Unit Book A6

The Palace Kitchen - Version 1a

A6 Synthetic View / Stratigraphy

Emplacement for
Unit A6
Amorphous amassment

Amer Ahmad – June 2023

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All three types (fills, dumping and collapse) are well attested in A6.

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Fillings are attested in A6 there are some of them considered as graves such as f7, which consisted of the removal of the pedestal with the skull. The intact buff bowl, i9, was found here below the level of the skull. Then we have f27 which was assumed to be a grave based on the pattern of stone and brick emplacement on top. Also, f323 contents of pit f322 with many sherds and bones it could be a burial. Other fillings were associated with the installation of different phases of occupation, we have f101, it was a hard reddish compact accumulation, This floor and its accumulation were associated with the platform f142 from the phase of the AK building and we have evidence of the earlier phase like in f435 it was a floor below f434, not gypsum coated and associated with tannur. Some fillings were represented as ashy pits as f161a floor of white ashy pit f435 it was a floor below f29. Then f435 it was a floor below f325 is the contents of ashy pit f435 it was a floor below f320, and also f435 it was a floor below f379 is a fill with pit f378 grey and white ash. Two fillings of gypsum are well attested: f58 a gypsum floor below f51. And f435 it was a floor below f434 was a gypsum floor that overlays in f433.

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The dumping action is well attested in A6, thanks to pit f426 the excavation to clean up the pit showed flat laid sherds underneath the lowest bricks of the tomb and also remains of tannur wall, decorated with shallowly impressed circles. This corresponds to a stage of occupation at the level of the top of perhaps the secondary walls, f444. The pit had been cut into where f444 met f430. It is a possibility that the tannur fragments were the contents of the pit. The burial f439 would then be later than the pit f426.

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In A6 five large collapse events are attested: we can indicate the collapsed stone walls as f134 and f373, the first one f134 seems to be the first floor associated with the stone walls, at least in k169, by evidence of the negative walls. The second one f373 is the red-brown deposit on the floor is in fact a fill and not a floor accumulation. Excavation of this showed stones between two floors f364 and f365. Then we also have f411 which is a fill of red packing below the tannur f406,f407. and its content identified as very hard pinkish brown accumulation was in fact the wall joining features f452 and f453. The last features are the f9 this was described as the layer of brickfall in k169, below the topsoil. In some ways this duplicated f6 which was defined as ac and brickfall at the same level, And f318, it was a brick fall alongside f316.

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