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Federico Buccellati

2014 “Diachronic Developments at the Central Monumental Complex of Ancient Urkesh (Tell Mozan),”
in P. Bielinski, M. Gawlikowski, R. Kolinski, D. Lawecka, A. Soltysiak and Z. Wygnanska(eds.),
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. 30 April-4 May 2012, University of Warsaw. Volume 1. Plenary Sessions, Township and Villages, High and Low. The Minor Arts for the Elite and for the Populace, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 313-319.

     The monumental complex at Urkesh, developed during the fourth and the third millennium BC and represented by the construction of the Temple Terrace (with Temple BA, at the same time of Palace AP), which “became a landmark for the region” (p. 313).
     After the introduction (section I) and the presentation of the chronological timespan (section II), the author describes the geography, the environs and the hinterland (section III), while section IV focuses on the city walls and the AP Palace; instead, section V describes the Temple Terrace and section VI is devoted to the examination of the sealings from the Royal Palace (those belonging to king Tupkish, to queen Uqnitum and other courtiers, specifically the nurse Zamena and the cook Tuli).
     The conclusions (section VII) sketch the importance of analysing the urban and the rural environments together (as a whole entity), describing the function of the sealings and their relationship between urban and rural areas.

[M. De Pietri – November 2019]