Mozan Sitewide (Version 2, Beta release)

Specific label indices

Giorgio Buccellati – July 2008

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The concept of indexing

The indices provided by the Urkesh Global Record go beyond a search function among established categories, and create instead a new reference category, that of “specific labels,” which is explained below. The notion of indexing implies a numbered sequence that related to an ordering relationship among elements of a given category. As such, it is more than just a sorted alphabetical list.

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The notion of specific label

Specific labels match the entries found in the category of definition, but add the indexing property. Thus features that have been identifed as walls, or items that have been identified as figurines, are given a new number that is sequential within a given category and a given book. This indexing is not automated, nor does it necessarily include all elements in ay given category. It can be selective, and if so it is in function of singling out the most significant elements. Thus a couple of bricks of an isolated wall may well be omitted from an index of specific labels. The complete index wil be found in the indices given under tabulations, which include all definitions, even though they are not numerically indexed.

A specific label differs from a regular element label that subsumes other element labels. Thus, a wall that has been assigned two distinct feature numbers during excavation (e.g., because they were separated by a baulk), may be subsumed under a new feature number, but not be indexed with a specific label if the resulting “new” wall does not seem to warrant being so selected.

A specific label also differs from an aggregate. The latter is a cluster of elements, and will typically be indexed under the appropriate definition (e.g., for graves or rooms within a building).

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Sitewide indices

All indices are currently restricted to individual units and areas. I have at this point established an overall specific label index for the entire site.

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