Unit Book A10

The Kitchen Area of the Service Quarter AK - (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-02-18


Roster Date Author Record
Best image 2003-08-23 !! [Input: A10_VWX.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Reference to q-lot !! !! q778


Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2003-09-00 mKB trace of two leather strap impressions and possibly a knot impression, on obverse possible fingerprints. [Input: ZIz06 mKB.j]
Notes on description 2003-09-00 mKB have drawing [Input: ZIz06 mKB.j]


Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Notes on time sequencing 2003-09-00 mKB Post Akkadian but may be close to Ur III because of the pose of the figures. The fact that the possible diety is on the left may idicate the date more toward the Post Akkadian style. [Input: ZIz06 mKB.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Length 2003-09-00 mKB 1.9 [Input: ZIz06 mKB.j]
Width 1 or diameter of rim 2003-09-00 mKB 2.1 [Input: ZIz06 mKB.j]
Thickness 2003-09-00 mKB 1.2 [Input: ZIz06 mKB.j]


Roster Date Author Record
Ware or Material, species 2003-09-00 mKB dark gray with few white inclusions, the ware may be red crumbly but object is secondarily fired [Input: ZIz06 mKB.j]
Iconographic description, specific 2003-09-00 mKB standing figure (probably a deity) in long garment facing right with one hand raised over the table and holding an unclear object, flat table with splayed legs, standing bearded figure facing left with one arm raised over the table and holding the same type of unclear object. His other arm extended behind holding the arm of a worshipper who is facing left with one arm raised toward the possible divinity. [Input: ZIz06 mKB.j]
Iconographic description, generic 2003-09-00 mKB presentation [Input: ZIz06 mKB.j]
Style 2003-09-00 mKB small but distinct figures [Input: ZIz06 mKB.j]
Notes on typology 2003-09-00 mKB original seal used to make this impression is about 1.4 cn in height so the figures are small, it is possible that they are not holding an object but that the hands are carved as splayed, the noses are prominent. [Input: ZIz06 mKB.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
Photo of individual elements (studio)

2003-08-23 gG [Input: A10_VWX.j]

2003-08-23 gG [Input: A10_VWX.j]

2003-08-23 gG [Input: A10_VWX.j]

2004-07-25 gG [Input: A10_VWX.j]

2004-07-25 gG [Input: A10_VWX.j]

2004-07-25 gG [Input: A10_VWX.j]

2004-07-25 gG [Input: A10_VWX.j]

2004-07-25 gG [Input: A10_VWX.j]
Drawing of individual element (studio)

2003-07-21 kha [Input: A10_VWX.j]