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The second volume of the Grammar (“The Manual”) is given here in its entirety.
It serves as a practical guide for the application of the codes during the recording process and for the implementation of the programs in preparing, on a daily basis, the browser edition. As such, it is reserved to members of the staff working on the project.
As a matter of general interest, one will find here the compact Table of Contents.
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Compact Table of Contents
NB: Please note that the numbering system of the chapters in this second volume follows a specific standard (slightly different from the system used in the first volume): to each major section (i.e., A, B, C, D, E, F) a specific numbering span (set of ten) has been assigned (e.g., section A spans 1-9, section 2 spans 10-19, etc.); therefore, the chapter numbering is sometimes not progressive (i.e., there are gaps from one major section to the following one): this has been established on purpose, to keep the numbering system (divided into sets of ten) fully coherent.
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