Unit Book A16

Version 1a


Processed on 2024-08-10


Roster Date Author Record
Best definition 2002-09-22 !! ^ burial [Input: -MX12-99.j]
Summary 2007-07-16 cJC Burial of an adult skeleton (i156) in the fetal position including two metal pins (i158, i159), another metal object (i160) and several whole ceramic vessels (i122, i139). [Input: R716CJC.j]
Best image 2011-12-12 lC [Input: VZ12LC.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Definition 2002-09-22 lR ^ burial [Input: -MX12-99.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Daily notes about recovery of elements 2002-09-22 lR Diadin is carefully articulating the bones today and you can see that some damage has occurred due to water seepage. The bones break off at the slightest touch and there is some evidence of laminations around the body. The body faces Northeast exactly in the same position as a19 burial and a18. This is presumably the body of an adult based on the size of the bones and likely female. The body rests on the left side in fetal position, a very typical position encountered in A16. All of the burials recovered in A16 are in fetal position with the exception of the jar burials. The arms of i156 human body are bent at the elbow with the hands under the chin. Three ceramic vessels were found with the body. One next to the feet i222 (similar to a19) and two vessels next to the head, i139 complete jar, and i157 that was under i139. The ceramic vessel i139 is in wonderful condition but i157 a cooking vessel appears fragmented. The condition of i157 is noted as fragile since it is fragmented and cracking. [Input: N303LR.j]
2002-09-23 lR yesterday the burial was fully articulated and exposed. During the afternoon it was removed and three metal objects were found. Two pins around the chest region were discovered likely for a garment, and a small metal disk under the skull (a possible hair ornament). Underneath i122 more bones were discovered and at first we thought it might belong to a small child but after exposing the bones it revealed to be the head of an animal complete with teeth, jaw, and some of the skull intact. The animal bones i163 were photographed then removed. The burial walls and cut were also removed today. [Input: -MX12-99.j]
Procedures 2002-09-22 lR We first removed i122 and i139 since we did not want to leave the ceramic vessels exposed over night. At the lab I removed the soil inside and made them into samples i146 and i147. The jar i122 was filled with soil containing some bone fragments but i139 only contained a dirt coating at the top and when removed exposed it hollow. gB suggested that it may have been filled with liquid which evaporated leaving only a coating of soil at the very top. The burial was articulated the next day using a dental pick, brush, spoon, and an air brush. It was then photographed by gG and drawn by fLP. The jars were cleaned and labeled then sent back to the field and set in place for photographs. The burial was removed in the afternoon and three more items were found while removing the bones. Two bronze pins i158, i159 were found on each shoulder with the ends pointed at each other and i160 located under the skull. The pins are likely used to hold a garment in place and i160 a metal rounded item may possibly be a hair ornament due the item's location by the head. The metals have been sent to the conservation laboratory. [Input: N303LR.j]
Notes on recovery 2002-09-26 fAB it was thought that the bricks f297 would cover the body (i156) but instead the bricks were to the S. Possibly the bricks were the S wall and the N wall was lost (although we looked carefully in the area) or never built. [Input: MX12FAB.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Locus 2007-07-16 cJC k205 [Input: R716CJC.j]
Relays (applicable to elements) 2002-09-23 lf r436 (41411 36945 - 8507 / Relay location: NW corner cut) [Input: R7QFAB1R.j]
2002-09-23 lf r437 (41345 36903 - 8510 / Relay location: NE corner cut) [Input: R7QFAB1R.j]
2002-09-23 lf r438 (41307 37030 - 8509 / Relay location: sw corner cut) [Input: R7QFAB1R.j]
2002-09-23 lf r439 (41259 36976 - 8498 / Relay location: se corner cut) [Input: R7QFAB1R.j]

Spatial Aggregation

Roster Date Author Record
Features within aggregate 2000-12-18 !! f320 (^ fill) [Input: A-CUMUL.j]
Items within aggregate 2000-12-18 !! i122 (jar), i139 (jar), i146 (^ sample), i147 (^ sample), i156 (^ human body), i157 (unknown), i158 (^ pin), i159 (^ pin), i160 (unknown), i161 (jar), i163 (animal bone) [Input: A-CUMUL.j]
q-lots within aggregate 2000-12-18 !! q843, q849, q866 [Input: A-CUMUL.j]

Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Stratum (to which element belongs) 2000-12-18 !! s330AAH [Input: A-CUMUL.j]
Phase (to which element belongs) 2000-12-18 !! h5hAAH [Input: A-CUMUL.j]
2015-05-20 !! h5hAAH [Input: ZA520CJC.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
Photo of context (v view)

2002-09-29 lR [Input: -MX12-99.j]
View/drawing of aggregate

2007-08-03 pC [Input: R803PC.j]

2007-08-03 pC [Input: R803PC.j]

2007-08-03 pC [Input: R803PC.j]

2007-08-03 pC [Input: R803PC.j]

2007-08-03 pC [Input: R803PC.j]

2007-08-03 pC [Input: R803PC.j]

2007-08-03 pC [Input: R803PC.j]

2007-08-03 pC [Input: R803PC.j]

2007-08-03 pC [Input: R803PC.j]

2007-08-03 pC [Input: R803PC.j]

2007-08-03 pC [Input: R803PC.j]