
File: /MZ/A/OH02/D/F/0007.HTM
Processed on 08-25-2016
The home for this page is OH02

Category 1998-7-10!! other features [Input file: I714JL.J / I714JL.-J]
1998-7-12!! other features [Input file: I712JLW.J / I712JLW.-J]
Definition 1998-7-10jW rodent hole [Input file: I714JL.J / I714JL.-J]
1998-7-12jW rodent hole [Input file: I712JLW.J / I712JLW.-J]

Description 1998-7-12jW oblique hole about 50 cm long which began at a stone and rambled in a generally SW direction. Diameter about 5 cm. [Input file: I712JLW.J / I712JLW.-J]

Volumetric localization
Locus 1998-7-10jW k1 [Input file: I714JL.J / I714JL.-J]
Relays 1998-7-20jW 12 (91832 89928 - 7672) [Input file: I720JLWR.J / I720JLWR.-J]
Elevation 1998-7-10jW 0 @top [Input file: I714JL.J / I714JL.-J]
2011-9-8cJC 7672 [Input file: V908CJC.J / V908CJC.-J]
D99.NVolmtrc 2011-9-8cJC There is only one elevation for this feature that was taken when the feature was relayed. [Input file: V908CJC.J / V908CJC.-J]

Contact association
Type of contact: Earliest events 1998-7-12gB f7 intrudes in f5 (subfloor) [Input file: I712JLW.J / I712JLW.-J]
Inclusions 08-25-2016 !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature

Time sequencing
Stratum to which element belongs 2011-8-27cJC s30OH2 [Input file: V827CJC.J / V827CJC.-J]
Phase to which stratum belongs 2011-8-27cJC h9mOH2 [Input file: V827CJC.J / V827CJC.-J]