Roster |
Date |
Author |
Record |
Photo of context (v view) |
View/drawing of features |
1999-06-28 |
jl |
f110 (volumetric material) f120 (pavement, type c) [Input: J806JL2.j] |
View/drawing orientation |
1999-06-28 |
jl |
looking south [Input: J806JL2.j] |
General notes on photos |
1999-06-28 |
jlw |
a narrow section of sherd surface was visible after partially excavating the platform left after the excavations in A2 closed last season (1997). It is unusual in that very large sherds were used to construct the surface. The photo illustrates the layoout and preserves in case the sherds become loosened from their packing and are removed. [Input: J628JLW.j] |
1999-07-11 |
jlw |
while excavating f110, the accumulation in the vicinity of doorway a17 in k6 connecting sectors B and F of building AK, we encountered a 25cm-wide layer of sherds, f120, apparently laid as a floor or a step. Further excavation did not reveal any connecting surfaces, so MKB opined that it was really a place where people broke damaged pottery to use the sherds for other purposes. This photo shows an overhead view of this sherd layer, looking south toward a17. [Input: J711JLW1.j] |
Text description of view |
1999-06-28 |
jl |
pot smash [Input: J806JL2.j] |