Unit Book A20


Processed on 2024-07-27


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record

2020-06-28 !!! [Input: A20_VWX.j]
Photo of context (v view)

2020-06-28 !!! [Input: A20_VWX.j]
View/drawing of features 2008-08-06 yM f30 (brickfall), f41 (wall), f50 (pavement, type c), f60, f81 (accumulation A) [Input: S812LC.j]
View/drawing of locus 2008-08-06 yM k13 [Input: S812LC.j]
View/drawing orientation 2008-08-06 yM looking east [Input: S812LC.j]
Text description of view 2008-08-06 yM View showing k13 after the removing of part of the pebble pavement f50. After this operation a new accumulation f81 has been uncovered in the southern part of k13 next to the brickfall f30. The view also shows the mudbrick wall f41 running E-W and the accumulation f60. [Input: S812LC.j]
Web view

2008-08-06 !!! [Input: A20V-^.j]

2020-06-28 !!! [Input: A20_VWX.j]

2020-06-28 !!! [Input: A20_VWX.j]

2020-06-28 !!! [Input: A20_VWX.j]
Photo of view

2008-08-06 !!! [Input: A20V-^.j]