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Typically, two baulks are drawn for each locus that is a square. In J3, we generally drew the north and east baulks unless special conditions dictated another arrangement. The baulks are drawn prior to removal. Loci were excavated and drawn in three seasons; 2005, 2006, and 2010. As part of a study in preparation for a dissertation on the organization of the temple mound, Patrizia Camatta (pc) combined a number of the section drawings that spanned the northern and eastern extent of the excavations. In addition, several schematic sections were drawn and several templates were prepared to document sections whose drawings could not be completed in the abbreviated 2010 season.
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Individual sections
Sections for excavated loci:
The following is a list of the drawings which combined sections:
w38: k13 and k23. N schematic section.
w39: k104 and k105. Combined N and E sections.
w40: B6 (German trench), k107, J2k23, and J2k24. E sections.
w41: k2, k1, and k91. E sections.
w44: k13, k12, and k11. E sections.
w45: k23, k22, k21 (k108), and k93. E sections.
w46: k109, and k11. E sections.
w47: k23, andk13. N sections.
w48: k22, andk12. N Sections
w49: k31, k21, k11, k1, k106, and J2k23. N sections.
w50: k94, k93, k92, and k91. N sections
w51: k13, k12, and k11. Schematic section (E).
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