Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Stratum (to which element belongs) |
2011-02-10 |
lC |
s651J1A [Input: V211LC.j] |
Phase (to which element belongs) |
2011-02-10 |
!! |
h3mJ1A [Input: V211LC.j] |
Stratigraphic reasons of assignment |
2011-02-11 |
lC |
Stratigraphic position and relationship with other nearby features, elevation show a date of EDIII. [Input: V212LC.j] |
Typological reasons for assignment |
2009-09-24 |
mKB |
(q1306) coarse wares: -p6 jar with rounded rim undercut on the exterior, may be a casserole, -p4 small jar, -p1 jar with globular body in a tan-brown slip, with some chaff and calcite, compact clay with smooth surface interior and exterior, this ware is much lecc coarse than the LCH ware. Fine ware: -p2 S ware rounded base, very green and well smoothed surface, -p3 small orange-brown bowl with simple rim in RC1 ware, -p32 conical cup greener toward base and yellow at rim, FC ware and rougher texture on interior and exterior than the usual FC ware surface [Input: T927MKB.j] |
2009-09-27 |
mKB |
LC3 coarse shapes: q1293-p1 part of jar neck with bright red burnished paint on exterior and interior, probably Uruk Red ware so probably imported but this sherd is a different color red and the examples from the Qraya excavations have a coarser surface texture. Fine wares: q1306-p5 flat base in gray-brown ware, q1306-p3 red-brown fine bowl, q1306-p32 cup yellow-buff near rim and greener below in a ware that is coarser than the usual Simple ware this cup is made out of, it has a lot of sand temper, other shapes: q1311-p1 and -p2 deep bowls with squared rims in a coarse ware but well fired, q1311-p70 body sherd of cooking vessel with triangular shaped depressions on exterior for heat transfer, q1311 green-buff conical cup with simple rim even distribution of color (therefore earlier than ED III), q1311-p4 red brown fine cup with small calcite temper with beaded rim that is undercut on the exterior, q1311-p5 small cup with beaded undercut rim with lightly incised, fine decoration on the exterior. [Input: T927MKB.j] |
Other reasons, reservations, qualifications |
2009-09-24 |
mKB |
mixed Phases 3s and 2h [Input: T927MKB.j] |
2009-09-27 |
mKB |
a feature below the early escarpment (^esc1), few shape sherds but LC3 sherds are clear and fine shapes are probably earlier but their date is not clear [Input: T927MKB.j] |
2009-09-27 |
mKB |
probably Phase 3 and Phase 2d-h (exact part of the Ninevite V period is unclear) [Input: T927MKB.j] |