Unit Book J5

The Mittani Staircase - Version 1a


Processed on 2024-10-14


Roster Date Author Record
Best image 2009-03-13 jW [Input: T313JW.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Description (summary) 2008-07-20 lH This locus was the expected location of link between the temple and the palace. Due to time constraints in 2008, excavation was halted near the surface. [Input: S720LH1.j]



Roster Date Author Record
Daily notes about recovery of elements 2008-07-20 lH We opened a new locus, k54, to the west of k44; then we started to remove the topsoil, f32, after we took a photo for it, v19. Under the topsoil we noticed a new natural accumulation, f35, and under this accumulation was a hard crust of melted brick, f36. [Input: S720LH.j]
2008-07-21 lH We removed the rest of the natural accumulation, f35, in the northern half of the locus - using the big pick. Using the small pick, we started to remove the crust, f36. Then we found in the southwestern quadrant a new compact feature, f44. It is a natural accumulation that is free of pottery sherds and pebbles. In the northeastern quadrant, there is a line of stones, f40, 140 cm long that goes toward the west. The line has more than eight stones (15-30 cm length). [Input: S721LH.j]
2008-07-21 mO we dug in two parts; the first one is f36 which is crust. The second part is f35 (natural accumulation). We found new compact accumulation in the SW corner and we see the same accumulation in the SW corner of k44 covering the stones, f28. [Input: S721MO.j]
2008-07-22 lH We continued removing the natural accumulation, f44, but we didn`t remove the stones of f40. Under the last mentioned feature, we found a hard, compact crust. Lots q55 and q58 came frome above the crust. Lot q61 came from under the crust, and was sent to mKB for analysis because it might contain Middle Assyrian pottery. [Input: S722LH1.j]
2008-08-18 jW Photographed the halted excavation, v95. Placed plastic sheeting on the bottom and began to backfill it using soil from a number of loci under excavation. [Input: S818JW.j]

Volumetric Localization

Roster Date Author Record
Elements within locus 2008-07-20 sNP f32 (topsoil) [Input: S914LH.j]
2008-07-20 dL f35 (accumulation D), f36 (accumulation C) [Input: S914LH.j]
2008-07-21 lH f40 (stone installation) [Input: S914LH.j]
2008-07-22 mO f44 (accumulation D) [Input: S914LH.j]
2008-07-21 dL i15 (clay lump) [Input: T323JW.j]
2008-07-22 sNP i19 (bead (clay)) [Input: T323JW.j]
2008-07-20 sNP q41 (pottery) [Input: S720DL2.j]
2008-07-20 mO q43 (pottery) [Input: S720DL2.j]
2008-07-21 dL q45 (pottery), q48 (bones, pottery), q49 (bones, pottery), q52 (pottery) [Input: S721DL2.j]
2008-07-22 sNP q55 (bones, pottery) [Input: S722DL1.j]
2008-07-22 mO q58 (bones, pottery) [Input: S722DL1.j]
2008-07-22 dL q61 (bones, pottery) [Input: S722DL1.j]
Extension of locus or q-lot 2008-07-20 lH m4745 [Input: S720LH1.j]
Length of two sides 2008-07-20 lH 500 E [Input: S720LH1.j]
2008-07-20 lH 500 N [Input: S720LH1.j]


Analogical Record

Roster Date Author Record
View/drawing of locus

2008-07-20 lH [Input: S722LH.j]

2008-08-11 lH [Input: S811LH.j]

2008-08-11 lH [Input: S811LH.j]

2008-08-11 lH [Input: S811LH.j]

2008-08-24 lH [Input: S824LH.j]

2009-03-23 jW [Input: T323JW1.j]