Unit Book J5 (Version 1a)


Processed on 2025-01-28


Roster Date Author Record
Best image 2009-03-13 jW [Input: T313JW.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2009-03-18 jW An irregular pentagon which defines the perimeter of a test probe dug to obtain ceramic material to date the revetment wall extension, f3. Relay r827 marks the NW corner. [Input: T318JW1.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Daily notes about recovery of elements 2008-08-26 lH After we removed soft powdery accumulation, f170, which covered about three big limestone, we tried to collect more pottery sherds from the soil among the stones, f177. The collected pottery from the soft podery accumulation, f177, wasn`t enough, so we extended the borders of this test probe towards the east about 50 cm in order to collect more pottery sherds that might help at the chronological understanding of what we presume the second millennium revetment wall, f3, in k22 and k23. After we removed the soft powdery naturall accumulation, f179, of the extention of this locus, we found another big limestones which we couldn`t remove any of them. We covered this locus with plastic bag at the end of our excavation day to protect it from the derts during the night. [Input: S826LH.j]
2008-08-27 lH We completed excavation this test probe above the western corner of the revetment wall, f3, in k22. Then we backfilled the locus. [Input: S827LH.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Elements within locus 2008-08-23 sNP f165 (accumulation D) [Input: S914LH.j]
2008-08-25 lH f170 (accumulation D) [Input: S914LH.j]
2008-08-26 lH f177 (accumulation D)
f179 (accumulation D) [Input: S914LH.j]
2008-08-25 lH q260 (pottery) [Input: S825DL1.j]
2008-08-26 lH q270 (pottery)
q272 (pottery) [Input: S827DL.j]
Relays (applicable to elements) 2008-08-27 hB r824 (42316 46189 - 9035 / Relay location: S corner) [Input: S828DL3R.j]
2008-08-27 hB r825 (42388 46260 - 9037 / Relay location: E corner) [Input: S828DL3R.j]
2008-08-27 hB r826 (42444 46256 - 9043 / Relay location: NE corner) [Input: S828DL3R.j]
2008-08-27 hB r827 (42489 46152 - 9037 / Relay location: NW corner) [Input: S828DL3R.j]
2008-08-27 hB r828 (42390 46104 - 9045 / Relay location: SW corner) [Input: S828DL3R.j]
Extension of locus or q-lot 2009-03-18 jW r827 [Input: T318JW1.j]
Notes on volumetric localization 2009-03-18 jW The perimeter points that define this locus are, proceding counterclockwise from the SE corner: r824, r825, r826, r827, r828. [Input: T318JW.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of locus

2008-08-28 lH [Input: S828LH.j]

2008-08-28 lH [Input: S828LH.j]

2008-08-28 lH [Input: S828LH.j]

2009-03-23 jW [Input: T323JW1.j]