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Mutleb Malik

Marco De Pietri – August 2023

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Mutleb Malik (mM1)

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Staff profile

Processed on 14 August 2010

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Curriculum vitae

April 16, 1988Born, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
2007Graduated (Abitur), Ernst-Reuter Schule I (High School)
since 2007Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Near Eastern Archaeology

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Archaeological field work

2008Excavations at Tell Chuera, Syria (Director: Prof. Dr. Jan-Waalke Meyer, Goethe University Frankfurt)
2009Excavations at Tell Chuera, Syria (Director: Prof. Dr. Jan-Waalke Meyer, Goethe University Frankfurt)
2010IIMAS Excavations at Tell Mozan, Syria

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Tasks at Mozan

2010Assistant Archaeologist, J3 and J5, preparing and editing the UGR. Section-Drawing (Palace). Pottery Analysis

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