
The Plaza below the Temple Terrace (Version 1a)

J1 Synthetical View / Stratigraphy

Depositional data for unit J1

Lorenzo Crescioli – May 2011

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In J1 there is relatively little intentional discard. Most of them are filling used to build a specific structure (Second escarpment), so they could not be considered as dumps. No pits recorded except for few very late and small sized ones (f187). The area of the Plaza had a strong sacral meaning, so if since Mittani period it started to be filled by natural accumulations, still no evidences for discard, dumping or filling are recorded.

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Many features are labelled as filling (f294, f296, f189, f305, f306, f239) and are part of the construction of second clay escarpment. In a sense is dumping material coming from a collapsed/abandoned building, but it was used as filling for a specific and presumably very important structure, part of Terrace complex: the second Escarpment. As shown by J1 East section (w200) and (v394), the material was brought and dumped from two different directions: before from South and in a second moment from North.

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Dumping is not attested in J1. The area at the base of the Revetment wall and the open space of the Plaza retained a sacral meaning along its whole existence. During earlier periods (Ninevite 5-EDIII) the area was kept clean, after, during Mittani period it started to fill up naturally and progressively, but it never became a dumping area, and installations, pits or tannur are not attested as well.

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