Mozan Sitewide (Version 2, Beta release)

MZS synthetic view / Stratigraphy


Giorgio Buccellati – June 2017, June 2024

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The notion

The system aims to harmonize the narrower scope of an individual excavation unit or excavation area with the wider scope of the site as a whole. We refer to the unit or area system as a “sequence” and to the site system as a “frame” (see the Grammar for a more detailed explanation).

Sequences define the strata. They are construed exclusively on the basis of emplacement and depositional factors as they are found within any given unit. Strata are clustered into phases using extra-stratigraphic criteria.

The frame defines horizons and phases, which are shared by all sequences. It includes the sequences, but is construed on the basis of data extraneous to the units and to site itself. For this reason, they are found in the section based on integrative analysis.

The wider frame is identified by the label MZS followed by a letter indicating the relative sequential order. The current frame is MZA.

This may be summarized as follows:

frame sequence
area unit
digital book MZS AA
full label
with version
relates to horizons
and phases
and phases

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Strata sequences

This section provides the strata sequences used in the various excavation units. Some sequences are restricted to single units, while others are shared by various units within an area.

Each sequence is identified first by the label of the proper digital book, i. e., e.g. A15, or for an area book, e.g. AA, each being followed by a letter indicating the srelative equential order, e. g., A15A (referring to the first version of the A15 seauence) or JPD (referring to the fourth version of the JP sequence).

Area sequences AAA (missing)
AAB March 2001
AAC September 2001
AAC phases overview July 2001
AAD compared to C2 July 2002
AAE August 2005
AAE early July 2005
AAE late July 2005
AAF (missing)
AAG (only for A14 features) June 2007
AAH (for unit A16) June 2007
JPA August 2007
JPB July 2008
JPD October 2011
MCC July 2008

Unit sequences A14 October 2011
A15a March 2024
A16 October 2011
J2a December 2010
J3b October 2012
J5b May 2020

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