Unit Book A16

The Courtyard of the Tupkish Palace (Version 2)


Processed on 2025-03-07


Roster Date Author Record
Category !! !! ceramic vessel
Best definition 2015-08-05 mKB sherd [Input: ZJ205_mDP_b.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2015-08-05 mKB Diagnostic sherds of f184. [Input: ZJ205_mDP_b.j]
Notes on description 2015-08-05 mKB This assemblage comes exclusively from f184. The feature was chosen because it contained both late Phase 4 sherds and some clear Khabur period pottery, both painted and unpainted types. Its mixture of types makes it possible that this feature is transitional between these two phases. No single type can be seen as specific to this transitional moment but we can see variations of both in the shapes and wares, for instance the typical Phase 4 cup in an untypical thicker and coarser ware (q550-p26). It is very likely that specific shape (or even less ware) types do not exist as they would in a real transitional phase, but that new types appear gradually in a type of evolutionary fashion. [Input: ZJ205_mDP_b.j]
Elements included in assemblage
q550-p26 (xfx)
2015-08-05 mKB [Input: ZJ205_mDP_b.j]


Time Sequencing

Roster Date Author Record
Notes on time sequencing 2015-08-05 mKB Transitional Isin-Larsa to Khabur. [Input: ZJ205_mDP_b.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Notes on pottery 2015-08-05 mKB q550-p13: Bowl with greenish-yellow slip on the exterior and interior; this type and color of slip typical for the Khabur period. [Input: ZJ205_mDP_b.j]
2015-08-05 mKB q550-p14: Folded rim with a sharp lower edge of the rim, this characteristic is a possible indication to a late Phase 4b to early Phase 5a date. [Input: ZJ205_mDP_b.j]
2015-08-05 mKB q550-p1: Carinated bowl with sharp carination, in FC ware is typical for late Phase 4 but this shape in this ware also continues later but later it is usually made in RC ware. [Input: ZJ205_mDP_b.j]
2015-08-05 mKB q550-p26: Typical Phase 4 bag-shaped cup but this cup made in a coarser and thicker CH ware than usual Phase 4 examples so may be transitional between Phase 4b and 5a. Cups in all of Phase 5 are usually made in RC ware. [Input: ZJ205_mDP_b.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
Drawing of individual element (studio)

2015-08-05 mKB [Input: ZJ205_mDP_b.j]

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