
File: "/MZ/A/A14/D/V/0164b.htm".
Processed on 2022-10-27.


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of item 2004-07-05 jw i239 (seal impression) [Input: O911JW2.j]
View/drawing range 2004-07-05 jw tight shot [Input: O911JW2.j]
View/drawing orientation 2004-07-05 jw looking east [Input: O911JW2.j]
Text description of view 2004-07-05 jw This photgraph shows the findspot, f332, for the sealing with the impression, i239, which as can be seen, was firmly attached to a clod of accumulation, f278. [Input: O911JW2.j]