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Sabrina Droz

Marco De Pietri – August 2023

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Sabrina Droz (sG)

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Staff profile

Processed on September 11, 2009

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Curriculum vitae

July 8, 1981Born, Lugano-Sorengo, Tessin, Switzerland
2000High School Diploma in Fine Arts at Liceo Artistico “Angelico Frattini,”Varese, Italy
2001Suitability for university study
2003Matriculation, Facolta di Teologia di Lugano, Switzerland
2008Master in Theology
2008Teacher of Religion

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Archaeological field work

1994Archaeological camp in Val Capmonica, Italy, under the direction of Capmunian Center of Prehitoric Study
2009Excavation season at Tell Mozan, Syria

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Tasks at Mozan

2009Assistant Archaeologist, J6, participating in field excavations and laboratory analysis of objects. Draftsperson for pottery, figurines, and other items.

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Data authored for the Urkesh Global Record

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