1999-06-30 |
gb |
the excavation shows a very interesting pattern that clarifies the use of the building. On the Northern (F1) side there is no stratigraphic distinction at all between floor accumulations, and no trace of floor surfaces. This is in marked contrast with the door sills clearly visible on the Southern (B1) side. There are two important consequences to be drawn from this. (1) The doorway was used as a doorway with a door panel and a door sill all the way through the mid to late strata of AK occupation. This demonstrates that the building was indeed used as a building, i.e., it was not abandoned. (2) on the other hand, the very gradual accumulation on the Northern side shows that there was no carry over of floor surfaces visible in the deposition. In other words, the very uniform accumulation we have witnessed espedcially in areas A6 and A10 does correspond to a gradual build-up within the building, even though there id no visible trace of successions of floors. Such an accumulation is rather deep(up to 2.5 ms in A6) which implies a long time lapse. It should be noted that the distinction between mid and high floors has always been based on absolute elevation only. [Input: J630JLW1.j] |