Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Best image | 2020-07-27 | jW | ![]() |
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Daily notes about recovery of elements | 2006-08-12 | jW | Began to to excavate the entire locus beginning with topsoil, f97, and the accumulation beneath, f100, in which sits a conglomerate of stones and laminar soil, f101, which was also removed. [Input: Q819JW1.j] |
2006-08-13 | jW | Continued to excavate the entire locus below the topsoil, f97, and the accumulation beneath, f100, in which sits a conglomerate of stones and laminar soil, f101. The next layer, f104, shows the influence of water (laminar texture) and is uniform, appearing to follow the slope of the surface. The next accumulation, f107, was of uniform fine grains, about 30 cm deep and also followed the slope of the tell surface. [Input: Q819JW.j] | |
2006-08-16 | jW | While cleaning along the edge of the north baulk on Q814, a layer of baqaya, f109, was found. Tracing it to the south became the primary objective of today's excavation, because of its similarity to the baqaya surface of f50 in k12. We excavated a narrow trench along the E baulk to trace f109 to the south. We then used the profile to determine that there were three thin layers of accumultion covering f109 to the west, which were then removed. During removal, we noticed a dark patch of soft soil in the SW corner, f122. [Input: Q818JW2.j] | |
2006-08-16 | jW | Removed the last of accumulation f107 and the floating limestone block, f110, within. Began excavating from north to south and immediately found baqaya, f109, along the northern baulk. Under accumulation f107, was a thin layer of accumulation, f111, in the northern third of the locus and a more extensive layer to the south, f114. A large floating limestone block, f112, can be seen in the south baulk, at the approximate level of accumulation, f107. [Input: Q818JW8.j] | |
2006-08-31 | rE | Swar and so'od started the day with removing f147, the accumulation under the stones of a4. Under this feature we found f209, which was very hard and looks like the mud glacis, but the difference is that it is not sloping down. We stopped there until we take a picture and study this feature, and what is the connection between it and the mud glacis and the baqaya. [Input: Q831RE.j] |
Volumetric Localization
Roster | Date | Author | Record |
Elements within locus | 2006-08-16 | eDB | a4 (stone installation) [Input: Q919JW1.j] |
2006-09-19 | jW | a5 (pit aggregate) [Input: Q919JW1.j] | |
2010-09-21 | jW | a19 (pit aggregate) a20 (burial) a21 (pit aggregate) [Input: UX05JW4.j] |
2006-10-06 | jW | f97 (topsoil) [Input: QX06EI.j] | |
2006-10-06 | eF | f100 (accumulation D) f101 (lens type d) [Input: QX06EI.j] |
2006-08-13 | eF | f104 (accumulation D) f107 (accumulation D) [Input: QX06EI.j] |
2006-08-14 | eF | f109 (glacis) f110 (stone installation) [Input: QX06EI.j] |
2006-08-14 | eDB | f111 (accumulation D) [Input: QX06EI.j] | |
2006-08-14 | eF | f112 (stone installation) f114 (accumulation D) [Input: QX06EI.j] |
2006-08-15 | eF | f116 (accumulation D) f117 (stone installation) f120 (accumulation D) f121 (accumulation D) [Input: QX06EI.j] |
2006-08-15 | eDB | f122 (fill) f127 (fill) f128 (pit cut) [Input: QX06EI.j] |
2006-08-16 | eDB | f130 (stone installation) f131 (stone installation) f132 (stone installation) [Input: QX06EI.j] |
