Unit Book A16

The Courtyard of the Tupkish Palace - Version 1a

A16 Syntetic View / Typology / Samples

Physical anthropology from Unit A16

Caitlin Chaves Yates – June 2014

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This page summarizes the finds of human remains within A16. A fuller analysis of the remains has been conducted by specialists and is published in different venues. See the e-library for more publication information.

Analysis of individual remains by the Laura Ramos, the physical anthropologist during the A16 excavations, can be found under the individual records (measurements, age, sex, etc).

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Three articulated adult burials were recovered, and two more partially disturbed adult burials were found. Several tomb structures were found as well.

In addition to the adult burials, usually in pits, or within structures, several jar burials were found. These generally have infant or young children’s remains inside. In some cases only a fragment of the jar and remains were recovered.

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Adult Burials

i31Adult female, aged 25-35 years (see lR analysis: A16 Burials). Skeleton found within a mudbrick burial structure, part of burial a9
i54Adult burial, possible multiple internments. Burial within square tomb f206, partially excavated as part of A10
i96Adult burial inside of a pit, covered with bricks. Part of the burial a19
i156Adult burial, likely female. Part of burial a21
i175Adult burial, found in pit. Likely a secondary use of the pit, part of a25

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Child Burial

i84Child burial, aged 1-2 years. Found in small pit

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Jar Burials

i78Child/infant burial inside of a jar, part of burial a15
i123Infant, aged 5-12 months (see lR's analysis: A16 Burials). Burial was laid within jar

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Partial Finds

i47Fragmentary remains belonging to an infant or child found between portions of a jar.
i50Small bones associated with an overfired jar. May be fetus or animal remains inside the jar
i52Small jar burial. Unclear remains inside - may be infant human or animal
i60Disturbed adult bones found within burial a16

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Other finds

In addition to the above remains, several q-lots had human remains found within them. The following q-items are all human remains. Each link provides more information about the type of finds.

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