Unit Book J1

Plaza adjacent the Large Temple Terrace - Version 1a

J1 Synthetical View / Stratigraphy

Phases for Unit J1

Lorenzo Crescioli – April 2011

    A preliminary overview of the J1 phases is given in the introduction to the J1 digital book. A more detailed overview is given under depositional history. Here it is possible to find a summary of the data given separately in full detail for each the individual phases.

    The earliest phase attested so far in J1 is 2iJ1A with few evidences in the small sounding k130 dating back to LC3, not easily interpretable because of its small exposure. They have been found at the base of the large stone structure (a8), the main discovery possibly dating to the LC3, phase 2mJ1A, probably part of a very early terrace complex. Some elements could show a later assignment dating to Ninevite 5, phase 3fJ1A but more excavation is required. Ninevite floors and accumulations belonging to phase 3fJ1A, have been found not associated to any new structure.

    During phase 3mJ1A two of the main elements of the terrace,i.e. the Revetment Wall and the Escarpment were built. The clay escarpment was then eroded during phase 3nJ1A and rebuilt during phase 3pJ1A. The second escarpment was used during phase 3sJ1A and eroded during phase 3uJ1A. Phase 4J1A, phase 5J1A and phase 6J1A evidences are strangely not found in J1. From phase 7J1A the Plaza started to fill up. During phase 7cJ1A and 7fJ1A we still find pavements and some curtain walls with natural brown accumulations, while during phase 7mJ1A to phase 7sJ1A the Plaza was only filled with thick natural flat accumulations. During phase 7vJ1A the terrace complex was not in use any more and covered completely by natural accumulation, in phase 8mJ1A we find the last scattered structures.

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