Epigraphy and Texts (Version 1)

Topical index

March 2025

Total number of topics: 145.

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Topic Section Title
The DataCatalog >
administrative textsTEXTSAdministrative texts
allotment of an unknown item, possibly barleyTEXTSAdministrative texts > a2 - A10.377 - Allotment of an unknown item, possibly barley
alphabetic characters on ceramics?TEXTS / Other textsAlphabetic characters on ceramics?
animal combat (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
annotated bibliographyBibliographyAnnotated bibliography
archiveA1Current version of Epigraphy & Texts
Atal-šenTEXTSRoyal inscriptions > r1 - Atal-šen
attendants with globular objects (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsTupkish
basic layoutIntroductionPage layout: an overview > The basic layout
bending figures (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsUqnitum
bibliographical indicesLinear indices
bibliographyBibliographyGeneral bibliography
bibliography: annotatedBibliographyAnnotated bibliography
boar (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsUqnitum
Buccellati, Giorgio (bibliography)BibliographyGeneral bibliography > Buccellati, Giorgio
General bibliography > Buccellati, Giorgio & Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn
catalogThe DataCatalog
catalog: data structureThe DataCatalog > Data Structure
catalog: organizationThe DataIntroduction > Organization of the catalog
corpusThe DataIntroduction > The corpus as a whole
courtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum: seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
dataThe DataIntroduction
Introduction > The data
diacritics (texts)A2TEXTS > Diacritics
dumu endan (= prince): seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
envelope of a letter(?)TEXTSLetters > l2 - A7.324.2 - Envelope of a letter(?)
Letters > l3 - A7.324.3 - Envelope of a letter(?)
Epigraphy & Texts: historyIntroductionHistory of the present topical book
Epigraphy & Texts: introductionIntroductionIntroduction to the present topical book
Epigraphy & Texts: prefaceIntroductionPreface
fragmentary record of copperTEXTSAdministrative texts > a3 - A10.163 - Fragmentary record of copper
fragment of a letter-order(?)TEXTSLetters > l1 - A5.q846.1 - Fragment of a letter-order(?)
glyptics: no iconography preservedTEXTS / Seal legendsTupkish
god with raised foot (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsTupkish
Hauser, Rick: bibliographyBibliographyGeneral bibliography > Hauser, Rick
Hurrian account concerning field taxations(?)TEXTSAdministrative texts > a1 - A7.341 - Hurrian account concerning field taxations(?)
illegible textsTEXTS / Other textsIllegible texts
incised sherd (from Urkesh)TEXTS / Other textsAlphabetic characters on ceramics? > Incised sherds from Urkesh
incised sherds (from Kamid el-Loz)TEXTS / Other textsAlphabetic characters on ceramics? > Incised sherds from Kamid el-Loz
incised sherds (from Tell Chuera)TEXTS / Other textsAlphabetic characters on ceramics? > Incised sherds from Tell Chuera
incomprehensible textsTEXTS / Other textsIncomprehensible texts
indicesTabulations & IndicesIndices
Innin-shadu: seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
Kamid el-Loz: incised sherdsTEXTS / Other textsAlphabetic characters on ceramics? > Incised sherds from Kamid el-Loz
Kelly-Buccellati (bibliography)BibliographyGeneral bibliography > Buccellati, Giorgio & Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn
lyre (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsUqnitum
methodologyThe DataIntroduction > Methodology
page layoutIntroductionPage layout: an overview
Page layout: an overview > Introduction
potter’s marksTEXT / Other textsCeramics
potter’s marks: bibliographyTEXT / Other textsCeramics > Bibliography
potter’s marks: reference to contentTEXT / Other textsCeramics > Reference to content
potter’s marks: reference to makerTEXT / Other textsCeramics > Reference to maker
potter’s marks: reference to userTEXT / Other textsCeramics > Reference to user
reclining lion (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsTupkish
royal inscriptionsTEXTSRoyal inscriptions
school textsTEXTSLetters
scribal exercise(?)TEXTSLetters > s1 - A5.126 - Scribal exercise(?)
scribal exerciseTEXTSLetters > s2 - A7.429 - Scribal exercise
scribal exercise(?)TEXTSLetters > s3 - A17.q133.1 - Scribal exercise(?)
Letters > s4 - A18.q536.1 - Scribal exercise(?)
seal legends: courtiers of Tupkish and UqnitumTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
seal legends: dumu endan (= prince)TEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
seal legends: Innin-shaduTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
seal legends: Tar’am-Agade (daughter of Naram-Sin)TEXTS / Seal legendsTar'am-Agade
