Photo of context (v view) |
View/drawing of features |
2008-08-19 |
lC |
f30 (brickfall), f41 (wall), f62 (accumulation), f77 (wall), f83 (installation), f89 (layer), f96 (installation), f105 (wall) [Input: S828LC.j] |
View/drawing of locus |
2008-08-19 |
lC |
k13 [Input: S828LC.j] |
View/drawing orientation |
2008-08-19 |
lC |
looking east [Input: S828LC.j] |
Text description of view |
2008-08-19 |
lC |
View showing the east section of k13 without the string. The shot shows the wall f77 above the wall f41 and f105, and it is not clear if it can be part of the wall f41 or f105. to The south there is the ashy accumulation f62, covering the more compact bricky accumulation f89. In the foreground is still visible the brickfall f30, and just a small portion of the drain f83 and of its probable substructure f96. [Input: S828LC.j] |
Web view |
Photo of view |