Unit Book A15

The Reception Area (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-01-20


Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Relays (applicable to elements) 2001-08-28 jlw r1501 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: r500 equals m5528) [Input: L829JW.R]
2001-08-28 jlw r307 (##### ##### - ##### / Relay location: r307 equals m5528) [Input: L901JW.R]


Roster Date Author Record
Notes on deposition 2001-06-23 okk It is likely that we will find the remainder of a building in k1 as there appears to be part of a room in A16k7, the inside of which faces inwards towards the south. There is also a vessel in a small niche. It is at the bottom of a slope, so it is also possible that it may have been destroyed by the gully and/or the later road (modern) which apparently came through this area and was in existence at the time when gb and mkb first came to consider Tel Mozan for excavation. [Input: L629OKK.J]