Mozan Sitewide (Version 2, Beta release)

The site presentation program

Giorgio Buccellati – July 2025

The site presentation effort has been a central concern of the Mozan project ever since the beginning. It is intrinsically linked to the needs of conservation and storage. Over the years, this has developed into a large scale endeavor, with much thought being given to the broad general presuppositions which should guide such a task. I have also engaged in a variety of different experiments, with regard to both content and format.

Much of this work is of general interest, and it reaches beyond the confines of the Urkesh Global Record, so that a full digital monograph is dedicated to this subject in the website.
Within the individual unit books of the Urkesh Global Record, a discursive section (accessed from the left sidebar of the UGR frame) is devoted to Site Presentation (see, e.g., in Unit J1). Here one will find details of the implementation of our Site Presentation program as they pertain in particular to that unit.

There is one special aspect of Sit Presentation that fits properly within the Urkesh Global Record. It pertains to strategic decisions that are reached with a view toward enhancing the presentation aspect of the finds. The pertinent record is interspersed within the observations made during the excavations, generally within the entries on strategy and in the special roster entries devoted to site presentation (codes N10 and N11 of the Main Roster). Occasionally, certain operations are undertaken specifically in function of site presentation – for example, the work in S6.

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