Unit Book J1

Plaza adjacent the Large Temple Terrace - Version 1a

J1 Synthetical View / Typology / Built Environment

Emplacement for Unit J1
Horizontal surfaces

Lorenzo Crescioli – August 2010

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The two main types of horizontal surfaces, whether defined by discrete components (pavements) or by soil compaction (floors), are well attested in J1.

Because of its specific topology (Overview) the horizontal surfaces of J1 show some problems. Sometimes the natural accumulations gradually built up inside the plaza were used as walking surfaces. Some of these from a depositional point of view are accumulations (due to sedimentation or occupation, i.e. gradual and unintentional build up), but were used as surfaces by the people walking inside the plaza.

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Surfaces defined by discrete components (pavements)

The major pavements found in J1 are pebble and sherd surfaces dating to the Mittani period strata: f238 and f325 (^pav2), and f232 (^pav1): they are open walking surfaces likely used for short periods, even if very compact and quite thick, and apparently alternated with abandonment periods.

Other pebble and sherd surfaces are found in the Ninevite 5 strata (^pav3), found immediately below the Mittani levels. These pavements (f268, f280) are less compact and thick than Mittani ones, and they are constituted of small pebbles and small sherds and are typical for an outdoor open space.

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Surfaces defined by soil compaction (floors)

Just few floors have been uncovered in J1, probably because the pavement is the most used and suitable for an open space, where water could be present, especially during the winter, while the floors are preferred inside rooms.

The J1 floors (f351, f352) seem naturally and highly compacted, even if slightly sloping, or just naturally compacted as f364. A particular floor is f8, f10, found at a very high level, was interpreted at the beginning as the ancient tell surface, but in fact it has a strange shape with sharp vertical edges and some stone structures have been found resting on it.

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