Description (summary) |
2001-10-01 |
jlw |
small, low platform made of mudbrick and plaster in the middle of the north baulk of k24. It is somewhat rectangular with the long dimension running N-S. Along the middle long axis there is a rectanular channel which leads to a large stone basin, i153, to the south. jw feared that it was the product of creative excavation, but Heike Pfaelzner, director of excavation for the German team working in another part of the tell, mentioned that she had seen a similar structure at Tell Quera that was used for processing grain or seeds. Large curved stone slabs would have sat in the groove (probably not rectanular) and the kernals would have been crushed and swept into the stone container where they would have been further processed by pounding with a long pole. In partial support of her theory, a large curved basalt slab can be seen in f14 in the unexcavated accumulation. [Input: LX01JW.j] |