Back to top: The Service Wing AK
The two wings

We can at present identify two wings. One (in green above) is the service wing AK, which was bordered in the north by a large courtyard of which we have exposed only a small portion. The other wing (in yellow) is the one which I called it the “formal” wing and which we assume was used as the royal residence. The floor of the latter are about 2m higher than those of the former.
Back to top: The Service Wing AK

The articulation of space clearly shows that the service wing AK included four sectors, of which the to the north can be shown to have had a clear function: Sector B for storage and sector D or the kitchen. The function of Sector C is uncertain, even though it is well preserved. A plausible hypothesis is that it was the royal wardrobe. Sector A is completely eroded, except for the walls’ foundations and lower courses.
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