2006-08-30 | jW | f205 (stone installation) f206 (stone installation) f207 (stone installation) f208 (stone installation) [Input: QX06EI.j] |
2006-08-31 | eDB | f209 (layer) [Input: QX06EI.j] | |
2006-09-12 | jW | f260 (layer) [Input: QX06EI.j] | |
2010-09-15 | jW | f349 (fill) f350 (pit-c) [Input: UX05JW.j] |
2010-09-16 | jW | f352 (fill) [Input: UX05JW.j] | |
2010-09-18 | jW | f353 (rodent hole) f354 (volumetric material) f355 (pavement, type b) f356 (accumulation A) f357 (floor, type b) [Input: UX05JW.j] |
2010-09-19 | jW | f358 (floor, type b) f362 (fill) [Input: UX05JW.j] |
2010-09-25 | jW | f366 (volumetric material) [Input: UX05JW.j] | |
2010-09-27 | jW | f367 (rodent hole) [Input: UX05JW.j] | |
2007-08-14 | eI | i11 (pin) [Input: QX11BL.j] | |
2006-08-15 | iI | i12 (bead) [Input: QX11BL.j] | |
2010-09-15 | jW | i27 (seal impression) [Input: UX05JW3.j] | |
2010-09-18 | jW | i31 (jar) [Input: UX05JW3.j] | |
2010-09-19 | jW | i32 (human body) i33 (soil sample) [Input: UX05JW3.j] |
2005-08-17 | gM | q70.7 (lithic artifact) [Input: P823GM4.j] | |
2005-09-03 | gM | q114.2 (lithic artifact) [Input: P904GM4.j] | |
2006-09-13 | eDB | q368.1 (lithic artifact) [Input: Q921EDB.j] | |
2006-09-16 | eI | q408.3 (lithic artifact) [Input: Q921EDB.j] | |
2006-08-12 | eF | q146 (items, pottery) [Input: Q814EDB2.j] | |
2006-08-12 | eDB | q148 (items, pottery) [Input: Q814EDB2.j] | |
2006-08-13 | eF | q151 (items, pottery) q152 (items, pottery) [Input: Q814EDB2.j] |
2006-08-14 | jW | q156 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q814EDB2.j] | |
2006-08-14 | eF | q159 (pottery) [Input: Q814EDB2.j] | |
2006-08-15 | eF | q163 (bones, pottery) q165 (pottery) q167 (pottery) q168 (bones, pottery) [Input: Q821JW2.j] |
2006-08-15 | eDB | q170 (pottery) q171 (pottery) q172 (pottery) [Input: Q821JW2.j] |
2006-08-15 | eF | q174 (pottery) [Input: Q821JW2.j] | |
2006-08-16 | eDB | q176 (pottery) [Input: Q821JW2.j] | |
2006-08-16 | aA | q177 (pottery) [Input: Q821JW2.j] | |
2006-08-28 | bL | q247 (pottery) [Input: Q829JW1.j] | |
2006-08-31 | eDB | q263 (bones, pottery) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-02 | aA | q270 (pottery) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2006-09-12 | eI | q339 (bones, pottery) [Input: QX02JW.j] | |
2010-09-16 | jW | q415 (pottery) q416 (pottery) q417 (items, pottery) q418 (items, pottery) q419 (items, pottery) q421 (items, pottery) [Input: UX05JW2.j] |
2010-09-19 | jW | q422 (items, pottery) q423 (pottery) [Input: UX05JW2.j] |
0000-00-00 | jW | q424 (bones, items, pottery) [Input: UX05JW2.j] | |
2010-09-21 | jW | q427 (pottery) q428 (items, pottery) q429 (pottery) q430 (pottery) [Input: UX05JW2.j] |
2010-09-23 | jW | q432 (pottery) [Input: UX05JW2.j] | |
2010-09-24 | jW | q434 (pottery) q435 (items, pottery) [Input: UX05JW2.j] |
Relays (applicable to elements) | 2010-09-15 | pC | r2593 (41379 49068 - 9202 / Relay location: SW corner) [Input: U930JW1R.j] |
2010-09-15 | pC | r2594 (41645 49180 - 9301 / Relay location: NW corner) [Input: U930JW1R.j] | |
2010-10-03 | bS | r2637 (41497 49555 - 9401) [Input: UX03JW-R.j] | |
2010-10-03 | bS | r2638 (41224 49449 - 9367) [Input: UX03JW-R.j] | |
Extension of locus or q-lot | 2005-08-04 | rE | m3926 [Input: P823GM2.j] |
Length of two sides | 2005-08-04 | rE | 500 E [Input: P823GM2.j] |
2005-08-04 | rE | 500 N [Input: P823GM2.j] |