seal legends: throne-bearerTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
seal legends: Tuli (cook)TEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
seal legends: Tupkish (king of Urkesh)TEXTS / Seal legendsTupkish
seal legends: UnapTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
seal legends: Uqnitum (queen of Urkesh)TEXTS / Seal legendsUqnitum
seals legends: Zamena (nurse)TEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
stylus testTEXTSLetters > s10 - A5.q819.1 - Stylus test
Letters > s11 - A6.q623.1 - Stylus test
stylus test(?)TEXTSLetters > s12 - A7.324.1 - Stylus test(?)
stylus testTEXTSLetters > s5 - A1.161 - Stylus test
stylus test(?)TEXTSLetters > s6 - A1.278 - Stylus test(?)
Letters > s7 - A1.q999.27 - Stylus test(?)
Letters > s8 - A1.q1021.4 - Stylus test(?)
stylus testTEXTSLetters > s9 - A1.q1062.3 - Stylus test
surface sherd Z1.66 (cuneiform text on ceramics)TEXTS / Other textsCuneiform on ceramics
table (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsUqnitum
tabulationsTabulations & IndicesTabulations
Tar’am-Agade (daughter of Naram-Sin): seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsTar'am-Agade
Tell Chuera: incised sherdsTEXTS / Other textsAlphabetic characters on ceramics? > Incised sherds from Tell Chuera
terminologyThe DataIntroduction > Terminology
text: administrativeTEXTSAdministrative texts
texts (administrative): allotment of an unknown item, possibly barleyTEXTSAdministrative texts > a2 - A10.377 - Allotment of an unknown item, possibly barley
texts (administrative): fragmentary record of copperTEXTSAdministrative texts > a3 - A10.163 - Fragmentary record of copper
texts (administrative): Hurrian account concerning field taxations(?)TEXTSAdministrative texts > a1 - A7.341 - Hurrian account concerning field taxations(?)
texts (administrative): unknown item (arids?)TEXTSAdministrative texts > a4 - A1.q961.6 - Unknown item (arids?)
texts (administrative): unknown item (arids)TEXTSAdministrative texts > a5 - A6.98 - Unknown item (arids)
Administrative texts > a6 - A6.q633.1 - Unknown item (arids)
texts (administrative): wineTEXTSAdministrative texts > a7 - A7.368 - Wine
texts: alphabetic characters on ceramics?TEXTS / Other textsAlphabetic characters on ceramics?
texts: Atal-šenTEXTSRoyal inscriptions > r1 - Atal-šen
texts: categoriesA2TEXTS > Categories of texts
texts: concordanceA2TEXTS > Concordance
texts: cuneiform on ceramics (surface sherd Z1.66)TEXTS / Other textsCuneiform on ceramics
texts: diacriticsA2TEXTS > Diacritics
texts: envelope of a letter(?)TEXTSLetters > l2 - A7.324.2 - Envelope of a letter(?)
Letters > l3 - A7.324.3 - Envelope of a letter(?)
texts: fragment of a letter-order(?)TEXTSLetters > l1 - A5.q846.1 - Fragment of a letter-order(?)
texts: illegibleTEXTS / Other textsIllegible texts
texts: incomprehensibleTEXTS / Other textsIncomprehensible texts
texts: lettersTEXTSLetters
texts: presentation formatA2TEXTS > Presentation format
texts: royal inscriptionsTEXTSRoyal inscriptions
texts: school textsTEXTSLetters
texts: scribal exercise(?)TEXTSLetters > s1 - A5.126 - Scribal exercise(?)
texts: scribal exerciseTEXTSLetters > s2 - A7.429 - Scribal exercise
texts: scribal exercise(?)TEXTSLetters > s3 - A17.q133.1 - Scribal exercise(?)
Letters > s4 - A18.q536.1 - Scribal exercise(?)
texts: stylus testTEXTSLetters > s10 - A5.q819.1 - Stylus test
Letters > s11 - A6.q623.1 - Stylus test
texts: stylus test(?)TEXTSLetters > s12 - A7.324.1 - Stylus test(?)
texts: stylus testTEXTSLetters > s5 - A1.161 - Stylus test
texts: stylus test(?)TEXTSLetters > s6 - A1.278 - Stylus test(?)
Letters > s7 - A1.q999.27 - Stylus test(?)
Letters > s8 - A1.q1021.4 - Stylus test(?)
texts: stylus testTEXTSLetters > s9 - A1.q1062.3 - Stylus test
text: Tiš-atalTEXTSRoyal inscriptions > r2 - Tiš-atal
throne-bearer: seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
Tiš-atalTEXTSRoyal inscriptions > r2 - Tiš-atal
Tuli (cook): seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
Tupkish (king of Urkesh): seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsTupkish
Unap: seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum
unknown item (arids?)TEXTSAdministrative texts > a4 - A1.q961.6 - Unknown item (arids?)
unknown item (arids)TEXTSAdministrative texts > a5 - A6.98 - Unknown item (arids)
Administrative texts > a6 - A6.q633.1 - Unknown item (arids)
Uqnitum (queen of Urkesh): seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsUqnitum
Urkesh: incised sherdsTEXTS / Other textsAlphabetic characters on ceramics? > Incised sherds from Urkesh
versionsA1Current version of Epigraphy & Texts
warrior with helmet (glyptics motif)TEXTS / Seal legendsTupkish
wineTEXTSAdministrative texts > a7 - A7.368 - Wine
Zamena (nurse): seal legendsTEXTS / Seal legendsCourtiers of Tupkish and Uqnitum