 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f206 rim

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f208 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f209 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f209 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f212 rim

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f212 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f212 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f213 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f213 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f213 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f213 rim

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f213 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f214 rim

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f214 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f214 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f214 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f214 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f215 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f215 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f215 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f215 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f218 pot

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f218 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f218 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f218 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f219 rim

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f220 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f220 body sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f221 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f221 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f221 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f222 pot

Total elements: 3
Total components: 3

f222 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f222 rim

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f224 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f224 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f224 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f225 body sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f226 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f226 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f227 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f227 base

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f227 bottle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f229 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f229 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f229 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f231 base

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f231 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f234 rim

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f235 spout

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f236 rim

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f236 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f236 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f236 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f241 strainer

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f241 pot

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f241 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f241 xf

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f241 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f241 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f242 sherd

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f242 handle

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f242 pot

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f242 other

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f243 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f244 stopper

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f244 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f244 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f245 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f245 stand

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f250 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f250 platter or plate

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f252 rim

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f253 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f254 strainer

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f254 rim

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f254 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f254 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f255 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f255 base

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f255 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f258 stand

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f258 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f259 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f259 strainer

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f259 rim

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f259 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f262 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f262 bowl

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f264 base

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f264 bowl

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f264 jar

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f268 stand

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f268 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f268 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f268 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f268 body sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f271 jar

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f271 rim

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f271 body sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f274 cup

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f274 body sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f278 base

Total elements: 2
Total components: 2

f278 other shape sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f278 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f281 sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f285 pot

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f286 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f286 handle

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f287 cup

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1

f289 body sherd

Total elements: 1
Total components: 1