Text description of view |
2007-07-07 |
jW |
This series of four photographs in panoramic format and running west to east, provides a visual record of the Mittani period revetment wall apron, f10, f532, f556. The apron is a horizontal layer of large limestone blocks just to the west of a monumental staricase and north of the revetment wall which may have functioned as a reminder of the staircase built in the Early Dynastic period, but subsequently covered by aeolian soil. It abuts a strung of large limestone blocks (memory stones), a16, which follow the line of the revetment wall, f11, which then was then also covered by aeolian soil. This first photograph begins along the westernmost extent of the apron. The view is taken at approximately eye level with respect to the wall. [Input: RX31JW.j] |