Unit Book J2


Processed on 2024-05-31


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of features 2004-08-20 mH f130 (steps), f212 (hole), f333 (isolated stone) [Input: S204PC2.j]
View/drawing of locus 2004-08-20 mH k100 [Input: S204PC2.j]
View/drawing range 2004-08-20 mH medium shot [Input: S204PC2.j]
View/drawing orientation 2004-08-20 mH e [Input: S204PC2.j]
Text description of view 2004-08-20 mH Particular view of hole f212 on one of the stones in relation to wall f129 and oblique stone f333 [Input: S204PC2.j]
Web view

2005-08-22 dm [Input: J02V18.j]
Photo of view

2005-08-22 dm [Input: J02V18.j]