Unit Book A16

Version 2

Typological index with Frequency Computations
Objects (excluding ceramics) and samples
typologically by definition

Processed on 2024-07-09
Included here are movable elements, which are
  • either artifactual (objects such as seals ans seal impression, figurines or ceramic vessels), or
  • natural (samples and specimens such as charred wood, animal bones or botanical remnants).
They include both items and q-items, a distinction that is based on stratigraphic criteria.
Sherds are excluded and listed elsewhere, because, given the large amounts in which they occur, they would unduly skew the frequencies.

The main typological categories (surfaces, build-up, etc.) are listed according to types as defined in the pertinent section of the Grammar.

Category Total Percentage Definitions Sub-Total Percentage
baf 1 0% uncertain 90 9000%
bone artifact 1 0% uncertain 90 9000%
caf 98 15% ^bd 23 23%
^kw 15 15%
andiron 1 1%
bead 12 12%
clay lump 12 12%
crucible 1 1%
disk 1 1%
Numeric tablet 1 1%
sealing 10 10%
sling ball 4 4%
uncertain 90 92%
unknown 63 64%
various 3 3%
weight 6 6%
clay artifact 99 15% ^bo 2 2%
^cl 87 88%
^fg 96 97%
^kw 15 15%
^si 58 59%
^sl 35 35%
bead (clay) 12 12%
brick 2 2%
clay lump 12 12%
clay strainer 3 3%
figurine 8 8%
goblet 1 1%
kiln waste 1 1%
kiln waster 1 1%
seal impression 8 8%
sealing 10 10%
sealing impression 4 4%
token 1 1%
uncertain clay artifact 2 2%
wheel 10 10%
laf 169 25% ^mortar 2 1%
axe 2 1%
debitage 82 49%
door socket 11 7%
flake 6 4%
lithic specimen 19 11%
lithic tool 1 1%
mortar 2 1%
pestle 6 4%
river pebble 1 1%
scraper 2 1%
tool 16 9%
uncertain 90 53%
unknown 63 37%
weight 6 4%
lithic artifact 160 24% ^bd 23 14%
^bl 13 8%
^la 23 14%
^se 2 1%
^si 58 36%
^sm 59 37%
bead 12 8%
blade 43 27%
debitage 82 51%
flake 6 4%
grinding stone 40 25%
lithic artifact 1 1%
lithic specimen 19 12%
maf 60 9% ^pi 5 8%
^uc 1 2%
^uk 12 20%
bead 12 20%
bracelet 1 2%
bucket 1 2%
earring 2 3%
jewellery 1 2%
metal wire 1 2%
needle 1 2%
needle or pin 1 2%
pin 12 20%
ring 1 2%
slag 7 12%
spearhead 1 2%
tool 16 27%
tool, pin or nail 1 2%
uncertain 90 150%
unknown 63 105%
weapon 1 2%
metal artifact 28 4% ^je 13 46%
^la 23 82%
^pi 5 18%
^sm 59 211%
^to 2 7%
jewelry 1 4%
jewelry item 2 7%
pin 12 43%
slag 7 25%
organic 35 5% ^sh 12 34%
bone artifact 2 6%
human body 27 77%
shell artifact 2 6%
other 12 2% sample 8 67%
tool 16 133%
sample 2 0% soil 2 100%
shell artifact 1 0% uncertain 90 9000%
specimen 2 0% animal bone 1 50%
animal bones 1 50%
unknown 1 0% unknown 63 6300%
Total 669 100%


Total: 1


Total: 1


Total: 1


Total: 1


Total: 2


Total: 2


Total: 1

kiln waste

Total: 1

kiln waster

Total: 1


Total: 1


Total: 2

lithic tool

Total: 1


Total: 2

river pebble

Total: 1


Total: 2


Total: 1


Total: 1


Total: 1


Total: 2


Total: 1

metal wire

Total: 1


Total: 1

needle or pin

Total: 1


Total: 1


Total: 1


Total: 1


Total: 2


Total: 1


Total: 2


Total: 2


Total: 2

animal bone

Total: 1

animal bones

Total: 1


Total: 1